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i guess he's their only decent option. word had it they were considering quincy carter. which is worse? sucks to be them.


if are D can get back on track at all, vinny returnining to the jets is good news for the bills. and don't blast me for saying that because we're still only 3 games in. the bills told me to say that :o


seriously, beat the jets twice, beat the phins twice and we're in it for the AFC east. ok i'm dreaming, whatever.

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Having seen a lot of Vinny with the Cowboys last year, I can say, he is not great, but is still capable of putting together a big game...


I am kind of surprised the Jets didn't try to make a run at Patrick Ramsey (he is "demanding" a trade). IMO, he would be better than any of their other options, and would likely come pretty cheap. It sounds like Pennington might be done for good. I can't remember any player, in any sport, coming back, sucessfully, from two rotater cuff surgeries, particularly one who relies so much on his shoulder. The only one that comes to mind was Jim Rithcer (or was it John Fina?) very late in their careers...

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What about the Jets approaching SD for Phillip Rivers? If they don't think they need a new QB for the future, they're living in denial.


Offer SD next years one, and see what happens. I can't see the Jets losing enough games to win the Leinart lottery, so here's a way for them to get a highly rated rookie in mid-season. Is SD willing to let him go now, or are they still trying to figure out if Drew Brees is the real thing.

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