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Lost 02.03 Discussion Thread


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Great analysis everyone...the episode brought in a ton fo new material...


count me in with the crowd that thinks the dharma project is one big mind !@#$...Also, Desmond's words at the stadium keep echoing in my head, and they will probably come into play at some point with the hatch and project...

"you hafta lift it up"

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3 new questions...


-The one thing Desmond grabbed when he took off was the "vaccine" how long before somebody discovers them?


-How fast are these people going to eat the new Dharma food?


-Where was that picture of Desmond and the girl taken? Can anybody tell what city?

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-Where was that picture of Desmond and the girl taken?  Can anybody tell what city?



It looked like there was water in the background so I am guessing Sydney.


Also, I think somebody already mentioned this, but do you think that the guy in the mental hospital that told Hurley about the numbers was one of the people in the hatch pressing the button every 108 minutes? And the whole thing with Jin speaking English doesn't make sense to me. I would have to think it was either from a dream sequence or he is a clone or something. How could his wife speak English and not tell him and simultaneously how could he speak English and not tell her. There were so many times when he seemed completely baffled by what everyone was saying, which caused a lot of the confusion between him and Sawyer as well as him and Michael. So I'm guessing reality Jin doesn't speak English but dream sequence Jin does.

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It looked like there was water in the background so I am guessing Sydney.


Also, I think somebody already mentioned this, but do you think that the guy in the mental hospital that told Hurley about the numbers was one of the people in the hatch pressing the button every 108 minutes?  And the whole thing with Jin speaking English doesn't make sense to me.  I would have to think it was either from a dream sequence or he is a clone or something.  How could his wife speak English and not tell him and simultaneously how could he speak English and not tell her.  There were so many times when he seemed completely baffled by what everyone was saying, which caused a lot of the confusion between him and Sawyer as well as him and Michael.  So I'm guessing reality Jin doesn't speak English but dream sequence Jin does.




It is clear that the Korean culture is quite rigid in its male/female roles. I think Jin is a very rigid and proper dude...hence him not telling Sun more than she needs to know.

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It is clear that the Korean culture is quite rigid in its male/female roles.  I think Jin is a very rigid and proper dude...hence him not telling Sun more than she needs to know.


Yet as brought up earlier, in the preview he speaks it with clearity ie like a native with no accent whatsoever.

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Also, I think somebody already mentioned this, but do you think that the guy in the mental hospital that told Hurley about the numbers was one of the people in the hatch pressing the button every 108 minutes?  And the whole thing with Jin speaking English doesn't make sense to me.  I would have to think it was either from a dream sequence or he is a clone or something.  How could his wife speak English and not tell him and simultaneously how could he speak English and not tell her.  There were so many times when he seemed completely baffled by what everyone was saying, which caused a lot of the confusion between him and Sawyer as well as him and Michael.  So I'm guessing reality Jin doesn't speak English but dream sequence Jin does.



If I remember correctly, the guy Hurely met in the mental ward got the numbers from a guy he was on a boat with in the Pacific Ocean. That guy is the one Hurley went to visit in Australia. Both guys heard the numbers over the radio, or so they say.

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Hmmmmmmmm Boone did mention Star Trek to Locke with his comments about the crewmen wearing red shirts always die. Plus Sawyer did call Jin SuLu. I think we're onto something  :w00t:



Another awesome theory! :w00t::blink:

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OK, I just keep thinking out loud, so the numbers were generated by the Dharma corporation originally? Correct? (actually now that I think about it I guess they didn't have to be but whatever) There is explanation for them being all over everything (the hatch, the vaccine, etc.) but was the Dharma corporation powerful enough to rig the lottery with those numbers? I think that would be pretty tough...

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OK, I just keep thinking out loud, so the numbers were generated by the Dharma corporation originally?  Correct?  (actually now that I think about it I guess they didn't have to be but whatever)  There is explanation for them being all over everything (the hatch, the vaccine, etc.) but was the Dharma corporation powerful enough to rig the lottery with those numbers?  I think that would be pretty tough...



I'm telling you...there is more to this island than just the Dharma project. Remember the Blackrock.

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I'm telling you...there is more to this island than just the Dharma project.  Remember the Blackrock.



Don't forget, secret societies can be powerful (i.e the MAsons and the American Revolution). In fiction secret societies are extremely powerful (weird old guys in X-Files).


Maybe that is what the "Dharma project" has become.

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Okay, I have been MIA for the first three weeks on the LOST theories, but I am ready to jump back into the game.


First, a couple things to note (after reading this thread):


1) The tape Locke and Jack watched had KEY portions of the audio spliced out. For example, the narrator detailed the project, THEN proceeded to say something "happened" when they reached the island.


This opens the door for what some of you have already said, that Dharma is NOT the only thing on this island. Something was there before. And that something is WHY they have to input the code (according to the film). So there is still a big mystery.


2) The "monster": According to the Daneille in Season 1, the monster is only in the Dark Territory...the Hatch is NOT in the dark territory. So it is possible (not saying it is for sure) that the monster was not a part of the project and was in fact there before Dharma.


3) Also, Danielle has been there 16 years...the "others" who took Alex had been there even longer according to her. At most, the Dharma project has been on the island for 25 years (the film was made in 1980).


I don't know what that means (if anything), but think it will be important to keep in mind...the "others" could have existed on the island before Dharma....


I got more. But those are just things that sprang to mind while reading this thread...



Oh, but the big thing I haven't seen anyone discuss is the new Website....:





Read those project listings...they explain a lot but open even more doors.

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During the orientation film that Jack and Locke watched they had a couple of korean references in there. I think Jin might be playing a bigger part in coming weeks. Seeing as how he is the only korean dude and all.


....and yes I did see the previews for next week. I agree with a previous poster that Jin speaking english will just be some dream sequence crap.

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3) Also, Danielle has been there 16 years...the "others" who took Alex had been there even longer according to her. At most, the Dharma project has been on the island for 25 years (the film was made in 1980).



How long had Hurley's friend in the psych ward been back from the service? Hasn't it been 16 years, which would coincide with Danielle's arrival? I wonder if Hurely's friend and his deceased partner were really in the hacth at some point, and their military background is just a cover.....

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3) Also, Danielle has been there 16 years...the "others" who took Alex had been there even longer according to her. At most, the Dharma project has been on the island for 25 years (the film was made in 1980).

How long had Hurley's friend in the psych ward been back from the service?  Hasn't it been 16 years, which would coincide with Danielle's arrival?  I wonder if Hurely's friend and his deceased partner were really in the hacth at some point, and their military background is just a cover.....



It very well could be...but I am not so sure. I tend to believe the guy's story that he was influenced by the powers of the numbers. If "The Hanso Mathematical Forecasting Initiative" is for real, that could explain the numbers' power...

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Thanks... I did find that on my own.


BTW, I think the "you have to lift it up" has already been answered.  It was the lifting of the hatch.



If we are to believe Desmond's story (that his baloon crashed and was brought to the hatch...) then I think that line might have more signifcance (spelling?!) than just the hatch.


If he wasn't a part of Dharma, then it really plays into Locke's notion of Fate vs Luck. Niether had any way of knowing they would see eachother again, just like no one on the plane knew how connected they were. Dharma could not orchastrate all those passengers and get them onto the same plane. There is still a larger force at work (luck vs fate).


So, if it really is about fate, then I think that line will come back again. If he was working for Dharma, and knew he would see Jack again...then I would agree that it was about the hatch.

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