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It's the Red ASS thingy...


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This board has a case of the red ass.


The Bills locker room has a case of the red ass.


Eric Moulds has a severe case of the red ass.


I have had red ass for weeks now. :huh:






There is only one thing to cure it!


JUST WIN BABY! :unsure:

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Do you have red-ass like those monkeys with those huge, distended asses, or just red-ass like a baby in need of ointment? There's a difference you know. Some red-ass is worse than other red-ass.


My ass was red like a monkeys on Monday, but then I wrote a nasty letter to Donahoe on Tuesday and that made me feel better. So now my ass is more pink, recovering from the red.




This board has a case of the red ass.


The Bills locker room has a case of the red ass.


Eric Moulds has a severe case of the red ass.


I have had red ass for weeks now.  :huh:

There is only one thing to cure it!


JUST WIN BABY!  :unsure:


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