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Ransom observations on the game

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1. The play-calling was worse than the play of the quarterbacks, both of whom and both of which sucked.


2. The penalties were not only inexcusable but most of them, and the real killers, were totally unnecessary and had nothing to do with the play.


3. Moulds pisses me off every time he tries to catch a ball with one hand, it's just stupid and he can get two hands on the ball most of the time he tries it.


4. Nate is still extremely good but he still makes boneheaded decisions that keep him from being one of the 2-3 best in the game at his position.


5. I hate saying things like this, but McGee's KR at the end of the half was the single greatest non-touchdown return I have ever seen in my life, and I have been watching the Bills for 40 years. That was truly extraordinary. And typical of the Bills luck this year. He falls the last two yards, and it came with no time left instead of letting us have a two yard field and score a TD to get some confidence in the offense.


6. It was unconscionable to me to not run a QB sneak with three inches to go.


7. Tim Anderson had a damn good game and should replace Edwards permanently on running downs. He did more in this game standing up against the blocks than Edwards did in four games and maybe four years.


8. This was another time when stats are very misleading. The Bills run defense was actually pretty good the entire game until the last drive when we were down by 9 and Duece probably got 40-50 of his yards. The pass defense was pitiful and was at least as responsible for the loss as the pass attack of JP.


9. It looks to me like Willis has most of his speed back and maybe all of it. Yeah he hasn't had a 60 yard TD run but he is accelerating plenty damn fast and running well. I guess that calling out of Mularkey was just plain stupid, huh?


10. Lindell is 9-10 and yet that 46 yard kick is one he NEEDS to make. Another incidence of stats being misleading.


11. I said this in another thread but JP was terrible today, and yet it gave me more confidence that he is going to be very good and maybe great. He has a ton of talent and it showed in a lot of ways today. Still, he had his third straight bad game.


12. Good to see Moorman getting back to his normal self.


13. Mularkey, to me, is not making good decisions at all when I thought and predicted he would be better in his second year. A small but telling thing to me was putting Nate Clements back for a punt late in the game. The two previous times that Freddie Smith touched the ball he almost took it the distance. Nate wasn't having a good game and was running all over the place. It made no sense to take a guy out that was playing exceptionally and replace him. Yeah, Clements is a threat but not any more than Smith, who really looks like he has a ton of talent and a place for him in this league.


14. Terrence McGee is the best return man the Bills have ever had. I said that about TKO as a LB a couple weeks ago, and it was arguable. Even when I posted it I thought it was arguable. I don't think this is even arguable. He is truly amazing. A lot of good return men have great averages that are skewed a bit by their long returns. McGee makes great 20 yard returns. He makes more guys miss than anyone in the league except Dante Hall, and he's probably as good right now. he gets to full speed in less steps than any player I can remember.


15. This is obvious, but it needs to be said by me because i post a lot of positive things about him. JP makes incredibly bad decisions in regard to not throwing the ball away deep in his own end when he needs to, as well as not sliding when he already has the first down. That to me, however, is because he's young and excitable and green, not because he's dumb. That pass out of his own endzone that was incomplete but thrown while he was almost on the ground was an amazing pass, but not quite as amazing as how amazingly stupid it was not to just throw the ball away when you're in your ndzone and already out of the pocket.


16. Crowell in and Spikes out didn't hurt them as much as I thought. He wasn't bad.


17. Troy Vincent had a terrible game.


18. I fully expected this team to be about 2-2 now. It's a shame, too, because I think the Pats have finally shot their wad and 9-7 may win this division.

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The pass defense has been horrid. There always seems to be someone running free in our secondary. Why is that? Blown schemes, poor scheme design or just mental breakdowns? It is maddening because you can sense on third and long that a conversion is inevitable.

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The pass defense has been horrid. There always seems to be someone running free in our secondary. Why is that? Blown schemes, poor scheme design or just mental breakdowns? It is maddening because you can sense on third and long that a conversion is inevitable.


Part of it is that Vick and his cousin Brooks are the very best in the league at running, and fast enough to elude pass rushers who would be sacking other guys. But you're right. Vincent was terrible this game. Nate was burnt repeatedly. The zones they were playing flat out sucked because the defenders were not making the right reads and covering guys.

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Meh, I'm tired of arguing about these lame play-calling complaints.


Penalties - I agree.


Moulds - I agree. GET 2 HANDS ON THE F***ING BALL.


McGee - his return was amazing for the most part, but didn't it look like he was TRYING to get tackled at the end? Running around the guy laying on the ground should've been the easiest part of the return - WTF.


Lindell - Give him a break. The kick he "NEEDS" to make? I don't see how that kick was any more important than any of the kicks he made in the previous 3 games.


I'm a "pessimist" and I thought they'd be 3-1 at this point. Granted the NFC South is better than anyone thought. It figures that we cross over with that division this year when every other division in the NFC is a joke. Oh well, maybe this year we actually win the games that matter in our division?

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6. It was unconscionable to me to not run a QB sneak with three inches to go.


8. This was another time when stats are very misleading. The Bills run defense was actually pretty good the entire game until the last drive when we were down by 9 and Duece probably got 40-50 of his yards. The pass defense was pitiful and was at least as responsible for the loss as the pass attack of JP.




Remember just last week when posters were complaining about JP's second sneak. When you have McGahee use him, yada yada yada.



This defense can't make a stop when they have to. What do you think the opposition is going to do when they have the ball and the lead at the end of the game. You know its coming and they still can't stop it. This was the same as they were all last year. A playoff team should be able to stop this at least once in a while.

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i listened to the game on the radio and didn't see any of it (heard all of it, however). any thoughts on punting on 4th and 5 with 4:08 left and down by 2 scores?



There are thoughts. But this is a family forum.

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i listened to the game on the radio and didn't see any of it (heard all of it, however). any thoughts on punting on 4th and 5 with 4:08 left and down by 2 scores?




Apparently MM doesn't understand the concept of "all in"

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"McGee - his return was amazing for the most part, but didn't it look like he was TRYING to get tackled at the end? Running around the guy laying on the ground should've been the easiest part of the return - WTF."


It looked like McGee was trying to jump over the last couple of guys...I would bet his legs were like lead at that time.

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i listened to the game on the radio and didn't see any of it (heard all of it, however). any thoughts on punting on 4th and 5 with 4:08 left and down by 2 scores?


That was a difficult decision and far from a no-brainer. Myself, I was calling for him to go for it. But if they missed, the game was really over with four minutes to go. Same thing with taking JP out, and then not putting him back in. I understood it, and it wasn't clearly a bone-headed decision in my mind, but I wouldn't have done it if I were the coach. I would have kept Losman in.

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