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I have to thank everyone who wished me lucked last month when i was told that i had a heart condition. I didn't want everyone to know that i was told that i was going to die by the doctors. I was a total wreck for about a week, but after a lot of testing, a specialist concluded that my doctor is total moron, and incorrect.

As for why i was experiencing breathing problems, it has been found that i have severe acid reflux, which has eroded my esophagus to the point where it was expanded and blocking my trachea. this made it really hard to breathe at times but i am under a few different meds right now to control it and i am allowed to finnaly work out and resume activities. My NEW doctor has given me the green light to living my life again. :blink:_

Thank you all again.

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I have to thank everyone who wished me lucked last month when i was told that i had a heart condition. I didn't want everyone to know that i was told that i was going to die by the doctors. I was a total wreck for about a week, but after a lot of testing, a specialist concluded that my doctor is total moron, and incorrect.

As for why i was experiencing breathing problems, it has been found that i have severe acid reflux, which has eroded my esophagus to the point where it was expanded and blocking my trachea. this made it really hard to breathe at times but i am under a few different meds right now to control it and i am allowed to finnaly work out and resume activities. My NEW doctor has given me the green light to living my life again. :blink:_

Thank you all again.



Wow....what an amazing !@#$ your first doc was.....thank God you had the sense to get a second opinion. Congrats, bro!

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I have to thank everyone who wished me lucked last month when i was told that i had a heart condition. I didn't want everyone to know that i was told that i was going to die by the doctors. I was a total wreck for about a week, but after a lot of testing, a specialist concluded that my doctor is total moron, and incorrect.

As for why i was experiencing breathing problems, it has been found that i have severe acid reflux, which has eroded my esophagus to the point where it was expanded and blocking my trachea. this made it really hard to breathe at times but i am under a few different meds right now to control it and i am allowed to finnaly work out and resume activities. My NEW doctor has given me the green light to living my life again. :blink:_

Thank you all again.



That's great to hear!!!

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Nothing like a nihilistic doctor....even too incompetent to string you out with "treatments." A lesson in getting second opinions. Glad to hear things are all right. You should sue for that scare ("Well, because I was going to die I quit my job and spent all my money...").

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Nothing like a nihilistic doctor....even too incompetent to string you out with "treatments."  A lesson in getting second opinions.  Glad to hear things are all right.  You should sue for that scare ("Well, because I was going to die I quit my job and spent all my money...").



lol it would be all good but i am only a college student so no loss of job, etc...

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lol it would be all good but i am only a college student so no loss of job, etc...



Better yet....you skipped classes causing you to flunk out of school costing you millions in future income. :blink:

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Better yet....you skipped classes causing you to flunk out of school costing you millions in future income.  :blink:



Actually, this would actually work.


I was an Econ minor in college. My prof worked with lawyers. His job was to economically come up with a price that people could so for.


He said, while sad, the best case to win on was a young person, especially a toddler. He could argue that this toddler was going to become a neurosurgeon. Afraid to go to court, many insurance companies would settle...for a lot.


Just a thought. :(

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I have to thank everyone who wished me lucked last month when i was told that i had a heart condition. I didn't want everyone to know that i was told that i was going to die by the doctors. I was a total wreck for about a week, but after a lot of testing, a specialist concluded that my doctor is total moron, and incorrect.

As for why i was experiencing breathing problems, it has been found that i have severe acid reflux, which has eroded my esophagus to the point where it was expanded and blocking my trachea. this made it really hard to breathe at times but i am under a few different meds right now to control it and i am allowed to finnaly work out and resume activities. My NEW doctor has given me the green light to living my life again. :)_

Thank you all again.


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I have to thank everyone who wished me lucked last month when i was told that i had a heart condition. I didn't want everyone to know that i was told that i was going to die by the doctors. I was a total wreck for about a week, but after a lot of testing, a specialist concluded that my doctor is total moron, and incorrect.

As for why i was experiencing breathing problems, it has been found that i have severe acid reflux, which has eroded my esophagus to the point where it was expanded and blocking my trachea. this made it really hard to breathe at times but i am under a few different meds right now to control it and i am allowed to finnaly work out and resume activities. My NEW doctor has given me the green light to living my life again. :)_

Thank you all again.



I feel your pain....Literally. I have severe acid reflux as well, and it is BRUTAL when I have a flare up of it. It feels like you're having a heart attack (or what I'd imagine a heart attack would feel like, anyway).


What's he got you on? Prilosec?

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Actually, this would actually work.


I was an Econ minor in college. My prof worked with lawyers. His job was to economically come up with a price that people could so for.


He said, while sad, the best case to win on was a young person, especially a toddler. He could argue that this toddler was going to become a neurosurgeon. Afraid to go to court, many insurance companies would settle...for a lot.


Just a thought.  :)


Ahh yes, do it the American way and sue. :)


Seriously, that's a hell of a scare and great news to get you back on here, and back on withyour life.


And women claim that men don't experience anything like a pregnancy scare. I dare them to say that to you!

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I have to thank everyone who wished me lucked last month when i was told that i had a heart condition. I didn't want everyone to know that i was told that i was going to die by the doctors. I was a total wreck for about a week, but after a lot of testing, a specialist concluded that my doctor is total moron, and incorrect.

As for why i was experiencing breathing problems, it has been found that i have severe acid reflux, which has eroded my esophagus to the point where it was expanded and blocking my trachea. this made it really hard to breathe at times but i am under a few different meds right now to control it and i am allowed to finnaly work out and resume activities. My NEW doctor has given me the green light to living my life again. :)_

Thank you all again.



good to hear man...we couldnt have done without ya on here :)

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I have to thank everyone who wished me lucked last month when i was told that i had a heart condition. I didn't want everyone to know that i was told that i was going to die by the doctors. I was a total wreck for about a week, but after a lot of testing, a specialist concluded that my doctor is total moron, and incorrect.

As for why i was experiencing breathing problems, it has been found that i have severe acid reflux, which has eroded my esophagus to the point where it was expanded and blocking my trachea. this made it really hard to breathe at times but i am under a few different meds right now to control it and i am allowed to finnaly work out and resume activities. My NEW doctor has given me the green light to living my life again. :lol:_

Thank you all again.



That is so ironic. My brother just went through almost the exact same problem this summer. You have a tumor in your esophagus, oh no wait, its acid reflux causing your breathing problems...


Damn doctors can scare the bejuses out of you when they have no clue....

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That is so ironic. My brother just went through almost the exact same problem this summer. You have a tumor in your esophagus, oh no wait, its acid reflux causing your breathing problems...


Damn doctors can scare the bejuses out of you when they have no clue....


Rather it this way though, than they tell you that yuo're just fine... oh wait, on second thought, you're gonna die. Its nicer to get a pleasant surprise from the doc.

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I feel your pain....Literally. I have severe acid reflux as well, and it is BRUTAL when I have a flare up of it. It feels like you're having a heart attack (or what I'd imagine a heart attack would feel like, anyway).


What's he got you on? Prilosec?



actually aciphex(same family of meds as prilosec), and after mail in rebate it comes out to be free for me :blink:.

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