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A positive message to JP

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J.P. aka "Big Cat,


For all of the people who are ripping you on this site, there are still some of us who want to believe in you, who root for you to do well and develop your skills. The season hasn't gone amazingly well for you so far, but neither has it been amazingly bad. Don't let the naysayers get you down.


Find out what is causing you to overthrow your receivers. I think it might be a case of overzealous nerves and jumpiness. Find a way to relax before games rather than listening to hardcore music trying to pump yourself up. You need to have the game slow down for you. Visualize yourself telling your OL to protect your 6 or else. Visualize yourself checking off all of your receivers. Visualize yourself throwing the ball deep right to the spot and connecting with Eric Moulds or Lee Evans.


And lastly. Get a haircut. I think you may be the anti-Samson. I'm not talking crew-cut if that's too drastic (you did look like a little kid in that NFL draft photo so I think I see what you're doing, but you're overcompensating). Maybe go for the #2 cartridge on the clippers.



UConn James

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ooooohhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmm......... ;)



You think you're kidding, but yoga is more about the mind and internal focusing than physical movements. I know a chick who works up at one of the more renowned centers. I don't know what's more relaxing, tho; the breathing methodology or the tight spandex and firm mammories and posteriors all around you. :)

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And lastly. Get a haircut. I think you may be the anti-Samson. I'm not talking crew-cut if that's too drastic (you did look like a little kid in that NFL draft photo so I think I see what you're doing, but you're overcompensating). Maybe go for the #2 cartridge on the clippers.




You could be on to something there. If he looks like Johnny Unitas, he'll play like Johnny Unitas...




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J.P. aka "Big Cat,


For all of the people who are ripping you on this site, there are still some of us who want to believe in you, who root for you to do well and develop your skills. The season hasn't gone amazingly well for you so far, but neither has it been amazingly bad. Don't let the naysayers get you down.


Find out what is causing you to overthrow your receivers. I think it might be a case of overzealous nerves and jumpiness. Find a way to relax before games rather than listening to hardcore music trying to pump yourself up. You need to have the game slow down for you. Visualize yourself telling your OL to protect your 6 or else. Visualize yourself checking off all of your receivers. Visualize yourself throwing the ball deep right to the spot and connecting with Eric Moulds or Lee Evans.


And lastly. Get a haircut. I think you may be the anti-Samson. I'm not talking crew-cut if that's too drastic (you did look like a little kid in that NFL draft photo so I think I see what you're doing, but you're overcompensating). Maybe go for the #2 cartridge on the clippers.



UConn James




Turn down that rock and roll music! ...and get a haircut!!



Ok dad.



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