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Teresa is loose again!


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"Clothing is wonderful, but let them go naked for a while, at least the kids," said Heinz Kerry, the wife of Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry (news - web sites). "Water is necessary, and then generators, and then food, and then clothes."






Good to see food at least make #3 on the list (cake, I presume), right after generators? I guess Queen Teresa couldn't imagine living without AC for even a few mintues. This is starting to become comical.

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"Clothing is wonderful, but let them go naked for a while, at least the kids," said Heinz Kerry, the wife of Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry (news - web sites). "Water is necessary, and then generators, and then food, and then clothes."

:)  :)  :angry:


Good to see food at least make #3 on the list (cake, I presume), right after generators?  I guess Queen Teresa couldn't imagine living without AC for even a few mintues.   This is starting to become comical.



I find it even more odd that her priorities put electricity before food...


And I bet gasoline is WAY down her list somewhere...despite needing it to run her precious generators.

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I don't really have a problem with what she said but the conclusion of the article is brilliant.


Dr. Roy A. Hastick Sr., president of the Caribbean American Chamber of Commerce (news - web sites) and coordinator of the market's relief effort, said the visit helped make difficult days a bit brighter.


"It's a major boost for us and the community to show we have someone on a national level concerned with what's happening in the Caribbean region," Hastick Sr. said.


Supporters gathered on the sidewalk shouted "We love you," and "Good luck" as Heinz Kerry made her way to a waiting car.


What? Nothing about supporters throwing flowers or kissing her feet? I heard they planned on building a bronze statue for Teresa.....

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I find it even more odd that her priorities put electricity before food...


And I bet gasoline is WAY down her list somewhere...despite needing it to run her precious generators.



Well you know, there’s no point sending them caviar unless you have the refrigeration to keep it properly chilled.....

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Hey... Welcome back Komrade Tenny!!


Haven't seen you chime in with your outrage on the Rather/Forged Document thingy yet... why is that?



Not familiar with it, nor do I care much about it. I'm focused on registering voters and an upcoming debate on the campaign that focuses on the mess that Bush has made on foreign policy, the war on terrorism, Iraq (unrelated to the war on terrorism, by the way) the deficit, health care and employment. I get a kick out of watching you righties go whacko over this type of thing though! :D

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Not familiar with it, nor do I care much about it.  I'm focused on registering voters and an upcoming debate on the campaign that focuses on the mess that Bush has made on foreign policy, the war on terrorism, Iraq (unrelated to the war on terrorism, by the way) the deficit, health care and employment.  I get a kick out of watching you righties go whacko over this type of thing though! :D


Not Familar with it... Don't care much about it? :huh::D:lol:


Just like you had nothing to say about the swiftboat ads huh??


Difference is the swiftboat ads didn't forge any documents....



By the way any news on your impending granddady status? Hope all goes well!

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Signing up dead people?

Signing up illegal aliens?

Helping the snowbirds vote dem in FL AND NY?




Heck yeah...those are the easy ones. Tenny doesn't need to bother "discussing the issues" when he signs up the dead people!



My mother also said she knew her vote was cast for Kennedy in Chicago in 1960. Of course, by November of that year she was living in New York....

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Not Familar with it... Don't care much about it? :huh:  :D  :lol: 


Just like you had nothing to say about the swiftboat ads huh??


Difference is the swiftboat ads didn't forge any documents....


HYPOCRITE :D  :lol: 

By the way any news on your impending granddady status? Hope all goes well!



I'm a vietnam vet, and served in combat with a crew, so I was interested in the swifboat issue (the docs, pencil pushers and other weasels such as O'neil making a buck off of someone's service) from a personal point of view. As the election gets closer, I'm thinking more and more of substantial issues (hence spending less time on the board! :D ). No news. I think the kid wants to see how the Oakland game turns out.

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I'm a vietnam vet, and served in combat with a crew, so I was interested in the swifboat issue (the docs, pencil pushers and other weasels such as O'neil making a buck off of someone's service) from a personal point of view.  As the election gets closer, I'm thinking more and more of substantial issues (hence spending less time on the board! :D ).  No news.  I think the kid wants to see how the Oakland game turns out.


:lol::huh: .. Looks like it might be a few more week then....

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The Left is already starting the "FL is rigged again" stevestojan.


Rigged? It doesnt HAVE to be. All Karl Rove needs to do is plaster Bride of Flopenstein's quote all over the State and it will go to Bush so fast, it wont even be funny.


Seriously...Rove plays this quote up with residents of hurricane-torn states and Kerry's got a full-blown crisis on his hands. Think about it....right NOW a Hurricane is churning and killing people, residents are digging out of two others and a good part of Heinz' statement is akin "aw...fugg em."? NOT good.

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The Left is already starting the "FL is rigged again" stevestojan.


Rigged? It doesnt HAVE to be. All Karl Rove needs to do is plaster Bride of Flopenstein's quote all over the State and it will go to Bush so fast, it wont even be funny.


Seriously...Rove plays this quote up with residents of hurricane-torn states and Kerry's got a full-blown crisis on his hands. Think about it....right NOW a Hurricane is churning and killing people, residents are digging out of two others and a good part of Heinz' statement is akin "aw...fugg em."? NOT good.




Oh yes, FLA is still a big problem. I have an aunt and uncle that are so off the charts leftist, they make LGB and Grampa Simpson look like Reagan fans. They are actually going to Florida as part of a team of lunatics to "monitor" the election results there. I'm sure there won't be any shenanigans in THAT district!

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