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OK!!! It's the line!

Ghost of BiB

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Teague allowed a sack from DT lined up on his nose.  The guy blew by him without being touched and hit JP in, I think the announcer said, .9 seconds. 



That probably rivals Mike Puccillo as fastest to the QB. :devil:


I agree that the line isn't much to speak of. But give credit to Atlanta--they have one of the best front four in the league. Coleman could abuse a lot of guys up the middle.

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There are alot of good o-lineman coming out in next years draft. They already have an extra 3rd from the Henry trade and will get some type of compensation picks for Jennings and Williams. They have no excuse not to get a left tackle and a guard early in that draft. I'm not talking 5th, 6th rd type players, I want 1st to 3rd type players. And one more thing TD, for cripe sakes look into the players psyche a little more. We don't need any more 6'5' 380 lb. wussies who won't play if they have a hang nail.

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