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Serenity - You have to see this movie!


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Just a reminder that Serenity opens in theaters tomorrow. The movie is going to be GREAT (and already is, according to people who have seen it...).


If the movie does well (and since it only cost $40M to make, "good" is a relative term), Universal will green light a trilogy which is excellent news.


The movie is a continuation of the Firefly series that Fox cancelled for some reason...



Fan support for the show and movie are HUGE -- note that the DVD box set is currently ranked #7 in sales at Amazon, and it's been out for over two YEARS. I've never seen the box set fall below #15 at Amazon when I've looked. That's amazing. It's also the #1 searched for movie at http://www.moviefone.com


If you like great character development, good plots, and wonderful dialog, you'll love Firefly/Serenity. Go see it at the movie theater, you won't be disappointed!


EDIT: For those who insist on babes, here's some more reasons to see the movie (they're all main characters in the movie):







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Will I enjoy the movie if I know nothing about the TV series ?



I havn't seen the movie yet myself, but from everything i've read, the story will be just as good regardless of whether you've seen the show or not. You'll obviously get more out of it if you see the series first, but you should still enjoy it regardless. The writer/director has said multiple times that he wrote the script so that it's accessible to fans and newcomers alike.


On a local radio station, they had their movie review guy on. He gave a bunch of movies 2 stars, but when it came to Serenity, he gave it 4 stars (out of 4), and said, "This will be the next Star Wars."


My impression was that he never saw the show either, but I can't be sure.



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Here's a good review (that isn't really a review) and talks about whether you need to see the series first or not (the answer is NO):





To begin with, you see, the intro bridging all the plot revealed in the series does this amazing thing where it doesn't suck.




One, single, straightforward, understandable, non-summarizing, crazy cool introduction that portrays everything perfectly and does it without ever turning the wrong corner into cliché.


I was prepared for an intro that I could passingly write off as a necessary evil. I was not prepared for this.


I can't wait to see it :devil:


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Just a reminder that Serenity opens in theaters tomorrow.  The movie is going to be GREAT (and already is, according to people who have seen it...).


If the movie does well (and since it only cost $40M to make, "good" is a relative term), Universal will green light a trilogy which is excellent news. 


The movie is a continuation of the Firefly series that Fox cancelled for some reason...



Fan support for the show and movie are HUGE -- note that the DVD box set is currently ranked #7 in sales at Amazon, and it's been out for over two YEARS.  I've never seen the box set fall below #15 at Amazon when I've looked.  That's amazing.  It's also the #1 searched for movie at http://www.moviefone.com


If you like great character development, good plots, and wonderful dialog, you'll love Firefly/Serenity.  Go see it at the movie theater, you won't be disappointed!


EDIT: For those who insist on babes, here's some more reasons to see the movie (they're all main characters in the movie):










Got to admit, I don't understand the fan frenzy behind Firefly or Serenity. I am a huge Sci-Fi fan. I love Star Wars, Trek, BSG, 4400, Lost, etc. When Firefly came out, I watched probably the first 3 episodes or so. I thought it was interesting, but nothing about it really blows me away, or leaves me dying for the next episode like BSG. So my question is what's so good about it?

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Got to admit, I don't understand the fan frenzy behind Firefly or Serenity.  I am a huge  Sci-Fi fan.  I love Star Wars, Trek, BSG, 4400, Lost, etc.  When Firefly came out, I watched probably the first 3 episodes or so.  I thought it was interesting, but nothing about it really blows me away, or leaves me dying for the next episode like BSG.  So my question is what's so good about it?



Well first of all, since you watched the first three episodes that came out, that means you didn't REALLY see the first three episodes. See, Fox decided to air the pilot LAST (right before cancelling the show)....


If you watch the pilot episode first (2 hours), then other things really start to fall into place more. The first few were ok, but not great. Later episodes are AWESOME; you see how the inner planets that are under control of the Alliance have all sorts of technology, it explains more why the outer planets don't. The character development and chemistry is also fun to watch.


I'd recommend renting the first disk, watching the pilot, and if you're still not hooked watch the episode "Ariel." If you're not hooked after that, then I guess it's not your cup of tea.


For the record, I love all of the other shows you mentioend as well. :(


Give it another shot.


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Is this the same Firefly that's on SciFi now?



Yes, Serenity is the movie that was made after Fox cancelled the series.


It takes place after the last episode (11 aired, but 14 were made; the extra three are on the DVDs). The movie takes place sometime after that (a few months I think).



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Just a reminder that Serenity opens in theaters tomorrow.

Watched the trailers on line. I'm a sci-fi fan, and this looks to have some really good writing, so I'm looking forward to seeing it. Never saw the show. I wonder if I am going to have any clue what's going on, or if I should rent dvd's of the show first.

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Watched the trailers on line. I'm a sci-fi fan, and this looks to have some really good writing, so I'm looking forward to seeing it. Never saw the show. I wonder if I am going to have any clue what's going on, or if I should rent dvd's of the show first.



You should buy the DVDs :(


But I don't think you need to see the show before you watch the movie. Everything I"ve read said they've done a great job for people new to the series:


Here's a quote from the Waffle review I mentioned earlier:

I can't believe I am saying this, but I think Serenity could be the new Star Wars. It's hard for me to avoid the comparison because Serenity reminds me, in a good way, of the first Star Wars  movie back in 1977 (now called Star Wars IV: A New Hope). The motley crew of the Serenity ship is a group of well meaning rogues fighting an imposing, technologically advanced, evil, despotic authority attempting to stop dissension through violence and intimidation. Even The Operative reminds you a little bit of Darth Vader, while the captain has a tough Han Solo-type swagger and quick, bickering comebacks to make you laugh in the heat of the moment. In short, Serenity is amazing, even if you don't like Sci Fi movies. It's a fantastic film with a great story, great action and classic characters.

In addition:

It's a movie that makes sense and entertains the hard core fans as well as newbies who have never heard of Firefly, while taking a deeper step into the future with the storyline and characters, who could be Whedon's biggest assets.


Here's the link:




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Well first of all, since you watched the first three episodes that came out, that means you didn't REALLY see the first three episodes.  See, Fox decided to air the pilot LAST (right before cancelling the show)....


If you watch the pilot episode first (2 hours), then other things really start to fall into place more.  The first few were ok, but not great.  Later episodes are AWESOME; you see how the inner planets that are under control of the Alliance have all sorts of technology, it explains more why the outer planets don't.  The character development and chemistry is also fun to watch.


I'd recommend renting the first disk, watching the pilot, and if you're still not hooked watch the episode "Ariel."  If you're not hooked after that, then I guess it's not your cup of tea.


For the record, I love all of the other shows you mentioend as well. <_<


Give it another shot.





Thanks. I didn't realize they didn't show the pilot. I'll take a look for the season discs at Hollywood video.


On another topic, do any of you guys watch Smallville? That is just a fantastic show. I didn't have Tivo last year, so I missed abig part of Lost because it was directly against Smallville. This year should be really good. I'm curious how they will lead it into the Superman Returns movie next year.

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Serenity is getting MONSTER reviews:








"The Finest Space Adventure Since the Year We Found Out Who Luke's Dad Was"

- Scott Weinberg


"The cleverest, crankiest, wittiest, wildest, and most character-driven sci-fi adventure in 25 years; it's the best outer-space trip I've been on since the empire struck back."


"I can't believe I am saying this, but I think Serenity could be the new Star Wars."


"Leaps well beyond the rather humble bonds of a mediocre cancelled TV show into the realm of amazing, adventure filmmaking."


"A lot more sweaty fun than the last three overhyped, sterile, for-dorks-only Star Wars cartoons."


"As always, Whedon's sci-fi fantasies smartly parallel the serious issues we're grappling with here on Earth, while his protagonists remain mordantly funny in the face of utter disaster."


"An A-grade experience. The writing is impeccable, the chemistry among the cast is fantastic, the performances are great, and the action is non-stop!"


If you think the "Star Wars" prequels are a disease, then Serenity is the cure.


And from LanaK's hometown (or at least, home state!):




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On another topic, do any of you guys watch Smallville?  That is just a fantastic show.  I didn't have Tivo last year, so I missed abig part of Lost because it was directly against Smallville.  This year should be really good.  I'm curious how they will lead it into the Superman Returns movie next year.



Great show except too many people are getting hurt again and again.


They are already feeding from 1st movie by the late, great Christopher Reeve which is supposed what it is be based on.


And I am seeing Serenity tomorrow with my buddy; one of my favorite quotes (from the series) is in my signature.

Edited by G. Host
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Guys, I gotta say. I went to see it tonight and I was underwhelmed. Don't get me wrong, it did'nt suck, but it was'nt anything special. As far as I was concerned it was pretty formulatic. Nothing really inovative and at times the acting seemed amateurish. Not trying to be the devils advocate I went inot the movie pretty psyched looking for the next great thing in sci-fi. Fella's, this isnt it. Maybe if you are a fan of the series it means something different dont know.

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Guys, I gotta say. I went to see it tonight and I was underwhelmed. Don't get me wrong, it did'nt suck, but it was'nt anything special. As far as I was concerned it was pretty formulatic. Nothing really inovative and at times the acting seemed amateurish. Not trying to be the devils advocate I went inot the movie pretty psyched looking for the next great thing in sci-fi. Fella's, this isnt it. Maybe if you are a fan of the series it means something different dont know.



I hate to waste my first post on the Wall on a non-Bills related post, but I wanted to respond to this. Like Fezmid, I'm nuts about this series. I think it's the best sci fi show ever - seen every episode 3 or 4 times - couldn't wait for the movie, and...


I was a little disappointed. I liked it, but I think it fell short of the best shows of the series by quite a bit. Having said that, some of the action scenes are terrific, it's funny, and it's not overly dependent on special effects. I think watching the tv series first would increase your enjoyment of the movie. And it's a definite must see if you like science fiction. But if you like science fiction, you should rent and then buy the series, which is the best thing ever.

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