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Have we ruined another young quarterback?


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Have the Bills brass ruined JP becuase the rushed him to start so quickly? I think it would have been different if he didn't miss so much action last year. Mike and Tom should have realized his limited playing last year would hinder him. I guess we should start looking for his replacement in the college ranks. I hope the brain trust of the bills decide to upgrade the O-line before they decide to start another young QB! Good luck to K. Holcomb tomorrow, your gonna need it!

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Have the Bills brass ruined JP becuase the rushed him to start so quickly?  I think it would have been different if he didn't miss so much action last year.  Mike and Tom should have realized his limited playing last year would hinder him.  I guess we should start looking for his replacement in the college ranks.  I hope the brain trust of the bills decide to upgrade the O-line before they decide to start another young QB!  Good luck to K. Holcomb tomorrow, your gonna need it!




I don't think they "ruined" JP, but things certainly have not gone acording to plans.


The plan was to have him see playing time last season and potentially start later in the season. The broken leg kept him out as we went 0-4, and by the time he was ready to play the team had it in gear and the Bills decided not to upset that situation by making a change at QB. Had we gotten to the playoffs I think most would have agreed it was a good move.


Unfortuantely, we didn't make the playoffs so the presure to do so has increased. The team felt that it should stick to its original plan to have Losman start in 2005, and that's the decision that has really hurt. J.P. really missed his "mentoring year" which is crucial for development.


I don't see the Bills "ruining" him, but if he doesn't get plenty of playing time to learn at the NFL level he's never going to develop. My long term fear as that he spends time developing here but is never capable enough to lead the team and he ends up on another team as a great QB. Time will tell.

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Do you think, if we upgraded the Line and stuck to a power running game, that JP would have been more successful?




I think if the D had even done an average job of stopping the run so far (which is even more rediculous given our stated goals of 85 Bears or ravens like performance) it would have been a very different performance from JP this year.


He was learning last year but clearly did show the results of learning and good performance from him in low pressure mop-up duty.


He clearly is pressing and trying to do to much this year as he dumbly has taken responsiblity on his and his along shoulder because the D had been so wretched. He is just not capable (yet it is to be hoped) of production in these high pressure situations.


Will he ever be able to produce in these situations? Well, in the NFL even for the best players the answer is always maybe when you look into the future. Clearly in the pass impovising while running for his life at Tulane and showing progress and growth as a pro moving up from the debacle at NE, to needless penalties but ending with a TD by handing off to WM, to a needless TO but again taking us to a score, he has shown the ability to play the pro game when others lead the team.


This leadership has not happened around him this year and though I agree that he has completely failed to provide the leadership in terms of production you want from a QB so far, but declaring him ruined seems like a bit panicled to me. The Bills though virtue of the salary cap have invested a bubch of $ in JP and just as the Bills have not yet given up on their huge investment in M Williams despite spotty returns from him I think that it is probably more correct to think of the Bills dealing with JP in a way similar to the chances they have given him rather than them dealing with hims as though he were Ryan Leaf.

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The Bills though virtue of the salary cap have invested a bu[n]ch of $ in JP...



Actually, they haven't, relatively speakin'.


Based from his gametime last season to this season, he has learned a lot. Now he just needs to calm down on his throws and adjust to the speed of the NFL. The reason fans are pissed is b/c you don't learn this on the sidelines.


As for leadership, I'm torn when trying to view it through the eyes of his teammates. Do they see it more in terms of how they themselves were introduced in the league, being benched when they goofed, etc.? Or a more pessimistic attitude that they've lost confidence in him, and thus, JP's ability to take a leadership role has taken a hit? I would think they might be able to empathize, but then there's Moulds' comments to slap you in the face.


When JP gets back in the huddle, he's going to have to work extra hard to prove that he can do it, and I don't think that puts him in the greatest situation given what his problems have been so far. Unless TC actually calls a good game and breaks him in slowly by actually utilizing Willis to take a lot of the pressure off.

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