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Anyone notice tarp covering the outermost sections of the upper deck while watching the Jacksonville game tonight? Perhaps it is just decoration not covering seats but wanted to see if anyone else picked up on it.


Cheap way to get a sellout if they are actually covering seats...


Definitely picked up on that, especially cuz they made a point to mention it was a sellout with 66,000 fans. At least 4 sections were covered. They do it consistently there. I can only assume it is to lift the local blackout, since all "available" tickets are sold?? It's pretty ridiculous.


They covered those seats up this offseason in an attempt to sell out there home games. It took the capacoty from about 74,000 to 66,000. If a team does this they ahve to keep it that way. So even if the Jags got a home playoff game, and wanted to use those seats they would be unable to do so. Kind of an interesting rule.


Where was that option in the 70's and 80's when the Bills had to sell 80,000 seats to get on local TV? We are the 2nd smallest market and i recall many crowds in the low to mid 70K and we still couldn't get the blackout lifted. Jacksonville is incredibly lame if you ask me.


75% of the upperdeck seating there is FREE to all active duty military. I was stationed in Mayport back in 98 all we had to do was go to MWR and the issued free tickets to you and your family FREE! It was the same for the Jacksonville Lizard Kings (ECHL hockey) when they were there. We had to show up in uniform but heck, it was worth it! Got to see Jack-Carolina back when they were the new team in the league. I dont think they can sell that place out on their own. Most the people around there were Dolphin fans. I dont know how it is now, its been a couple of years, but parking there was BULLCRAP! Tons of private lots where you have to pay 50-100 bucks to party or park on the lot where their clubs are. Buffalo crushes that place!


They should do what pro wrestling used to do back in the day. They would stick cardboard "people" in the seats to make it look like the arena was filled. That could be a decent business. "Stadium not selling out? Tired of Blackouts? Buy ACME cardboard fans and fill your stadium every Sunday! Fans available in all 32 team colors"

Where was that option in the 70's and 80's when the Bills had to sell 80,000 seats to get on local TV?  We are the 2nd smallest market and i recall many crowds in the low to mid 70K and we still couldn't get the blackout lifted.  Jacksonville is incredibly lame if you ask me.


During that time, the 80's anyway, didn't the Raiders do this in the LA Colliseum? I am not sure exactly when the rule started.


It has become embarrassing for the Jags to have all the empty seats when they have a competitive team. Like was stated earlier, the Jags can't pull the tarps on and off, on a per game basis. They are on for at least the 2005 season. This is one city, where in hindsight, should not have been awarded a franchise.

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