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Brown fires back


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Ah yes, the modern American mantra: blame someone else.  Personal responsibility is only for the little people.



I apparently read it differently than you. While not blameless, Brown is pointing out the screw-ups on the local and state levels which I think is appropriate. I would have major issues being made the scapegoat for crap I am not responsible for.

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I apparently read it differently than you.  While not blameless, Brown is pointing out the screw-ups on the local and state levels which I think is appropriate.  I would have major issues being made the scapegoat for crap I am not responsible for.



Doesn't fit the Bush Bad agenda. Now, it's political. I don't care what any media hacks or congresspeople have to say. I personally know what a cluster both LA and NO were by their own doing. Read the media wrong thread as a companion piece. This shidt pretty well just gets more and more disgusting. Who where is investigating LA or NO? I guarantee you that certain things cross the line into criminal negligence. Any Dem congressmen recommending that get looked at?


This place will end up getting what it deserves, and FWIW Brown is taking the fall and I don't blame him for being pissed.

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Go to any web site and read the headlines wherein he's blaming the locals, Bush, everyone, but himself.



Why should he? Evil B word woman?


I call you that in the nicest possible way, in the interest of rational discourse...


So what's your problem? Evil B word woman?

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Go to any web site and read the headlines wherein he's blaming the locals, Bush, everyone, but himself.


Blame him for what? The Federal response was right on par with all previous responses to hurricanes. Basically this guy got slimed for not responding quickly enough to an unprecedented natural disaster that was further blown out of proportion by the failures who make up the mainstream media. Almost all of the hysterical coverage in the days following the hurricane (which was when Brown took the most heat) turned out to be bullcrap.


Basically the main thing this guy did wrong was not turn into Superman, fly around the world to turn back time, and then visit NO to tell Nagin and Blanco to get their sh-- together. And, yes, I do hold him accountable for not doing that.

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Go to any web site and read the headlines wherein he's blaming the locals, Bush, everyone, but himself.



Interesting. From the link I posted above, he mentioned areas that he could have done better as opposed to blaming everyone else and not taking any responsibility.

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Go to any web site and read the headlines wherein he's blaming the locals, Bush, everyone, but himself.



I have a tendency to read beyond the headlines and read the whole article and still take it with a grain of salt the size of the iceburg that sank the Titanic. But that's just me.

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I don't blame Brown, I blame the Bush Administration for hiring this guy when he had absolutely no experience in emergency management prior to joining FEMA.


Time magazine has an article this week about other Bush appointees who appear woefully underqualified for the jobs they were given.

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I don't blame Brown, I blame the Bush Administration for hiring this guy when he had absolutely no experience in emergency management prior to joining FEMA. 


Time magazine has an article this week about other Bush appointees who appear woefully underqualified for the jobs they were given.




YOU DONT BLAME BROWN? For anything? Should George be blamed to for tooth decay in your family? Christ..........


I really hate this place...........


You sir, are an idiot. :w00t:

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I don't blame Brown, I blame the Bush Administration for hiring this guy when he had absolutely no experience in emergency management prior to joining FEMA. 


Time magazine has an article this week about other Bush appointees who appear woefully underqualified for the jobs they were given.


Except this guy was the Texas EMA guy. Plus he was the deputy prior to taking over as director. Yup no experience. :w00t:

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Except this guy was the Texas EMA guy.  Plus he was the deputy prior to taking over as director.  Yup no experience.  :w00t:



I am still shocked that the Dems are not blaming the hurricane on Karl Rove. This is probably the only thing they have not blamed on him.

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YOU DONT BLAME BROWN? For anything? Should George be blamed to for tooth decay in your family? Christ..........


I really hate this place...........


You sir, are an idiot. :w00t:



No, you're an idiot. Prior to coming to FEMA as Deputy Director, Brown had as much experience in emergency management as I have in Brain Surgery. Would you like me to perform your lobotomy or have you had one already?


Bush should stick to hiring his friends and cronies as Ambassadors or something else out of the way and hire experienced people for the important stuff like FEMA, FDA, Immigration, etc.


And if you hate this place so much, why don't you just go away?

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Except this guy was the Texas EMA guy.  Plus he was the deputy prior to taking over as director.  Yup no experience.  :w00t:



Well, if he was the Texas EMA guy, why isn't it in his bio? They puffed up everything on his resume. He went right from the Horse Ass(ociation) to Deputy Director of FEMA. Yeah, he probably had a lot of experience in dealing with horse schitt, but I'm sure that that was rarely an emergency. :doh:


How Reliable Is Brown's Resume?

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