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Gawd, this is pathetic.

Ghost of BiB

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I'm trying. Really I am.  :lol:


P.S. Maybe I should just delete the game and not watch it.  :devil:



The funny thing is, removing the OT posts has given everyone free reign to just "blurt" whatever comes to mind, without any commas. Several have taken full advantage of that, and have just pushed juvenile emotion well over what would pass as rational thought, and named it expertise and knowledge. Why is it experitse and knowledge? Because they had a random thought and posted it, that's why!


Not all, but many. I don't begrudge anyone their opinion, and many here are really good. But the majority need Dr. Phil, and an ability to remember what they said two weeks ago. If you have a plan, stick with it, even as a simple fan and in your own mind. A plan is not reacting every week to what ever happened. A plan involves gaining and utilizing knowledge about the subject, and the ability to apply that knowledge to influence the situation at hand. We can't influence, but I'd settle for the same people making the same points and pointing out why instead of (insert name) was a Godsend one week, and (insert name) is the anti-Christ the next.

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I'm incredibly disappointed I wasn't able to make it on the board today. :o


The loss of Takeo hurts bad. But, we know we have a deep linebacker core and we'll be able to bounce back against the Saints this week.


Bottom line IMO, we faced two extremely good teams and lost. Whoopie doo. I was expecting it from Atlanta and Tampa is now 3-0.


The next three weeks are all very winnable games. NO, Miami at home and the Jets with no QB at home.


In three weeks we could very well be 4-2. I believe we will be.

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We can't influence, but I'd settle for the same people making the same points and pointing out why instead of (insert name) was a Godsend one week, and (insert name) is the anti-Christ the next.



Like how bharami went into meltdown last week after pouring the Kool-aid himself the week previous?


Who's going to lose it this week? My money's on DIB, but that's only b/c of the mental stress of having to live among the 3-0 Dolfelons and their good-time-Charlie "fans." The Dalai Lama himself would go apesh-- in an environment like that.

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I hoped for 8-9 wins and I still think it's possible. I don't ride the fragile emotional roller coaster that some enjoy. The Bills didn't win their first game until the 2nd week of October last year and we read the same " I quit " posts for 4 weeks.


Sometimes, adversity has a positive effect on a team. They may adopt an " us vs. them " mentality and start playing well above their expectations. I'm over the last game and looking forward to Sunday to see how the Bills respond. Tons of fans and media members are already tanking on them. Time to circle the wagons.


I'm not about to quit after 3 games and I doubt even the biggest whiners are. They just like the attention they garner from crying. It probably works for them in real life, so they believe it will work here.


And some wonder why the community crushes these type of posters... :o

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Like how bharami went into meltdown last week after pouring the Kool-aid himself the week previous?


Who's going to lose it this week? My money's on DIB, but that's only b/c of the mental stress of having to live among the 3-0 Dolfelons and their good-time-Charlie "fans." The Dalai Lama himself would go apesh-- in an environment like that.


FFS - another loss and he's my money pick to lose it completely

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I hoped for 8-9 wins and I still think it's possible. I don't ride the fragile emotional roller coaster that some enjoy. The Bills didn't win their first game until the 2nd week of October last year and we read the same " I quit " posts for 4 weeks.


Sometimes, adversity has a positive effect on a team. They may adopt an " us vs. them " mentality and start playing well above their expectations. I'm over the last game and looking forward to Sunday to see how the Bills respond. Tons of fans and media members are already tanking on them. Time to circle the wagons.


I'm not about to quit after 3 games and I doubt even the biggest whiners are. They just like the attention they garner from crying. It probably works for them in real life, so they believe it will work here.


And some wonder why the community crushes these type of posters... :o



Different people handle loss in different ways, not just in football but in all walks of life. The 4 superbowls have no doubt taken a toll on Bills fans as well.


As for me, your post points me back in the sane direction of what this thing really is.......a hobby, an interest, an escape, and a chance to bond with others behind a like cause.


I think that at TBD, we represent the fringe element of fans. We really get into it, and many of us suffer more than one would expect after losses. The payback, if it ever comes, will be that we will enjoy a superbowl win that much more than any other fans.


The good news is that this board has developed into a community of sorts. I never expected to make any friends here, let alone those who would send me a PM and inquire about the condition of my wife. (Ahem... :lol: )


I hope to see you and many others on 10/09. Together, we will figure out a way for the Bills to beat up on the phish. :lol:

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I hoped for 8-9 wins and I still think it's possible. I don't ride the fragile emotional roller coaster that some enjoy. The Bills didn't win their first game until the 2nd week of October last year and we read the same " I quit " posts for 4 weeks.


Sometimes, adversity has a positive effect on a team. They may adopt an " us vs. them " mentality and start playing well above their expectations. I'm over the last game and looking forward to Sunday to see how the Bills respond. Tons of fans and media members are already tanking on them. Time to circle the wagons.


I'm not about to quit after 3 games and I doubt even the biggest whiners are. They just like the attention they garner from crying. It probably works for them in real life, so they believe it will work here.


And some wonder why the community crushes these type of posters... :o



Hear, hear!


I'm not about to quit after 15 years. We've been through worse than this, but if MM stays the course as he did last year (and if TD finally drafts FB, OL and DL), the future is a lot brighter.


FFS - another loss and he's my money pick to lose it completely



Well, that won't receive as much attention, nor attract as much flak. Most people will read the first two lines of a 100-paragraph post and say, "Eff it. I'm not reading all of this."

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Sometimes, adversity has a positive effect on a team. They may adopt an " us vs. them " mentality and start playing well above their expectations. I'm over the last game and looking forward to Sunday to see how the Bills respond. Tons of fans and media members are already tanking on them. Time to circle the wagons.




And some wonder why the community crushes these type of posters... :o



This is exactly what I expect to happen. In a strange and perverse way, I think TKO being out is going to rally this defence. As of now, they are the most overated unit in the league, IMHO. They needed a wakeup call, and I think they just got it.

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