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I am a long-time Bills supporter. Been following the Bills for more than 30 years. My old joke was there is only one thing worse than being a Red Sox fan, it's being a Bills fan. I said this before and will say it again. Football is not a complicated game. Control the line of scrimmage by running the ball and with a good defense, you win games. The running game opens up the passing game. If anyone thought JP was going to pass the ball well and throw for an abundance of yardage--you're high. John Elway, Troy Aikman, and many other first year starting qb's have struggled mightily. JP has been trying to learn the system. Last season he was learning the system as it was being spoon-fed by Wyche. Now this season JP is trying to utilize the system. The speed of the game is astonishing at this level. JP needs at least another season to adjust from the college game. If and that is a big if, he can learn to just react and not think, then he will be successful. Here is an example, Carson Palmer did nothing great his first two seasons. Look at him now. It took Eli Manning last season just to acclimate to the NFL game. Our coaching staff needs to stop trying to be cute. This team was built around the running game. We may have the biggest o-line in the game today. We drafted a bull for an rb. Here's a thought run the ball 40 times a game. Running backs are drafted to run the ball. You use the rb until he can no longer do the job effectively. Isn't the average career of an rb about 6 or 7 years? Rb's are a dime a dozen. That's why so many of them get drafted every season. The blocking makes it all happen. Our o-line is so big they should be able to fall forward and the rb should be able to gain positive yardage. The rb needs to not fumble. Look at Parcells, he uses his rb's until they damn near drop dead. Remember Otis Anderson running that ball down our throats? If Jeff Hostetler and Trent Dilfer can win the ring, so can the Bills. Running the ball and playing a ball control offense may not be the "sexy" way to win games but it works. Our defense is plenty good enough. They are on the field most of the game.

The Patriots have done this and won 3 Super Bowls. This is not complicated. Ask Jim Kelly what made the K-gun effective--running the ball or throwing it. Until the coaching staff implements this we will never be a playoff contender. I am sure I will be blown off but there is the ugly truth.

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Good point. Every time JP drops back to throw he draws even more criticism and, in a way is digging a deeper hole. The last time I looked, JP completed every handoff to McGahee that he attempted. Perhaps if you say you're going to be a physical smash mouth offense, you ought to walk that talk. If they're going to continue going with JP, it's got to be 3 yards and a cloud of rubber powder. TD's made his bed, now we've got to lay in it.

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