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Is it Me or are millions dying


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Reading the headlines today, it's not a stretch to wonder if this is the stuff that caused Nostradamus to be so horrified that he stopped looking into the future.... I'm not sure whether this stuff is happening more frequently, or if it's just being reported more frequently.


Wonder if the mullahs are attributing this quake as Allah punishing them. Sad thing is, they will probably blame it on Musharraf and the "moderate" Islamists, etc., in their societies.

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more and more from natural disasters... if this was 2000 years ago, people would be fearing that God was punishing mankind for its wickedness





In the interest of giving competing theories equal time: either sh-- just happens, we've pissed off God, or it's all the work of the Flying Spaghetti Monster and His Noodly Appendage...

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Darin hit it on the head.


Katrina wouldn't have killed 100 people in 1800.


In an era before big city living, this weekend's earthquake wouldn't have done more than wake a few nomads from their sleep.


The Tsunami would have killed a lot of people at any time, but it would have been less when the world pop. was 500 million.


Please don't admit to believing Nostradamus.

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more and more from natural disasters... if this was 2000 years ago, people would be fearing that God was punishing mankind for its wickedness





Get used to it. The climate is like a spinning top that is beginning to wobble, and we've packed too many people in fringe areas. Frankly, it's too late to do anything about it so we might as well enjoy the ride.


You can add to it that we have increasingly many outbreaks of both man- and animal-borne disease. Outbreaks of mad cow disease used to be so rare that embargoing that countries produce made sense. Have you noticed that outbreaks are getting more or less annual? That's what happens when you pack the same type of creatures densly.


Most of the fish we consume now comes from fish farms, which are now being moved to the oceans where disease can be passed among stocks with greater probability (though we work to prevent it). This increase leads to a truely dangerous risk: that one of these days something virulent may arise, expand in a fish farm, and spread to open water. A real contamination of global fisheries would starve millions.

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Darin hit it on the head.


Katrina wouldn't have killed 100 people in 1800.


In an era before big city living, this weekend's earthquake wouldn't have done more than wake a few nomads from their sleep.


The Tsunami would have killed a lot of people at any time, but it would have been less when the world pop. was 500 million.


Please don't admit to believing Nostradamus.



I admit, Darin needs a hit on the head or has been hit on the head. :lol::lol:


Katrina would have killed few... Heck I even mentioned sometime ago how the mouth of the Mississippi was delayed being located by European explorers by about a 100 years because of a huge monster-Katrina type storm.


Unless you are living in man-made structures that could explode, bury and crush you... Being swallowed up by the earth is like winning the lottery?


I remember hearing about an island in the Indian Ocean that has no outside influence. They came out of the tsunami unscathed. Obviously, that society has some cognitive ability that has been lost to their modern counterparts?


I don't believe Nostradamus... He does make interesting reading.


And... Are you related to the Lablaw's food supermarket busines that existed in the Buffalo/Canada area sometime ago? Some of my family used to work with the distribution end of the company. My favorite promotion as a kid in the early '70's was collecting the NHL player sticker album. :lol::D



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Yeah, forget that flood 7000 years ago, or the walls of the world largest city crumbling and killing everyone, or the blood in the rivers of egypt, or the locust, or every first born male being killed unless you had a dead lamb on your door, or the entire egyption army being killed by that river crashing in on them.


Also, the Nanking incident where 200,000 were killed.


Or the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.


Or the earthquake in San Fran about 100 years ago.


Or the earthquake in 1556 in Shensi of China. Nearly 1 million killed.


Or the flood in Kaifeng in China that killed 300,000 in 1642.


How about the earthquake in 893 in Iran that killed over 150,000.


The earthquake in 1923 in Japan that killed 300,000.



There are plenty more. But sh-- happens.

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Yeah, forget that flood 7000 years ago, or the walls of the world largest city crumbling and killing everyone, or the blood in the rivers of egypt, or the locust, or every first born male being killed unless you had a dead lamb on your door,  or the entire egyption army being killed by that river crashing in on them.   




There are plenty more.  But sh--  happens.



I'm sorry...was your point "sh-- happens"? Or was it "These are God's retributions for our sins?"



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I am a bit confused too KRC... And you know you don't want to confuse me anymore than you want too... :lol:  :lol:


I don't think the "Rape of Nanking" was also natural. If that is what VA was referring to?


:blink:  :lol:



Well first off Japan denies anything to do with it, so it must have been natural.


Secondly Japan was being *****, so naturally it was our task to bomb them.



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Ironically, part of the problem is that not enough people have been dying in natural disasters. This lull over the last few hundred years has resulted in unsustainable buildup.


To give one example, the earthquakes in the California fault zones have been relatively quiet over the last 50 years, and development has proceeded accordingly. But the plates havn't stopped moving - the energy continues to build, so that when it is released it will snap with much more force than it would if there were more regularly occuring 4.5's to release the tension. Same thing - an unusually quiet fault zone - is happening in the Northern India area, and (I think) Japan.


And don't even ask about Yellowstone!

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Ironically, part of the problem is that not enough people have been dying in natural disasters.  This lull over the last few hundred years has resulted in unsustainable buildup.


To give one example,  the earthquakes in the California fault zones have been relatively quiet over the last 50 years,  and development has proceeded accordingly.  But the plates havn't stopped moving - the energy continues to build, so that when it is released it will snap with much more force than it would if there were more regularly occuring 4.5's to release the tension.  Same thing - an unusually quiet fault zone - is happening in the Northern India area,  and (I think) Japan.


And don't even ask about Yellowstone!



You are so right... Will people ever learn?


The Great Lake's elevations have been down for sometime... Just watch what happens when the cycle swings back towards high water... The idiots will complain their docks and beach front property are all getting wiped out.



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