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Giuliani considering a '08 run for the White House

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And the cocaine crisis in his nuclear family. Jeb is so tainted it's not even funny and "It's a private matter and we wish the best for them blah blah blah" doesn't calm the nerves of people who see he can't even be a leader and role model in his own family. If they run him, they will lose.


Then there's the whole, My state can't incarcerate or even keep track of our child rapists and sexual predadors. The case where they had video of the guy leading the girl off... he used a handgun in the commission of his previous crime. Five year mandatory term. MANDATORY. He walked in three. That's some nice governing there.



I really don't understand why you are so certain that he will lose. He'll definately carry Florida and that's a state with a considerable amount of electoral votes. The blue states will vote blue, the red states will vote red and that's a given. I'm intrigued that without even knowing who his opponent will be, you already know what states will be the swing states and how they will swing. You are on it man.


Low blow about his daughter man. It's folks like you that contibute to our current state of politics of destruction. I'd say that Jeb did a pretty good job with Geoge P. but why should I even waste my time stooping to your level? I infer from your statement that your family is perfect.

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