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Is JP development to the Tiger Woods remake?

Fake-Fat Sunny

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Cliff notes begin: Give JP a chance. Holcomb will not likely carry this team to a different outcome in terms of naking the playoffs an certainly not win an SB in several years. JP probably will not as well, but just as we saw an athlete take a step back in production to improve his game, so too has JP stepped back from the Tulane run for your life improvisation which brought him a1st round pick to a more stable pro style which is not productive at all yet but he needs to master in order to be productive. Ckiff notes end.



First there is no need to go into tortured and detailed discussion as to how golf and football are totally different games so there is no analogy here or even to waste your time (unless you want to) pointing out that Woods had experienced more success in his early career winning Amatuers tourneys. burning up the PGA initially and winning the Masters.


The point of this post is not compare JP to Tiger and say they are the same (they are not as Tiger has an incredibly attractive wife in addition to all the silver trophies and an amount of green JP will never see.


the point of this idea is actually to analogize the development strategies employed by Tiger and his team and by JP and the Bills braintrust even though golf and football are totally different games and Tiger has had more success than JP can ever dream of. Both had suceeded in their sport initially playing a particiular type of game. Both had a need to step up their game a notch to remain competive.


Both experienced results which were far less than folks expected from them (though JPs failure to produce has been far more putrid).


However, the lesson that Tiger has taught us twice is that it is worthwhile taking apart ones style and mastering a new style of play that ends up being even more successful than your old style against a new level of competition.


I do not know at all whether JP will be able to master an new style and lead the Bills to truumph.


Yet amidst his putruid play the last few weeks I actually feel good about the fact that he is bad because he is struggling to master a new playing style that is a radical departure from the improvisational style he used at Tulane which earned him a first round pick in 2004 and led many outside pundits to feel that if in fact he had stayed in and come out inthe 205 draft he likely would have been the #1 QB choice (and possibly #1 overall) if he had shown the same stuff at Tulane as a senior if he had stayed.


From watching the games make no mistake I think JPs production was putrid Sunday. However, I can see when looking at his year + a little that he Wyche, Clements and MM have take apart his Tulane and many of his natural tendencies to improvise which held him in good stead in the college game, but which would be far less successful in the NFL where vets expect the QB to do certain things and be in specific places in order for the play to work. where opposing defenders will IN any balls thrown weakly off the wrong unlike college where they were slow enough for a QB to get away with floater, and if he JP always is willing to take a hit from a defender instead of going OB once he has once he has the first down (and sometimes before) he will have a short career as a pro.


While in general I would agree that JP has stunk it up and been ineffective in his play the last two (and he had definite failings even in the first week win), from what I see he continues the development which was easier to see in his mop-up appearances last year when he working to master simple things like control of the huddle (he went from the debacle in NE, to the delay of game penalty in his second appearance, to having to take a TO in his 3rd game to finally at least showing abiliy to control the huddle and clock by game 4 for him.


There are issues this year as well, and even worse in these non-makeup games aganst teams good enough to beat you silly he has not even had the success he had in mop-up games.


However, evem though he and the team are not getting it done i can see what they are trying to do.


The bottomline for us fans is to have a little patience. We are going into a strak where we face a homeless NO team, a Miami team in the Ralph that has had some success this year but it CAN be a very different game in our house, a Jets team which is troubled to say the least in our house and get the cheeseburgers out as we head on the road to face an Oakland team that I think is 0-3 to date.


JP has several games where he will need to show some progress in production, but I am not freaked at all (though of course I am disappinted) that his outings have been rought to date. Favre, Steve Young and others got over being so bad initially they were traded. There are no signs JP will be anoher Favre or Young but we need to give him a chance to do this for our sakes.

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Actually yes.  A lot going on in my work world with Katrina response and such. its no excuse but fotunmately one does need one on TSW. it is one of the great things about the internet!



Get that snooze, get your Circadian back in order then get up and have one of those killer 3,000 calorie eggs-bacon-toast-hash brown-pancake-sausage breakfasts! :D

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