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This is a great topic! It is so true that no matter the circumstances we all live and die Bills fans. That is exactly why everyone gets so emotionally charged over every up and down, every trade and acquisition, and each win and loss. Heck, it is why we rant and rave right here on TSW and why we keep coming back and reading this board.


I went to my first game at the old rockpile in 1963 and didn't miss a home game until I left for college in 1972. I came back in 1976 and was lucky enough to work on the Bills broadcast production team at WBEN from 1981 through 1986. I was at the '64 championship win, and sat through the dismal 1-win season and everything in-between. Yes, Rockpile, I was at that Bengals game and I stayed even when my dad waited through the 2nd half in the car as the snow stuck to my skin and I could hardly see the field.


I have not lived in the Buffalo area since 1987 but have faithfully returned to attend at least 1 home game every year since. I have travelled to several "away" games to see our Bills, even in the preseason. Do I care if they win? Yeah, sure. Does it make me any less a Bills fan if they don't? Heck, no.


If I can put up with the Harvey Johnsons and Hank Bulloughs and can handle seasons like 1968 and 1971, I kind of feel excited about this year. After all, we won't go winless this year!

I can pinpoint a moment about 5-7 years ago, that epitomizes what the Bills mean to me.  It was after the Bills super bowl run, and the team slowly began to get worse.  Back in these days, my family hadn't yet sprung for NFL sunday ticket, so each Sunday we waited and hoped that the Bills would be shown in our viewing area.  On this specific Sunday, we were out of luck.  Some other game was going to be on.  Disappointed once again, we prepared ourselves of another Sunday of frequent update checking.  Then, an idea came to my Dad.  He had just got a TV tuner for has laptop and he must have been eager to use it because he cooked up the hairbrained scheme to drive an hour to Binghamton to get into the Bills viewing area.  In the Bills area we would be free to watch the game as we pleased.  Dying to see the Bills game, I agreed. 


That day, my Dad and I huddled in our Honda Civic glaring at a fuzzy computer screen not as a couple of losers that could have just drove 10 minutes to a sports bar, but as Bills fans.  It didn't matter who we played (Bears), or if we won (we did), what mattered is that Bills fandom runs through our blood, and it's something that can't be denied.  We don't watch the Bills games because they are a great team, we watch them because we are compelled to.  We grew up with them.  We've watched in excitement while they've demolished teams.  We've watched in shame as they were killed.  Why do you think so many of you are here today after nearly 10 years of mediocrity.  Because you have no other choice.  So whine and complain and threaten to sell your season tickets, but in the end, you know where you'll be next season.  You'll be sitting in front of you TV screen cheering for the Bills, yelling at the refs after the inevitable bad call, and celebrating with your buds after each touchdown.  See you guys in Buffalo for our eventual super bowl celebration.



That was great post. If you ever want to drive to Binghamton to watch a game with me again, I still have that TV tuner for my laptop. I'll bring the snacks too.


How about tomorrow?


Memory lane. What a great place to live. I became a fan of the Bills in 1972 as a sophmore in H.S. Got caught up it watching the juice and the electric co. My friend was a miami fan and of course that was the year that... well, you know. They happened to win a lot of games. I will always be a Bills fan regardless of how many games they win or lose.

Memory lane. What a great place to live. I became a fan of the Bills in 1972 as a sophmore in H.S. Got caught up it watching the juice and the electric co. My friend was a miami fan and of course that was the year that... well, you know. They happened to win a lot of games. I will always be a Bills fan regardless of how many games they win or lose.




Nice! A sensetive football fan! I stil think that you should join "Red Sox nation"!

Great post!  :w00t:


I always liked the Bills as a kid and shook Tom Day's hand when I was eleven years old. What made me realize how hooked I was happened at a game in the Rockpile. The expansion team Cincinatti Bengals, led by Greg Cooke came to town during a classic Buffalo Blizzard. I sat in the covered end zone, and the stadium lights were on. There were times that the scoreboard disappeared in the blinding snow. At halftime there was several inches of snow on top of the blanket on the lap of me, my Dad, and my brother. Remember this was in the covered end zone.  :w00t:


I sat there sipping hot chocolate thinking how COOL this was!  0:)


Oh yeah, the Bills won.


I think I remember that game too, the BILLS won 16-13, and it was OJ's rookie season ?


BTW ... Great post otiba ...




it does get into your blood, doesn't it? last sunday at 4 o'clock i was so pissed off i vowed that this week, i would do anything...ANYTHING... other than waste another 3 hrs watching these #$$%&!!! losers blow another game. after all, is life not TOO PRECIOUS to waste 3 hours of a beautiful autumn sunday (and they're ALL beautiful) on the couch swearing at the tv??!


but 7 days later, i laugh at that sentiment. who the hell was i kidding? at 1pm today i will be exactly where i always am... 0:)


If memory serves me correct the Oils Game was a Radio only-game and WKBW-channel 7 tape-delay the Game.


"I agree this true as it was THE GREATEST GAME EVER PLAYED and the bills were at home against the Oilers, it was not sold out and i woulda/coulda gone" else were on the board


I haven't lived in WNY since 1993. Since then I've lived in three different states and Canada. I have taken my love for the Bills where ever I have lived. People don't understand my devotion. But I don't care. My family can not understand why I continue to purchase the NFL Sunday Ticket. My wife can not understand why I get so excited about each and every game (even when they are 0-4 or 1-3). The Buffalo Bills are a part of who I am. As long as they are in Buffalo they will be my team. As a pastor, my church waits for my Buffalo Bills reference during my sermon each week. Bottom line. No matter what the record, what the score I am PROUD to be a Buffalo Bills fan.


Go Bills!


I'm already camped out in my favorite chair, the leather one in the corner of the room. The seat of the chair is sunken in where my fat ass has made a permanent crator. (my family makes fun of that every chance they get) I have NFL Ticket so I can watch all the Bills games. The best investment I ever made.


I have my laptop in front of me as browsing TBD. I have three tvs in front of me. On the center tv, the Sony 34" HD will be the Bills game. On either side of the Sony are 12" tvs that will have NFL games that impact my fantasy team. I play fantasty football so I can potentially have something to feel good about if the Bills lose. Unfortunately, when the Bills lose, nothing can make me feel good.


I used to watch all the games with my four sons but now they are grown up and either living out of town or working so I mostly watch the games by myself now. There's nothing like watching the Bills with your sons, celebrating the victories and lamenting the losses. I always get a phone call from them about 5 minutes before kickoff to talk about the game and the conversation always ends with that familiar phrase..."Go Bills"

Great post!  :w00t:


I always liked the Bills as a kid and shook Tom Day's hand when I was eleven years old. What made me realize how hooked I was happened at a game in the Rockpile. The expansion team Cincinatti Bengals, led by Greg Cooke came to town during a classic Buffalo Blizzard. I sat in the covered end zone, and the stadium lights were on. There were times that the scoreboard disappeared in the blinding snow. At halftime there was several inches of snow on top of the blanket on the lap of me, my Dad, and my brother. Remember this was in the covered end zone.  :w00t:


I sat there sipping hot chocolate thinking how COOL this was!  0:)


Oh yeah, the Bills won.


That brings back memories too. As a young I got on ths sideline with the Bills Chief Photographer Robert L.Smith. Standing there on the Bills side and looking around at that place the "rockpile" and how old that place was. The snow fences along the outside of the field that was something you don't see anymore. The old days.


I disagree


My family is a part of who I am. My family from the itme each one of us is born is the same person. Same SS#. Same DNA. They stay that way until they die.


The Bills are nothing more than a set of numbered jerseys. Rotate Flutie in one year, and a couple years later bring Bledsoe in. Put him in a Bills jersey and now Bledsoe's a Bill? Hardy. He's a Patriot in a Bills jersey and what did he do for us?


The Bills used to be tied to my heart. Just like all of us. But then quite a few of us figured out the game. The owner and staff do what they have to do to sell tickets. Period. After that the W/L column can go to hell.


Being sentimental is sweet and it will get posters to say ooo and ah. But is won't win football games. It does however keep the owner in money while he counts it in Detroit.


I'm looking forward to the day when the Bills have a new owner who is dedicated to putting a winner on the field and not solely interested in only putting a mediocre product on the field and money in his pockets.

I disagree


My family is a part of who I am.  My family from the itme each one of us is born is the same person.  Same SS#.  Same DNA.  They stay that way until they die.


The Bills are nothing more than a set of numbered jerseys.  Rotate Flutie in one year, and a couple years later bring Bledsoe in.  Put him in a Bills jersey and now Bledsoe's a Bill?  Hardy.  He's a Patriot in a Bills jersey and what did he do for us?


The Bills used to be tied to my heart.  Just like all of us.  But then quite a few of us figured out the game.  The owner and staff do what they have to do to sell tickets.  Period.  After that the W/L column can go to hell.


Being sentimental is sweet and it will get posters to say ooo and ah.  But is won't win football games.  It does however keep the owner in money while he counts it in Detroit.


I'm looking forward to the day when the Bills have a new owner who is dedicated to putting a winner on the field and not solely interested in only putting a mediocre product on the field and money in his pockets.




Forgive me in advance.. but fans like you make me sick! PLEASE go follow another team to root for like the NY Jets.. I love hating fans like you. You are a disgrace to true loyal fans of every football team in the NFL.


I love my family and they are number one in my life. Being a bills fan has been something I have grown up with and I inherited from my family. My relatives are all Bills fans! Sure I don't agree with everything Ralph Wilson or TD or MM does.. and I get frustrated with the players! But I love to follow and support the Bills. And why, Because I love the game, and I love WNY.


And I know full well that when I go to a Bills game or purchase NFL Sunday Ticket that I am making Wilson and the NFL rich, but I don't care because I enjoy the product. I enjoy being a fan. I enjoy looking forward to watching the Bills!


So take your high and mighty attitude and follow the CFL. I'm looking forward to the day when all the Band wagon IGNORANT fans like yourself fall off the Bills wagon for good!


I watched the game in Rochester at a bar. That was before they started to enforce the 75 mile blackout, and pubs were getting it on satellite and out of Syracuse. I DID stay for the whole game. :rolleyes:


If memory serves me correct the Oils Game was a Radio only-game and WKBW-channel 7 tape-delay the Game.


"I agree this true as it was THE GREATEST GAME EVER PLAYED and the bills were at home against the Oilers, it was not sold out and i woulda/coulda gone" else were on the board


I'm already camped out in my favorite chair, the leather one in the corner of the room.  The seat of the chair is sunken in where my fat ass has made a permanent crator. (my family makes fun of that every chance they get)  I have NFL Ticket so I can watch all the Bills games.  The best investment I ever made. 


I have my laptop in front of me as browsing TBD.  I have three tvs in front of me.  On the center tv, the Sony 34" HD will be the Bills game.  On either side of the Sony are 12" tvs that will have NFL games that impact my fantasy team.  I play fantasty football so I can potentially have something to feel good about if the Bills lose.  Unfortunately, when the Bills lose, nothing can make me feel good. 


I used to watch all the games with my four sons but now they are grown up and either living out of town or working so I mostly watch the games by myself now.  There's nothing like watching the Bills with your sons, celebrating the victories and lamenting the losses.  I always get a phone call from them about 5  minutes before kickoff to talk about the game and the conversation always ends with that familiar phrase..."Go Bills"



This thread makes me think of this: Fandemonium

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