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Is Bill Belichick nuts?


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Even though New England coach Bill Belichick chased off Steelers trainer John Norwig from attending to one of his injured players Sunday, it did not prevent the Patriots from later asking the Steelers for crutches and some medication for the player.


Norwig, the Steelers' trainer since 1992, rushed onto the field with Pittsburgh EMS division chief Ron Romano when it was evident that Patriots tackle Matt Light was seriously injured in the second quarter Sunday at Heinz Field. That is normal procedure for the home team in such a situation because Romano would be the first to call for an ambulance if needed.


But when Belichick saw Norwig approach Light, who lay on the grass field, he came out to shoo him away. Belichick told Norwig to "get away from my [expletive] player" according to several sources. A surprised Norwig left and later could be seen talking and laughing about the incident with several Steelers doctors on the sideline.


Romano said he often has gone onto the field when a player looks seriously hurt. He said he got there after Belichick spoke with Norwig and did not hear the conversation.


"We're there to help the teams and assist in any way we can," Romano said. "I have an ambulance in place to take a player off right away."


Earlier in the game, Patriots safety Rodney Harrison also went down with what the Boston Globe reported as a torn right ACL. Steelers coach Bill Cowher walked onto the field to check on Harrison, which he has done occasionally when an opposing player is seriously injured. Belichick did not try to chase away Cowher.


Yesterday, the Steelers declined comment on the incident through a spokesman and the Patriots also had no comment. The topic did not come up at Belichick's news conference yesterday.


Sources told the Post-Gazette that the requested crutches and the pain medication were provided by the Steelers to the Patriots for Light, whom they said had a broken leg.


"We were later on asked to come to the room and provide treatment for the player, which we did," Romano said.


Mike Mullarkey gets criticized for trying to keep injury information under wraps. But Bill Beilichick acts like Capt. Queeg in the Caine Mutiny and he's hailed as a freakin' genius! Yeah, yeah...I know....win 3 Super Bowls and you can act any way you want. Well then cut Mullarkey some slack if he is trying to emulate the champs.



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I think Bill B has a minor point here... you don't really want the other team to know the extent of an injury... and having the opponents trainers will definately let them know what's going on... That said, Bill B is a control freak... :o Eventually when he get's carted off the field, the opponent is going to know something... And you need to do what's best for your player, not worry about whether you are giving a competitive edge to the other team...


I think if both sidelines have equal access to the outside help (ambulance etc)... then you'd eliminate the need to have the opponents Trainers on the field... Which would make Bill B happy and not put the players at more risk.

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I think Bill B has a minor point here...  you don't really want the other team to know the extent of an injury...  and having the opponents trainers will definately let them know what's going on...  That said, Bill B is a control freak...  :o  Eventually when he get's carted off the field, the opponent is going to know something...  And you need to do what's best for your player, not worry about whether you are giving a competitive edge to the other team...


I think if both sidelines have equal access to the outside help (ambulance etc)...  then you'd eliminate the need to have the opponents Trainers on the field...  Which would make Bill B happy and not put the players at more risk.


Then why is Coach Mullarkey mocked and criticized when he tries to do the same thing? Is it a double standard?



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Sounds to me like a spur-of-the-moment thing. I doubt Belichek even remembers his own words, and the cited Norwig and Romano seemed to not think it to be any big thing.

..which it wasn't, to them. :lol:


But I suppose this is the fragile generation that is certain that any negative outcome in life just HAS to be someone else's fault... :D

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