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OK!!! It's the line!

Ghost of BiB

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I'm sorry I chimed in. My head hurts, now. I knew I shouldn't have done that.


It's also a "duh".


Whether you want to run or pass, you need a line. It's been blown off in Buffalo for years. Some gimic player will keep you in the headlines.


I KNOW!!! WE'LL DRAFT A WR!!! He can run fast.

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I'm sorry I chimed in. My head hurts, now. I knew I shouldn't have done that.


It's also a "duh".


Whether you want to run or pass, you need a line. It's been blown off in Buffalo for years. Some gimic player will keep you in the headlines.


I KNOW!!! WE'LL DRAFT A WR!!! He can run fast.


"Can I have your attention, please?...


I have something I think you all ought to know about. It seems that Mrs. Phelps doesn't think too highly of our worth. She put this team together because she thought we'd be bad enough to finish dead last, knocking attendance down to the point where she could move the team to Miami... and get rid of all of us for better personnel."

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"Can I have your attention, please?...


I have something I think you all ought to know about. It seems that Mrs. Phelps doesn't think too highly of our worth. She put this team together because she thought we'd be bad enough to finish dead last, knocking attendance down to the point where she could move the team to Miami... and get rid of all of us for better personnel."



I'd do her.

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I'm sorry I chimed in. My head hurts, now. I knew I shouldn't have done that.


It's also a "duh".


Whether you want to run or pass, you need a line. It's been blown off in Buffalo for years. Some gimic player will keep you in the headlines.


I KNOW!!! WE'LL DRAFT A WR!!! He can run fast.



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Look at any good offense, and you will find a good offensive line.



..and likely a line that's been together for a while. I remember looking a couple years back at some of the "best" lines in the NFL (Denver, Indy, a couple of others), and the common denominator was that at least 4 of the 5 guys (in some cases...I believe Denver...all 5) had been playing together at least two years...

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The OL does one thing pretty good. Run block. Willis didn't get 140 + yards by himself last week.


Here's a thought. Run the ball.



Amen, brother. Amen.

Remember Fergy's rookie season is the year OJ got 2,000 yards.

And, we had a rookie on the OLine named Joe DeLamielleure.


"Where have you gone Joe DeLamielleure...

Bills Nation turns it's lonely eyes to you.

Woo, woo, woo!"

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In the 1st two games I think the O-Line did a good job of pass protection. I mean even though tampa shut us down, the pass protection wasn't all that bad; I mean they got 2 sacks and one was because JP ran out the endzone. And Sunday we had a banged up right side of the line as Williams didn't play and Villareal; well we don't know what is up with him. I know people want to blame the line for it has been a problem for years and since they had a bad showing against ATL this topic resurfaces. But face it, the real problem with our offense is at QB and playcalling. I will give JP slack as thi sis just his 3rd start but I mean he's got to hit the guys when they are open at least %50 of the time. And better playcalling would help, along with a TE who can stretch the field. And how about instead of having our WR just run deep routes and few comebacks how about attacking the field with slants, crossing routes etc>

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Doesn't it piss anyone else off that our "franchise" right tackle seems to take every third week off with some kind of problem. Mental, physical or probably both.


Whats his status this week ? Anyone know ? Is he practicing or watching ?

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Amen, brother. Amen.

Remember Fergy's rookie season is the year OJ got 2,000 yards.

And, we had a rookie on the OLine named Joe DeLamielleure.


"Where have you gone Joe DeLamielleure...

Bills Nation turns it's lonely eyes to you.

Woo, woo, woo!"



Joe D. lurks in the shadows in the back of McFadden's on Sundays.

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I'm sorry I chimed in. My head hurts, now. I knew I shouldn't have done that.


It's also a "duh".


Whether you want to run or pass, you need a line. It's been blown off in Buffalo for years. Some gimic player will keep you in the headlines.


I KNOW!!! WE'LL DRAFT A WR!!! He can run fast.



I don't know, that sounds a bit made up to me.

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I have said many times that no offensive system yet devised can succeed without blocking. I finally watched the tape last night of the Atlanta game. I was appalled at the performance of the offensive line. Teague allowed a sack from DT lined up on his nose. The guy blew by him without being touched and hit JP in, I think the announcer said, .9 seconds. You can't have pressure up the middle, the distance is so short that the QB doesn't even have the time to throw it away. At least pressure from the edge has to cover some ground, enough to give the QB a tiny window within which to do something. A couple sacks were like that, totally unblocked defenders.


I know, I know, Willis had 140. Yippee. That game shows that even with a strong ground game, you have to be able to throw the ball now and then unless you plan on doing nothing but kicking field goals all day. That defense was trying to cover their problems at CB and so they didn't committ to stopping the run much and instead held their ground in coverage. They did sneak the SS up quite a bit but we didn't make them pay for that by passing the ball, we obligingly ran.


I also am concerned about the blocking of the TE's, some of those whiffs might have been mistakes by TE's as to who was blocking who.

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