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Giuliani considering a '08 run for the White House

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Did he remarry yet?  He'll probably want to take care of that to eliminate one possible character assassination item from the wingnut list.



Rudy remarried over 2 years ago.


I can't wait to see what his opponents do to him in the more conservative states: Married 3 times including once to a cousin, numerous affairs, gay rights advocate who moved in with a gay couple when he left Gracie Mansion and needed a place to stay when his marriage to Donna Hanover fell apart. He once dressed up as a woman in some spoof show and I'm sure the photos will be appearing in negative ads, probably with the caption "I wonder if he was dressed like this when he moved in with a gay couple"

Rudy has as much of a chance of being the Republican nominee as Ted Kennedy.

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Frist told his blind trust to dump the stock (if he still had some of it)  because there was major legislation on health care coming up and he didn't want any conflict of interest. Of course he left ignores that.



Frist Bad!!

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Frist told his blind trust to dump the stock (if he still had some of it)  because there was major legislation on health care coming up and he didn't want any conflict of interest. Of course he left ignores that.


left bad

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  Married 3 times including once to a cousin, numerous affairs, gay rights advocate who moved in with a gay couple when he left Gracie Mansion and needed a place to stay when his marriage to Donna Hanover fell apart.  He once dressed up as a woman in some spoof show and I'm sure the photos will be appearing in negative ads, probably with the caption "I wonder if he was dressed like this when he moved in with a gay couple"



How pathetic that any of those issues should matter one iota.

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You are 100% correct. I saw the Giuliani era from the trenches. He is a leader, and he does not lose.



Personally, my favorite part of Rudy's administration was pre 9-11. He did a great job in NYC, despite all the whining media types who hated his guts and exploited his divorce in the press for all it was worth.

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Frist told his blind trust to dump the stock (if he still had some of it)  because there was major legislation on health care coming up and he didn't want any conflict of interest. Of course he left ignores that.


That conflict didn't seem to bother him last year, or the year before that or the year before that or the year before....


Is a conflict okay if the legislation is minor as opposed to major? How about if it is medium schmedium (its a technical term)?


This is being investigated and about all that can be said is that maybe he did something wrong and maybe he didn't. Lets wait and see. Too early for the left to hang him or for the right to exonerate him. Besides, even if he is totally innocent he is still a laughing stock in my book, despite some of his better qualities, due to the role he played in the Schiavo freak out.

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The dims were gearing up for a major stink that he had a lot of health care stock (the company his father founded) so he headed them off at the pass and said to sell it. Now they complain because he sold it.

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That conflict didn't seem to bother him last year, or the year before that or the year before that or the year before....


Is a conflict okay if the legislation is minor as opposed to major?  How about if it is medium schmedium (its a technical term)?


This is being investigated and about all that can be said is that maybe he did something wrong and maybe he didn't.  Lets wait and see.  Too early for the left to hang him or for the right to exonerate him.  Besides, even if he is totally innocent he is still a laughing stock in my book, despite some of his better qualities, due to the role he played in the Schiavo freak out.


I only want people who don't invest in the stock market to serve in Washington. :)

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The dims were gearing up for a major stink that he had a lot of health care stock (the company his father founded) so he headed them off at the pass and said to sell it.  Now they complain because he sold it.



He had a blind trust, but was aware of what was in it. Then he sold the stock prior to the bad news. Sorry, but there is going to be an investigation and if he lied he should go to jail just like Martha.


And before you start calling me partisan, let me say that I hope that they investigate and indict a few Dems too. The cesspool in DC can use a little cleaning on both sides of the aisle.

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He had a blind trust, but was aware of what was in it.  Then he sold the stock prior to the bad news.  Sorry, but there is going to be an investigation and if he lied he should go to jail just like Martha. 


And before you start calling me partisan, let me say that I hope that they investigate and indict a few Dems too.  The cesspool in DC can use a little cleaning on both sides of the aisle.



From what i understand he had a lot of stock in his father's company. It was a blind trust, but he assumed that they didnt sell a lot of it. You can tell the blind trust to sell a certain stock if it is still in the trust if it will avoid a conflict of interest question. Again nothing there. He told them to sell about 3 months before the bad news. it took the trust 2 months to sell it.

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Well since the Dems/ blacks have made 'crisis management' the hot button issue of the day, I can't think of two more qualified individuals for President than Giuliani or Jeb.


Think about and and reap what you sow you partisian pieces of stojan.



Yeah, Jeb did a good job of handling that Schiavo crisis. :)

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Yeah, Jeb did a good job of handling that Schiavo crisis.  :)



And the cocaine crisis in his nuclear family. Jeb is so tainted it's not even funny and "It's a private matter and we wish the best for them blah blah blah" doesn't calm the nerves of people who see he can't even be a leader and role model in his own family. If they run him, they will lose.


Then there's the whole, My state can't incarcerate or even keep track of our child rapists and sexual predadors. The case where they had video of the guy leading the girl off... he used a handgun in the commission of his previous crime. Five year mandatory term. MANDATORY. He walked in three. That's some nice governing there.

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Yeah, Jeb did a good job of handling that Schiavo crisis.  :)



Was that supposed to be funny? I guess I missed the whole "crisis" part of that little soap opera.




And the cocaine crisis in his nuclear family. Jeb is so tainted it's not even funny and "It's a private matter and we wish the best for them blah blah blah" doesn't calm the nerves of people who see he can't even be a leader and role model in his own family. If they run him, they will lose.



Yeah, becuase we all know that the only reason anyone has ever used cocaine was because they had bad parents and didn't get enough 'leadership' from Dad. ;):lol:

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Yeah, becuase we all know that the only reason anyone has ever used cocaine was because they had bad parents and didn't get enough 'leadership' from Dad.  :)  ;)



It is at this point where I become befuddled. A while back, there was a story of a woman whose son get caught B&E, drugs, etc. who worked two minimum-wage jobs and she got utterly lambasted, drawn and quartered here for not being there to teach her son the proper personal reponsibility and the rules of society.


Oh. Wait. Now that I think about it, I see your logic now....


It's airtight.


"That's different" is the phrase we all need to learn when talking about pols.


What could I have been thinking!

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It is at this point where I become befuddled. A while back, there was a story of a woman whose son get caught B&E, drugs, etc. who worked two minimum-wage jobs and she got utterly lambasted, drawn and quartered here for not being there to teach her son the proper personal reponsibility and the rules of society.


Oh. Wait. Now that I think about it, I see your logic now....


It's airtight.


"That's different" is the phrase we all need to learn when talking about pols.


What could I have been thinking!




I don't remember that one, but isn't there just a tiny difference in the two examples? One is committing felonies against other people (B&E) and one isn't?




I'm just surprised to hear you be an advocate of holding our politicians to such high standards in their personal lives. I wouldn't have pegged you as someone to jump all over Clinton for his personal conduct or Al Gore for being such a horrible failure as a father, but obviously you must have done so.

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And the cocaine crisis in his nuclear family. Jeb is so tainted it's not even funny and "It's a private matter and we wish the best for them blah blah blah" doesn't calm the nerves of people who see he can't even be a leader and role model in his own family. If they run him, they will lose.


Then there's the whole, My state can't incarcerate or even keep track of our child rapists and sexual predadors. The case where they had video of the guy leading the girl off... he used a handgun in the commission of his previous crime. Five year mandatory term. MANDATORY. He walked in three. That's some nice governing there.


I think that's been said before about members of that family and to date the Dem's are 1-3 on the prediction. :D While I don't know nearly enough about him right now to vote for or against Jeb and there are other Republicans I'd like to see run, I would not write him off just yet.

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Was that supposed to be funny?  I guess I missed the whole "crisis" part of that little soap opera.



Yes, it's called sarcasm. Jeb acted like it was a crisis when he tried to take Schiavo into state custody. He also intervened to try to get a judge to delay pulling the plug. Then after it was all over, he had her death investigated including looking into how long it took her husband to call 911 when she collapsed 15 years earlier.


The state of Florida must not have had much going on for Jeb to use the FL state Legislature and court systems in his personal crusade. :D

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