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2nd largest market in the country, no NFL team for how many years?


The Ralph will probably sell out every game this year because people

will go no matter what.


That isn't going to happen in L.A.


So is that a YES.


It is a double-edge sword when it comes to RW and the Bills.


As much as he has been a cheapskate through the years... His fiscal conservatism has very much kept an NFL franchise in Buffalo.


Yes... Only Marv really had his ear and pushed the Bills to consistent winning seasons.


Any other type of owner in Buffalo through the years would have abandoned the city.


RW with all his shortcomings bascially ensured Buffalo will keep a NFL franchise.


And that I thank him for...


When the Buffalos of the league go... Try getting a seat in another stadium.

Flaws and all we should be thankful for Ralph. He kept the team in Buffalo when he's had the opportunity to move if he chose. He didn't hold a gun to NY State for a brand new stadium and instead renovated Rich Stadium. For those of you who don't think that's such a big deal, the majority of nfl owners would have issued a new stadium or I'm moving ultimatum and we wouldn't be watching the Bills right now.


Finally, I get sick to my stomach seeing rich boy a$$clowns like Bob Kraft, Jerry Jones, Daniel Snyder, et al on the sidelines and in the news.  These are not good people.



Those owners you mentioned have half the integrity RW has.


Buffalo's debt load is low.


Even in the pre-cap days... Buffalo had no problem competing.

Read what I wrote next time before you reply. I didn't necessarily say the Bills were moving to Los Angeles. I just agreed with LABillzFan.


What I did say is that the Mid-Atlanitc, South and West were much stronger economically.


As for your examples of why the Bills won't become the LA Lounge Lizards: Cleveland got a team only because the NFL promised the city a team, but, it is important to note that when the original Browns left town, they went to Baltimore, which is in the Mid-Atlantic. Oh, I am pretty sure Cleveland is doing better fiscally than Buffalo. And, of course, Houston is in the south.


The bottomline has nothing to do with whether or not the City of Buffalo can suport the team. The NFL is a business. It is about making as much money as possible. I think most businessmen would assume that more money could be made on an NFL team in San Antonio, Orlando, El Paso, Sacremento, Virginia Beach, etc., than can be made in Western New York.


San Antonio is only going to get the Saints by default against the NFL's wishes ,,,,,Orlando will never get a team because that cuts into the bucs and jags cash ,,,,El Paso isn't in the mid Atlantic besides its El Paso,,,,Sacremento =California, is still bankrupt thats why they have Arnold and they are currently trying to raise 1 billion new tax dollars to fund crazy under funded state retirement system for everyone and their brother, ......and Virginia Beach while I love the place, really is for lovers ......generally speaking Virginia is made of old money and they like it in the bank... thats how it gets old, just ask the Redskins..privately funded by JKC.....We have a good stadium that will need to be replaced in the next ten years and nobody in their right mind in Albany will let the bills move when someone from Buffalo steps forward to buy the team...Thats just the way I see it ...For all we know Ralphy has put it in writting, in the will, that the team goes to a locally based owner first, just to pissoff jerry jones !!!!....I'll believe it when I see the Mayflower trucks heading down I90 with all of us crazy assed fans chasing behind,,, shotguns in hand, ready to kill...Elections in N.Y. are bought and paid for in Western New York, thats how the Aud was replaced .You can't win the state if you can't win western N.Y. which includes Rochester and Syracuse.....Sorry if this seems long winded with bad spelling and formatting .:-)
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