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LAMP: I ripped one in a meeting at work

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Thank you, today was way too stressful, and it just melted away as I laughed until I cried. Fart Humor rules. Gas is rarely a problem in my workplace. We are way to casual. Like, pull my finger casual. One time though I let a bad day after chili fart fly right in the entryway of the store. About a minute later a lady walked in and her look was priceless. We gotta get a survwillance system. I think she could have earned me $10,000.

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Thank you, today was way too stressful, and it just melted away as I laughed until I cried.  Fart Humor rules. Gas is rarely a problem in my workplace.  We are way to casual.  Like, pull my finger casual.  One time though I let a bad day after chili fart fly right in the entryway  of the store.  About a minute later a lady walked in and her look was priceless.  We gotta get a survwillance system.  I think she could have earned me $10,000.


YEAH, you've even got the JP fart avatar goin!!! You rule!

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I was playing cards last night until about 1am with a group of people.  Obviously, we were grilling some food and drinking plenty of beers.  I did not feel all that "with it" when I woke up for work this morning.  But I toughed it out and made it in...I mean, when are you not a little hungover for work on Friday, right?


So anyways, I was sitting at my desk in my office, and I let a little squeaker go that absolutely smelled horrible.  I was the only one there and even I was horrified.  It was a devilish mix of some grilled shrimp, steak, and Labatts Blue.  I had to take a walk just to let it clear out a bit.


Of course, I have a meeting today from 10am-Noon.  It is a year-end planning meeting, and there were about 12 people in there (including 3 women) and everyone is sitting at a big conference table.  The guy running the meeting was sitting at the head of the table.  He had a laptop in front of him and was taking the group through a powerpoint presentation which was projected onto a big screen on the wall.


So there I am, about an hour into this thing, and I could have farted about 15 times.  But I held it in because I knew the smell would dominate everybody in these close quarters.  But finally, I guess I either gave up, or I just wanted to see what everyone would do when the powerful odor made its presence felt.  So I let a nice one go, silent but most certainly deadly.  About 7 seconds after I let fly, I could smell it.  It was the same, if not worse, than the one in my office.  Absolutely horrible.


I just sat there following along with the presentation like nothing happened.  I noticed some people start moving in their chairs a little bit.  I heard a few sniffles.  I saw some people looking at each other with the "What is that?" face.  Then, the guy talking through the presentation just stopped and said, "Oh my God, who did THAT?"  The whole room burst out laughing, and everyone was just looking and pointing at each other.  I was sitting there, laughing like everyone else, saying it was disgusting, but of course not fessing up to it.  I even saw one guy trying to pin it on one of the ladies.  I was dying.


The guy who was running the meeting just got up, shook his head, opened the door for some air, and then sat back down and got on with the presentation. 


I did not have the stones to cut another one loose; besides, I got my chuckle for the day.  Oh man, the weekend cannot come soon enough...





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