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Kicked out of Ralph for wearing...


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Here we go protecting the kids again. Everything is always about protecting the kids. Maybe some of the parents of these kids should explain what the whole Ron Mexico thing is about and explain what an STD is and maybe some of the kids will not end up with an STD someday.


Most of the losers that I saw with "F the Falcons" T-Shirts and "Vick Sucks Blank" T-Shirts and Ron Mexico T-Shirts were not all that old. Where is their upbringing? No class at all.


Where is it written that if you are under 22, they only way to enjoy a Bills game is to get so drunk beforehand that you can't walk, talk or remember the game and get in fights?


I saw a female security guard that was bitten on her arm in that fight.


What the Bills need to do is crack down hard on the underage drinking going on in the parking lot before the games. Banning vulgar shirts is the Bills perogative. It sets a bad image for the team and for the 99% of the fans who have some class.


If Vick does have herpes, maybe he should tell the Bills players what girl gave it to him and where to find her. He certainly kicked the Bills ass on Sunday.

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Here we go protecting the kids again. Everything is always about protecting the kids. Maybe some of the parents of these kids should explain what the whole Ron Mexico thing is about and explain what an STD is and maybe some of the kids will not end up with an STD someday.


Most of the losers that I saw with "F the Falcons" T-Shirts and "Vick Sucks Blank" T-Shirts and Ron Mexico T-Shirts were not all that old. Where is their upbringing? No class at all.


Where is it written that if you are under 22, they only way to enjoy a Bills game is to get so drunk beforehand that you can't walk, talk or remember the game and get in fights?


I saw a female security guard that was bitten on her arm in that fight.


What the Bills need to do is crack down hard on the underage drinking going on in the parking lot before the games.  Banning vulgar shirts is the Bills perogative. It sets a bad image for the team and for the 99% of the fans who have some class.


If Vick does have herpes, maybe he should tell the Bills players what girl gave it to him and where to find her. He certainly kicked the Bills ass on Sunday.




Agreed. Try being at Yankee stadium when their playing the Red Sox. You thought the Bills/Falcons game was bad...

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Had a middle aged couple (mid 50's) who was lucky enough to sit next to me. Now, 90% of the people in the several rows around our seats are 21-35 year old males. Drinking beers, and being rowdy. But I kept my chanting to as PC as I could because of the woman right next to me. Once the crowd started in with "Mexico... Mexico... Mexico", I heard the wife ask the husband what that meant and what was with all the sombreros and flags, etc. He said he had no idea. I told them I could explain, but it wasn't very PC. Turns out the guy was from Toronto and goes "What the !@#$? I bought endzone tickets, you think i give a sh-- about PC?". So I told them about Ron Mexico, and the wife thought it was funny as sh--... Ahhh.... the beauty of people realizing that the endzone isn't a place to bring little johnny to his first football game.

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The fight (whether a stabbing or not) was in Sec. 201



FYI, a couple of pictures that I snapped (although not the greatest):







More pics from the game in my signature

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Had a middle aged couple (mid 50's) who was lucky enough to sit next to me. Now, 90% of the people in the several rows around our seats are 21-35 year old males. Drinking beers, and being rowdy. But I kept my chanting to as PC as I could because of the woman right next to me. Once the crowd started in with "Mexico... Mexico... Mexico", I heard the wife ask the husband what that meant and what was with all the sombreros and flags, etc. He said he had no idea. I told them I could explain, but it wasn't very PC. Turns out the guy was from Toronto and goes "What the !@#$? I bought endzone tickets, you think i give a sh-- about PC?". So I told them about Ron Mexico, and the wife thought it was funny as sh--...  Ahhh.... the beauty of people realizing that the endzone isn't a place to bring little johnny to his first football game.



Finally somebody that is making some sense in this thread. First of all, I am not condoning the use of obscenities, racial slurs, and any other UN-PC sayings at Bills games or anywhere else in public. When I go to the games, I cheer for the Bills and boo the other team but that's about the extent of it. I don't get drunk and pass out in the aisles, but at the same time I do not become surprised when I see my neighbors do so. If you are taking your child to a sporting event or any other type of activity that involves thousands of people of all different types of social/economic backgrounds then you should expect anything to happen. If a man passes out and pukes on himself, explain to your child that the man drank too much alcohol and he is endangering his life and looking like an idiot. This is a great way to teach your child what not to do. If somebody is shouting obscenities next to the child, explain to the child what those obscenities mean and why they shouldn't use those same words. If you don't want your child to be exposed to any sort of bad influences, then I would suggest that you raise this child as a home-schooled bubble boy until he/she is 18, at which point you can release him to the world and see how well he does.

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SCREW THAT!!!! Buying a ticket to a football games gives NO ONE the RIGHT to act like an obnoxious !@#$. You're saying that I and any other parent should have to leave our kids at home because some drunken pussbag feels he has the right to yell WHORE at the top of his lungs, piss on his own leg, pass out and puke on the couple in front of him. I repeat SCREW THAT!!!!


I'm an adult and that behavior makes me sick. Should I stay home as well?  :lol:


Exactly. Maybe the reason that kind of behaviour goes on is because so many accept it as tolerable just because it is in the endzone section.


It is a public gathering of all kinds from all walks of life and therefore, you have to have a pretty thick skin and low expectations but even so, there are limits. They may be very low standards but there is a standard.

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You're saying that I and any other parent should have to leave our kids at home because some drunken pussbag feels he has the right to yell WHORE at the top of his lungs, piss on his own leg, pass out and puke on the couple in front of him. I repeat SCREW THAT!!!!


Where in my post did I say that calling someone a whore, pissing yourself, and puking on people is ok? I was responding to a poster who was desgusted that people were chanting STD. Maybe you should relax for minute and read the thread. And also like I said, if people chanting STD and swearing does bug you that much, don't sit in the endzones which are known to be rowdy. Or there is always the ALCOHOL FREE FAMILY SECTION. Otherwise, deal with it because no matter what, you will be exposed to that kinda stuff. Not saying its right or wrong, thats just the way it is when you go to a football game live.


Well, we agree that this kind of behaviour, chanting "fix your dick" is wrong. Don't I have a right to complain about it and point out that it was a pretty shameful display here and wherever else I want to register my complaints? I haven't said that they should all be tossed out of the stadium or advocated any action, all I have done is point out that those who chanted that stuff were drunken cretins who should be ashamed of themselves.

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Well, we agree that this kind of behaviour, chanting "fix your dick" is wrong.  Don't I have a right to complain about it and point out that it was a pretty shameful display here and wherever else I want to register my complaints?  I haven't said that they should all be tossed out of the stadium or advocated any action, all I have done is point out that those who chanted that stuff were drunken cretins who should be ashamed of themselves.



Stop complaining just because the liberal chickens have come home to roost, Mick. The "It's all about me - I'm special" and "Express yourself" ethic espoused by the left has bloomed and you can't close Pandora's Box.

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Stop complaining just because the liberal chickens have come home to roost, Mick. The "It's all about me - I'm special" and "Express yourself" ethic espoused by the left has bloomed and you can't close Pandora's Box.



Wow. I think that's kind of a stretch. I don't think it has anything to do with politics. It's more about class, which in my opinion transcends political affiliation.

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If a man passes out and pukes on himself, explain to your child that the man drank too much alcohol and he is endangering his life and looking like an idiot.

Still one of my most vivid Bills game memories is when I was a kid I went to a game and on the way out after the game there was a drunk spread eagled over two rows with his arms spread along the tops of the seats with his dick hanging out literally pissing on himself. No explaining was necesary on that one ... :lol::lol:

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Wow.  I think that's kind of a stretch.  I don't think it has anything to do with politics.  It's more about class, which in my opinion transcends political affiliation.





Yeah, but Mickey and me have a battle history so when given the opportunity I take my shots. He whacks me when times are ripe, too. :lol:

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It gets one's ass kicked almost as much as stupidity.


Yes, the dude has an STD.  If that makes some people feel better about themselves, it's pretty pathetic, especially considering he ran all over our football team.



AMEN brother. Never ceases to amaze me how some people just can't control the urge to display to the world their classlessness.

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Vick isn't perfect.  Neither are we.



I love the Vick as victim attitude, especially from the so-called conservatives. Question is, if Vick knowingly infected their daughter with herpes, would they be so compassionate? The guy did a damn near unforgivable thing, if his punishment is only to be harrassed about it and pay the woman some damages, well lucky him. OJ isn't perfect either.....I guess? :devil:

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I love the Vick as victim attitude,  especially from the so-called conservatives.  Question is, if Vick knowingly infected their daughter with herpes, would they be so compassionate?  The guy did a damn near unforgivable thing, if his punishment is only to be harrassed about it and pay the woman some damages, well lucky him.  OJ isn't perfect either.....I guess? :devil:



Expressing disappointment about Bills fans' lack of class is not the same thing as considering Vick a victim. Vick's behavior and that of the chanting fans are both road signs on our society's path down the slippery slope to hell.

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