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Giuliani considering a '08 run for the White House

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If the Rove/Cheney black ops team could convince the primary voters of South Carolina that John McCain fathered an illegitimate black child, then they should have no problem taking down Giuliani.


The only person that doesn't know that Jeb Bush will be the Republican party candidate in '08 is Jeb Bush.

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I have a hard time seeing Rudy veering to the right on social issues to get the vote of the right in trying to nab the nomination. I think Sam Brownback is running and although Rudy would clean his clock in the northeast and west, Rudy would get thrashed in places like South Carolina and the midwest.


The struggle within the Republican party between its extremists and its moderates is probably inevitable. It is what happens when a party is successful to the point of dominance. For that to happen your tent has to get bigger and once it is, the resulting diversity leads to conflict. Sooner or later that struggle gets played out in the form of a Presidential primary.


As for the specifics of your question, I think they are both just too strong or less charitably, too ego driven to play second fiddle to one another. If either were to get the nomination and do so without changing their positions on social issues all that much (non-gay baiting, basically pro-choice, etal), I think they would win easily. I think either could carry states like Pennsylvania and even New Jersey and without them the democrats wouldn't have a prayer.


Of course, If John McCain couldn't beat George Bush in 2000, why would he be able to beat the neo-con candidate of 2008 be it Brownback or whoever?

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If the Rove/Cheney black ops team could convince the primary voters of South Carolina that John McCain fathered an illegitimate black child, then they should have no problem taking down Giuliani. 


The only person that doesn't know that Jeb Bush will be the Republican party candidate in '08 is Jeb Bush.


I could easily see Colin Powell running as well but there would be so many candidates splitting the republican moderate vote (Rudy, McCain, Powell) that they would get iced in the primaries by the far righty in the mix whoever that might be.

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If the Rove/Cheney black ops team could convince the primary voters of South Carolina that John McCain fathered an illegitimate black child, then they should have no problem taking down Giuliani. 


The only person that doesn't know that Jeb Bush will be the Republican party candidate in '08 is Jeb Bush.



Shhhhhhhhhhh. That never happened.

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Rudy will never win the nomination. McCain might, rudy wont.


A McCain / Rudy ticket doest do much IMO. McCain is a moderate. He would need to do one of 2 things to really help himself out.


1) Pick a strong conservative as a VP

2) Pick a democrat, any democrat will do.


I think a McCain / George Allen ticket makes PERFECT sense. Only problem is that both are sitting senators from states with Democratic governors. So the senate gets thrown out of wack.

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If you think GWB's "Im doing whatever the hell I want and !@#$ you and anyone else who disagrees with me" attitude is annoying and counterproductive both here and abroad, wait till you see Rudy's. Yeah, he became America's soft and cuddly mayor after 9/11, but he is anything but. He does things one way....HIS way. And if you dont like it, youre out on your ass. But on the flip side, he gets things done like few others can.


it would be interesting, to say the least.

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If you think GWB's "Im doing whatever the hell I want and !@#$ you and anyone else who disagrees with me" attitude is annoying and counterproductive both here and abroad, wait till you see Rudy's. Yeah, he became America's soft and cuddly mayor after 9/11, but he is anything but. He does things one way....HIS way. And if you dont like it, youre out on your ass. But on the flip side, he gets things done like few others can.


it would be interesting, to say the least.



You are 100% correct. I saw the Giuliani era from the trenches. He is a leader, and he does not lose.

The thing is, if the right wing yahoos deny this true leader a chance to govern because of bu!!sh-- litmus test issues, they will have proved themselves to be just as stupid and despicable as the a-hole leftists.

I hate to say it, but it's true.

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You are 100% correct. I saw the Giuliani era from the trenches. He is a leader, and he does not lose.

The thing is, if the right wing yahoos deny this true leader a chance to govern because of bu!!sh-- litmus test issues, they will have proved themselves to be just as stupid and despicable as the a-hole leftists.

I hate to say it, but it's true.


I am sure the right wingnuts would be very concerned about having a man in the White House who had the poor taste to try to move his mistress into the mayor's mansion whilst his divorce was still pending. They worry about those things you know. Along with those poor, defenseless stem cells.


Did he remarry yet? He'll probably want to take care of that to eliminate one possible character assassination item from the wingnut list.


I have no issues with Rudy. Given that the GOP seems to promote empty suits - with hair - these days I'm sure he's in for a lot of grief but at least he's proven he has some modicum of leadership skill and can get things done.

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I am sure the right wingnuts would be very concerned about having a man in the White House who had the poor taste to try to move his mistress into the mayor's mansion whilst his divorce was still pending.  They worry about those things you know.  Along with those poor, defenseless stem cells.


Did he remarry yet?  He'll probably want to take care of that to eliminate one possible character assassination item from the wingnut list.


I have no issues with Rudy.  Given that the GOP seems to promote empty suits  - with hair - these days I'm sure he's in for a lot of grief but at least he's proven he has some modicum of leadership skill and can get things done.



Deb, you know I love ya, but with the list of democrat candidates, and I mean the pathetic list of shockingly horrid misfits, you might want to keep the stones on the ground, no? :lol:

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Deb, you know I love ya, but with the list of democrat candidates, and I mean the pathetic list of shockingly horrid misfits, you might want to keep the stones on the ground, no?  :lol:


:lol: We were talking about Rudy though, that would be another thread.


By the way I see no-one has started a thread on Frist and his troubles. He's got hair, and lots of it, but he might get Martha'd.


The next best hair is Allen, GOP hair that is.

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:lol: We were talking about Rudy though, that would be another thread. 


By the way I see no-one has started a thread on Frist and his troubles.  He's got hair, and lots of it, but he might get Martha'd.


The next best hair is Allen, GOP hair that is.


As near as I can tell, there's nothing to the story. He dumped the stock 1 month before it tanked but put works in motion to drop it from his blind trust 2 months earlier at the behest of critics who didn't want him owning it. Doesn't appear to be a lot of smoke there, but I guess time will tell.



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As near as I can tell, there's nothing to the story.  He dumped the stock 1 month before it tanked but put works in motion to drop it from his blind trust 2 months earlier at the behest of critics who didn't want him owning it.  Doesn't appear to be a lot of smoke there, but I guess time will tell.




Frist told his blind trust to dump the stock (if he still had some of it) because there was major legislation on health care coming up and he didn't want any conflict of interest. Of course he left ignores that.

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