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The Decison to Bench Losman strikes me as trivia..

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unless there are a lot of other changes that happen with it.


Theoretically, the benching of a player who MM hitched his wagon to his fate when he decided with TD to trade Bledsoe sends a message to all players that neither money spent by Ralph, nor ego to try to claim it will all work out in the end is going to be enough to give a player a start.


However, if the Bill problems can actually be changed by this simple mind game and suddenly the D will not miss tackles they should make and stop the run, they will improve in 3rd down conversion D, WM will suffenly learn to b;ocl well consistently in the redzone, they will improve in redzone production, etcetera then actually this team has even bigger leadership problems than we expected.


The players should have motivated themselves to play and MM should have provided motivation and structure from the start. If sitting JP turns the onfield performance around I for one will be pleased as punch to see us win, but also deeply disappointed in these professional athletes that they needed this threat to perform.


One can make the case that JP's performance bears the blame for the lack of redzone TDs (though actually this problem strikes me as a coaching issue as they failed to train JP to adapt productively to the switch from improvising at Tulane to the consistency needed from an NFL QB) but if this threat suceeds in also revitalizing the D it says a lot about the lack of leadership of the field and also the personal pride and motivation of the athletes.


I will love it if it works and we get the W, but i will find it disappointing to think how badly the players failed in the first 4 games and how poor the decision was by the braintrust to resign Bledsoe in the first place and then take the cap hit for cutting him in exchange for a QB they have failed to train to be productive.

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