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Tom's fault???


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Give me your state of the Bills, but do it in song (I know we did this last year and but it was fun).


Here's mine...


Bye, Bye Super Bowl Dream


A long, long time ago

I can still remember

How the Bills used to make me smile

And I knew if we had one more chance

That Marv could make our fans dance

And maybe they'd be happy for a while


But now the Bills make me shiver

With every loss they deliver

Bad news on the doorstep

I can’t watch one more rep


I can't remember if I cried

When that god damn kick sailed just wide

But something touched me deep inside

The day the dream died


So bye, bye Super Bowl Dream

Drove my Chevy to the Ralph for Whitey’s regime

Them good old boys at the Big Tree did scream

Screamin' this’ll be the day, a win for our team,

This’ll be the day, a win for our team


Did you watch without saying God Almighty

And do you have faith in Flighty Whitey

If ole Ralph tells you so

And do you believe in running the ball

Is our D headed for a mighty fall

And can blocking be taught by a man named McNally


In 04 I knew Mularkey liked to gamble

'Cause why else, would Drew have to scramble

You knew it was 4th and three

Man, I just have to disagree


But our team made a little luck

And Willis ran like a Mack truck

But then Willie Parker ran amuck

The day the dream died


I started singin'

Bye, bye Super Bowl Dream

Drove my Chevy to the Ralph for Whitey’s regime

Them good old boys at the Big Tree did scream

Screamin' this’ll be the day, a win for our team,

This’ll be the day, a win for our team


Now for five years we've been a joke

And Whitey’s team sure knows how to choke

But that's not how it used to be

When Kelly played for Marv and Bill

In a scheme that gave us such a thrill

The Ralph rocked, cause of you and me


Oh and while the opponents were looking around

Kelly led the Bills to the holy ground

51-3 and the game was adjourned

A decisive verdict was returned

And while an injured Kelly sat one out

Frank Reich proved more than stout

The Greatest Comeback left no doubt

The day the dream never died


We were singin'

Bye, bye Super Bowl Dream

Drove my Chevy to the Ralph for Whitey’s regime

Them good old boys at the Big Tree did scream

Screamin' this’ll be the day, a win for our team,

This’ll be the day, a win for our team


Gregg had airhorns in a summer swelter

Killdrive preachedt offense that was helter skelter

Mularkey then gave JP a big headstart

TKO fell and the D fell apart

27 up 40 down, and falling fast

With Whitey, we were not meant to last


Each offseason he said This is our Year

The 12th Man is ready to cheer,

Each year nothing but tears

Leaves the fans, crying in their beers

‘Cause our players tried to take the field

The opponents just refused to yield

Do you recall what was revealed

The day the dream died


We started singin'

Bye, bye Super Bowl Dream

Drove my Chevy to the Ralph for Whitey’s regime

Them good old boys at the Big Tree did scream

Screamin' this’ll be the day, a win for our team,

This’ll be the day, a win for our team


Oh in there we were all in one place

But the Bills were such a disgrace

With no time left to start again

So come on JP be nimble,

JP be quick

JP just fumbled, then threw another pick

Ralph is Whitey’s only friend

Oh and as I watched them try to engage

My hands were clenched in fists of rage

No football coach born in hell

Could break that Whitey’s spell

And as the Bills just lost the fight

And again no playoffs on a winter’s nite

I saw Whitey laughing with delight

The day, the dream died


He was singin'

Bye, bye Super Bowl Dream

Drove my Chevy to the Ralph for Whitey’s regime

Them good old boys at the Big Tree did scream

Screamin' this’ll be the day, a win for our team,

This’ll be the day, a win for our team


I met Kelly who sang the blues

And he passed me a bottle of booze

And he just turned away

I went down to the sacred Ralph

Where I’d heard Shout! years before

But Whitey said the music wouldn't play

And in the streets the children screamed

The fans cried and noone dreamed

But not a word was spoken

The Ralph’s spells all were broken

And the three men I admire most

Bruce, Andre and Thurman

They caught the last train for the coast

The day, the dream died


They were singin'

Bye, bye Super Bowl Dream

Drove my Chevy to the Ralph for Whitey’s regime

Them good old boys at the Big Tree did scream

Screamin' this’ll be the day, a win for our team,

This’ll be the day, a win for our team

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