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Bill Bennett may get some heat for this one.


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Was it really his idea or was he just repeating what he heard one of his bookies say?



From the text of the call, it sounds like he was using it as an example of illogical thinking. But of course, reporting it that way won't increase anyone's ratings or sell any more newspapers.

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You have to wonder how people can even think of saying such things and then thinking it will be taken the way they intended. This guy is supposed to be more intelligent than someone like Kanya West who said 'Bush hates black people' or Rush Limbaugh who referred to the New Orleans mayor Ray Nagins as 'Mayor Nager'.

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You have to wonder how people can even think of saying such things and then thinking it will be taken the way they intended.  This guy is supposed to be more intelligent than someone like Kanya West who said 'Bush hates black people' or Rush Limbaugh who referred to the New Orleans mayor Ray Nagins as 'Mayor Nager'.



OOOH....Rush got tounge tied and made an utterance that COULD be construed as racist!


DOUBLE yawn.


Hey, on American Chopper last week, Grandma Teutel referred to Jorge Posada as "George." SHE must be a racist, too!!!!!!!!

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OOOH....Rush got tounge tied and made an utterance that COULD be construed as racist!


DOUBLE yawn.



Since they can't compete with ideas, they need to resort to this type of behavior. It is no wonder they can't win elections.

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Since they can't compete with ideas, they need to resort to this type of behavior. It is no wonder they can't win elections.



Bennet's statement was dumb....REALLY dumb. But not half as bad IMO as all the usual suspects tripping over each other to out-"outrage" one another. And now weve got something worse... those who try to make this a POLITICAL issue. Nancy Pelosi has called on GWB to condemn the remarks..like HE has anything to do with the situation. Of course, while asking that Bush condemn the remarks of a man who last was in public service almost 15 years ago, she conveniently forgets the recent remarks of a SITTING Congressman (Rangel). I swear, that moron who knocked on my door last night trying to sell me a "miracle vacuum" insulted what little intelligence I have less than what thes politicians.

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Bennet's statement was dumb....REALLY dumb. But not half as bad IMO as all the usual suspects tripping over each other to out-"outrage" one another. And now weve got something worse... those who try to make this a POLITICAL issue. Nancy Pelosi has called on GWB to condemn the remarks..like HE has anything to do with the situation. Of course, while asking that Bush condemn the remarks of a man who last was in public service almost 15 years ago, she conveniently forgets the recent remarks of a SITTING Congressman (Rangel). I swear, that moron who knocked on my door last night trying to sell me a "miracle vacuum" insulted what little intelligence I have less than what thes politicians.


...and I doubt any one of them actually listened to the statements before and after the comment.


DING!! Hot Pockets are done.

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Bennetts Explaination


COLMES: Might give you an opportune to put them in context and explain.


BENNETT: Sure. Well, the context was a radio show that I was doing yesterday, and the topic was abortion and we were talking about bad arguments in regard to abortion. A caller suggested he was opposed to abortion because he said if there were more babies there would be, eventually, more tax payers and a larger GNP, a smaller deficit. I said you want to be careful with that kind of argument because someone could postulate a situation where child's not likely to be a productive taxpayer. I said, arguments in which you take something that's far out, like the GNP and try to connect it up with abortion are tricky. I said make the case of abortion on the basis of life and protecting life. I said abortion is invoked in another way; you could make an argument that if you wanted to lower the crime rate, you saw the quote; you could practice abortion in very large numbers. You could do it in the black community; you could do it in other places. This is, by the way, the subject of a book for economics by a professor at Yale.


I said, however, if you were to practice that, widespread abortion in the black community or any other community, it would be ridiculous, impossible, and I appreciate you putting it on the screen, morally reprehensible. So I think morally reprehensible, when that is included in the quote makes it perfectly clear what my position is. A number of the people whom you have cited as condemning me have not made the inclusion of that remark, and so they make it seem, Alan, as if I am supporting such a monstrous idea, which of course I don't.

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Bennet's statement was dumb....REALLY dumb. But not half as bad IMO as all the usual suspects tripping over each other to out-"outrage" one another. And now weve got something worse... those who try to make this a POLITICAL issue. Nancy Pelosi has called on GWB to condemn the remarks..like HE has anything to do with the situation. Of course, while asking that Bush condemn the remarks of a man who last was in public service almost 15 years ago, she conveniently forgets the recent remarks of a SITTING Congressman (Rangel). I swear, that moron who knocked on my door last night trying to sell me a "miracle vacuum" insulted what little intelligence I have less than what thes politicians.


Exactly, honest to goodness racism isn't half as bad as false outrage. That's the real problem we should all be on the lookout for, false outrage the scourge of our times. Racism? Pish-posh. Oh when will people finally realize that more white people have suffered far more terribly at the hands of false charges of racism than minorities have suffered at the hands of real racism?

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Here's a link to the ABC/ AP article which for once puts a quote in the correct context:


Bennett's statement



This is like when Newt Gingrich said "We have to think outside the box, think different. For example, buy every kid in the inner city a computer." The press had articles saying that Newt wanted to buy all inner city kids a computer, without saying he was throwing out wild ideas as examples.

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Bennetts Explaination


I read the whole episode, including the morally reprehensible part. What he doesn't explain is why killing black babies would lower the crime rate by his thinking? Lets see.....less blacks=less crime, thus more blacks=more crime thus black=criminal. Nope, nothing objectionable there. I'm glad he thinks that killing black babies would be morally reprehensible, kudos to him on that one, standing ovation even.

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Exactly, honest to goodness racism isn't half as bad as false outrage.  That's the real problem we should all be on the lookout for, false outrage the scourge of our times.  Racism? Pish-posh.  Oh when will people finally realize that more white people have suffered far more terribly at the hands of false charges of racism than minorities have suffered at the hands of real racism?



False outrage, special treatment, double standards, witch hunts, blackmail. Its good to know those who "fight" racism....champions of fairness and equality like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson have such good, honest tools to work with to do so.

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I read the whole episode, including the morally reprehensible part.  What he doesn't explain is why killing black babies would lower the crime rate by his thinking?  Lets see.....less blacks=less crime, thus more blacks=more crime thus black=criminal.  Nope, nothing objectionable there.  I'm glad he thinks that killing black babies would be morally reprehensible, kudos to him on that one, standing ovation even.




i agree with him 100%.

but i also agree that aborting all white babies would eventually lower crime.

fewer humans...lower crime. what's the problem?

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I read the whole episode, including the morally reprehensible part.  What he doesn't explain is why killing black babies would lower the crime rate by his thinking?  Lets see.....less blacks=less crime, thus more blacks=more crime thus black=criminal.  Nope, nothing objectionable there.  I'm glad he thinks that killing black babies would be morally reprehensible, kudos to him on that one, standing ovation even.


You're much smarter than that.


He was saying, that since there is higher crime/arrest rate among blacks.......


He was being purposely ludicrous. He was giving an example of how statistics can be used to reach FALSE conclusions. His statement was in no way racist, nor did it even hint at some underlying racism. You know that. Don't wordsmith it to try and make it seem otherwise.


FWIW IMO, The statement does not prove he is unbiased either. It is what it is, and nothing more. A bad choice of words/example to shoot down an idiot caller.

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Well if outrage is bad and political, then try this shoe off for size.




Was this released as a statement from the WH specifically to address this issue or was this McClellan's canned respose to some idiot reporter's question during a press conference? There's a big difference.

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