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Projected Stats

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As the year is officially 1/4 over... it is time to see where we would be if all things were multiplied by four.


Well, the Bills would be 4-12 and looking at a very high draft pick.


Statistics would be as follows...


JP Losman

180 for 376; 47.9% completion 1732 yards, 1 TD and 8 INT


(Considering I was predicting 2500 yards 20 TD and 15 INT, he had better pick it up.)


Willis McGahee

312 carries for 1500 yards 8TD


(About what I expected in yards, but I expected more touchdowns)


Eric Moulds

40 catches for 320 yards 0TD

Lee Evans

32 catches for 456 yards 0TD

Josh Reed

40 catches for 460 yards 0TD

Mark Campbell

12 catches for 72 yards 0TD


(Um... DANG, I expected a lot more.)


Our offense is offensive... it makes me ill to watch. Our defense is strong at the beginning of games, weaker as the game goes on, and if they have been on the field for more than 40 minutes... they are well below average (like trying to stop McCallister in the final minutes of the game).


If our offense doesn't get turned around... looks like we will be closer to 4-12 than to the playoffs.

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