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No, wearing a shirt that has  the word F*** on it in public  makes you white trash.

If you're black- black trash. Thought the same of the people that had  the F*** Miami shirts  at the stadium. Plain trash.


You capitalized miami. What kind of trash does that make you?

Although I can't stand Bush, I don't think anyone should wear any clothing that has offensive language on it, whether it's about Clinton or Bush.  I also don't like those Calvin pissing on something stickers that I see on some pickup trucks.  You can voice your opposition to someone or something without being offensive.




Wow, I have one of those Calvin decals, where he is pissing on the Miami dolphin? Is that okay? :(

CNN story


The shirt had a pic of Bush, Cheney, & Rice and was a take-off of "Meet the Fockers", although it used a "u" instead of a "o".  Funny shirt, but I'm sure that she was tossed for the word and not for it being anti-Bush.  She had the opportunity to cover it up or wear it inside out.  Now she's suing. 


I hope that they get her for court costs when they dismiss her suit.



I agree, PJ. I don't understand people who wear vulgar T-shirts or have crude bumper stickers on their cars, for example: IF YOU DON'T LIKE MY DRIVING, CALL 1-800 EAT-S-**T.


I've seen young women wearing t-shirts that say "too tired to !@#$. What kind of message are you sending out about yourself?

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