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For Us South Buffalo boys:


Villa Pizzaria




The Capital


Psycus.. :doh:


Roncones Pizza


Southside Bowling


PAL Baseball


Cruisin'...down S. park,,,,up Abbott,,,,down Seneca,,,slummin on Clinton,,,,down So Ogden,,repeat... ;)


Girls thumbing... <_<



Blue Jeans


Kitty O'Malley's


Salty Dog


The Ohio Street Drag Races

... they were like a scene from American Grafitti


Surfside Pizzeria


Foit's Seafood Restaurant


Duke Jupiter.


Batting cages with Iron Mikes instead of JUGS machines.

Don & Bob's.

Roseland Park.

J.M. Fields.

Electronic store maps at Wegmans.

Three dollar general admission seats at Silver Stadium.

The stage at the south end of the War Memorial.

The Rochester Zeniths at the Dome Arena.

Glenn Hagan.

The Rock-a-Plane at Seabreeze.

Midnight "Rocky Horror" at Panorama Plaza.

belinda  :)



OK...I'm not a plank owner, but I still go back a few years. I missed that.


Who TF or What TF is Belinda? I've never seen that explained, and your "inner circle elitist crap" (You know who you are, cough... Harriet, Scott) always avoids the subject.


Has a lot on you, huh?


Whammy Weenies were recalled due to the green paint containing lead.


McDonald's/Gas Stations giving away glasses. (See lead paint above) I still have my mid-80's Buffalo Bills Mobil glasses and my McDonald's Hamburgler glass


The Hamburgler

Hey Kool-Aid!

Toss Across, Gnip Gnop, Rebound, Mouse Trap and Rock-em-Sock-em Robots


Super Duper

Putt Putt

The Ground Round

Arthur Treacher's Fish & Chips

8 Tracks


Record Albums

Beta VCR's (even better- Video Disc Players)

Two Guys


Twin Fair

The Pop Shoppe


and for the adults in the crowd-


Uncle Sam's

The Stuffed Mushroom (Home of the Mega Mug and Condom Man)


The Brown Derby

Genesee 12 Horse Ale

Utica Club Cream Ale

Schmidt's Bavarian

...Fay Wray."


(Go ahead. Tell me which movie features the song which starts with those words. Without using Google.)


Damn I had to look it up. I almost took a shot at it and to my surprise I would have been right. I don't ever recall hearing the Fay Wray part but the Saturday Night part is what immediately came to mind after I read your post.

OK...I'm not a plank owner, but I still go back a few years. I missed that.


Who TF or What TF is Belinda? I've never seen that explained, and your "inner circle elitist crap" (You know who you are, cough... Harriet, Scott) always avoids the subject.


Has a lot on you, huh?


Belinda lives.

OK...I'm not a plank owner, but I still go back a few years. I missed that.


Who TF or What TF is Belinda? I've never seen that explained, and your "inner circle elitist crap" (You know who you are, cough... Harriet, Scott) always avoids the subject.


Has a lot on you, huh?


Belinda was a whining person who got pissed whenever a meesage was posted with nothing but the subject line and no message. So to appease her, belinda was added into the message line for all empty posts.

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