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Would benching JP solve all the Bills problems?

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The notion that the Bills are fixed by merely replacing Losman with Holcomb is simply foolish.


The more real question for those who recognize the reality that there are a number of fixes which need to be put in place and they simply advocate this as a good starting point this is fine, but is not much as far as opinions go without some indication what the next additional steps are and why they view starting with benching Losman as a first step in this rebuilding program.


I do not see this case being credibly made anywhere.


To paraphrase Tom Hanks playing Jim Lovell in Apollo 13, the question of a QB fix is actually question 486 (actually it is probably question 5 or 7) to answer and we are back on question 2.


The issue of replacing JP (or not) is extremely important, but there are some other questions to be answered and issues to play out before we get to this also major step and those are the questions which interest me more.


My sense is that a more intelligent order (but one which needs to be subjected to other ideas and alteration) is:


1. Do we have a shot at reclaiming this season or are we playing for the future?


A: Yes, this season ain't over by a longshot. We were 0-4 last year with a tough Pats team in front of us in the division. This year we are 1-3 but playing the are they real or not Fins at home this week who are leading the division at 2-1. If we beat them this week all bets are off as the division battle is at a game in difference roughly so clearly thoughts of emphasizing onlly the future are pre-mature.


2. What are the keys to beating the Fins this weekend?


A: There are a bunch of them, but a strategy of switching Losman for Holcomb and having him lead us to simply outcoring the Fins does not strike me as a reasonable prime strategy for winning.


As was the case when the season began, I think the strategy revolves around stopping the run, running, and getting some added help from ST which makes this one a laugher.


For me the Bills D simply presents some much larger challenges for work and improvement thant the O maladies JP has been a big part of.


Specifically, unless the D improves in:


a. Stopping the run.

b. 3rd down conversion stops

c. Getting turnovers like last year, I think we will lose even with lightsout play by Holcomb if we do not get turnovers


Toward that end, I think the emphasis needs to be on:


1. Sam Adams needs to be talked to about his game. Initially, he needs to concentrate on using his bulk run stopping rather than using his incredibly qquick first step for pressuring the passer. If we can stop the run, then this will force Miami into passing and Sam can go wild rushing the passer then, but for now emphasizing him fortifying the center of the DL will be the key.


2. The DBs and LBs simply need to perform better on 3rd down. All too many time they and the team have been very good on the first two downs and forced the opponent into a 3rd and long only to give up the first and keep the drive going. The D players can do it as they have done so on the first two downs, but here the missed tackles and poor plays are hurting us and they simply need to step up or benching a star like Milloy (who has been the culprit on a couple of the 3rd downs may be the thing to do.


3. The D will need to strike a careful balance in producing more turnovers as this can lead to us getting burned on a risky play. However, the best players strike this balance well and it needs to be done.


B. In addition to these D remphasis being a key to beating the Fins, I think O play is obviously critical, but we already are doing SOME of the right things here as WM must continue to run the ball well and must be given some shots at running it.


Losman has sucked. but I am less concerned about this if the D is doing its job well.


I'm interested in working to try to calm JP down a bit and rein him in. If he does not do this. i have no problem going to Holcomb earlier, but he needs to realize the game does not rest on his shoulders and play like it.


TE and outlet passes are a problem. I'm probably looking hard in practice this week at trying to use Peters more as a TE than T because I think he presents abetter passing threat than Campbell etc. We are thin at T so maybe I have to abandon this approach, but I'm looking at it.


ST has been pretty good on some plays but obviously cannot carry both the D and the O. If the D stiffens against the run and the O keeps running the ball I think ST can do the job.

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There is a one word correct answer to this question.








Has anyone suggested that it would? I haven't heard that from anyone!


The change will certainly not solve all of the Bills problems, but it may make one problem a little less severe, and who knows, it may be contagious! :blink:

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NO ...... but it will correct one ........ and that's a start :unsure:



Why don't they start at the more proven guys than a rookie...

Is MM scared to bench Adams or Fletcher because they are not playing well.

How about Eric Moulds....He hasn't shown any attempts to provide the

necessary support for a rookie QB...


THe bottom line is they shut up the mouth that would have made the

minimum noise....I though Mularkey had a much tougher stance towards

his players....

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