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Obervation about SB loss against Giants


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The thing I remember is that will time running down in the 4th douring the last drive the ref placed the ball on the line of scrimmage As the Bills walked up, a Giant' delineman kicked the ball and the ref had to retrieve the ball and reset it. That cost the Bills about 10 seconds on the clock.


That would have given the Bills one more play.

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Did you know Daddy Day Care was a far better movie than Saving Private Ryan?


In a subjective world were people have opinions, yeah I can believe that is true. Of course there are idiots who do not allow people to have differing opinions, and in that case I am sure that statement is incorrect in their pea brains.

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In a subjective world were people have opinions, yeah I can believe that is true.  Of course there are idiots who do not allow people to have differing opinions, and in that case I am sure that statement is incorrect in their pea brains.


Yeah, that's it. It can't be that your opinion is so ludicrous it defies explanation without the benefit of medication. Everyone else is the problem. :D

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I doubt medication helps all that much either...



I've heard that it's alleviated by getting in a car and going in tight circles as fast as possible...if a car that goes around in circles really fast isn't available, I hear a unicycle will suffice...

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I've heard that it's alleviated by getting in a car and going in tight circles as fast as possible...if a car that goes around in circles really fast isn't available, I hear a unicycle will suffice...



Better yet, the 'See how drunk you are' game where you take a whiffle ball bat, put an end on your forehead and run around like 20 times...

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I've heard that it's alleviated by getting in a car and going in tight circles as fast as possible...if a car that goes around in circles really fast isn't available, I hear a unicycle will suffice...


I am sure that's worse then going 200 MPH in a straightline and running into walls. :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:

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You know, I have been meaning to post this for some time. On the infamous last play of Superbowl XXXIV, take a look at the ball in Kevin Dyson's hand. You will notice that he's a yard short of the goal line. And as you know, he did not score. I don't know whether I have heard anyone else mention this.


P.S. I am not related to Kevin Dyson.

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You know, I have been meaning to post this for some time. On the infamous last play of Superbowl XXXIV, take a look at the ball in Kevin Dyson's hand. You will notice that he's a yard short of the goal line.  And as you know, he did not score. I don't know whether I have heard anyone else mention this.


P.S. I am not related to Kevin Dyson.


Are you saying that if a football field was only 99 yards long, there would have been OT in the SB?


On the other hand, and I'm not sure anyone has pointed this out, if we were on the metric system like the rest of the world, Dyson would have been WAY short and Norwood's kick would have had more time to hook.

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This thread is REALLY making me think.


Call me crazy, but if just 1000 or so votes go the other way in Florida in the election of 2000, Bush might have lost to Gore. That thing was very, very close. Florida also has a lot of electoral votes.


This should probably be on PPP but I thought it fit the context of this thread.

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