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Helloooo? This change might not be permanent


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What is the point in delaying JP's development?  Of course it is going to be a rough road to travel, but I don't see the point in pulling out the rug after just 1/4 of a season.



The point is TD is probably starting to feel the heat. If he lets JP ruin this year by "developing" as a quarterback, then we go 4-12 and TD has another gem to put on his resume. If we do that bad, chances are he gets canned. He knows he needs to win now, and Mularkey isn't going to win over anyone winning four games either.

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The point is TD is probably starting to feel the heat. If he lets JP ruin this year by "developing" as a quarterback, then we go 4-12 and TD has another gem to put on his resume. If we do that bad, chances are he gets canned. He knows he needs to win now, and Mularkey isn't going to win over anyone winning four games either.



Well, when Holcomb starts and they STILL only win 4, then we'll see how long he lasts. You know what, maybe you're right, maybe this IS for the best.

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As much as I hope that if Holcomb does well, he finishes the season as a starter in order to make a playoff run, I do realize that the coaching staff might be looking at this benching as just a one or two week thing that can improve JP.  Wait, how does JP improve this week without stepping onto the field, you ask?  I can think of two possibilities:


(1) One of the easiest ways to improve at something is to watch and study someone else in action who is better at doing it than you are.  Make no mistake, right now Kelly Holcomb is a better QB than JP.  Much better.  And as JP watches Kelly in action from the sidelines, I hope he picks up on some the veteran decisions and moves that Kelly makes that help win ballgames, and that JP doesn't possess right now.  When Kelly goes back to pass, I hope JP runs through the progressions with him and attempts to understand why he chose to throw the ball where and when he did.


But JP already spent all of last season watching from the sidelines, you object.  That may be true but the difference is, this time around, he'll have already gotten a chance to start and play almost four entire games.  He can study what Holcomb is doing on the field and combine that with his own experience playing, and that combination should help him learn much more quickly.  Hopefully something will click.  Because right now, I think JP needs a reminder of how a veteran QB plays the game.


(2) JP played nervous and tight his first four games.  He's talked about how he's been pressing and not trusting his instincts, and Mularkey's talked about it as well.  When you're nervous, how do you stop being nervous?  Easy, you let another emotion come over you.  Hopefully this benching will get JP angry at the coaching staff and eager to prove that he can play in this league, and when he returns to the field, he'll be able to play angry instead of jittery, which should make a difference in his performance.


OR, when Holcomb gets his a$$ kicked then JP will say to himself, nope, it's not me. Besides, I thought Bledsoe was twenty times the QB that Holcomb is. What happened, he wasn't now in hindsight.


Losman can learn a LOT more from film of other QBs than he can from Holcomb on this sh%$ team.

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The point is TD is probably starting to feel the heat. If he lets JP ruin this year by "developing" as a quarterback, then we go 4-12 and TD has another gem to put on his resume. If we do that bad, chances are he gets canned. He knows he needs to win now, and Mularkey isn't going to win over anyone winning four games either.



Maybe Teflon TD should stick by his draft pick.

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As much as I hope that if Holcomb does well, he finishes the season as a starter in order to make a playoff run, I do realize that the coaching staff might be looking at this benching as just a one or two week thing that can improve JP. 



I didn't even read the rest of your post after this gem. The only way this is a one or two week thing is if Holcomb sucks. You think they may bench JP for home games against the Dolphins and the Jets only to put JP back in a road game in Oakland and a prime time road game at New England? Only a moron would do tha...wait, well, come to think of it, yeah, maybe that is the team's plan after all!

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