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MM storms out of PC?


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Like I said he is starting to lose me. Let's not do the 'how long ive been watching football for' crap. I've been watching long enough to know that he's incompetent as a QB RIGHT NOW. When he gets accurate, call me pal.





I know this is going to sound like I am hounding you....but I am not I am just asking a question....


That poster has a valid question.....our brand new rookie with exactly 3 starts under his belt is starting to lose you? Payton Manning had a hole crappy FIRST YEAR.....I am just wondering if you would have felt the same about him?


JPL hasn't played well....I think it is also fair to say that the people around him are not playing well right now also.......


I personally am going to stick with him.....until the if and when the bills bench him

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Malarkey's head is full of marbles. This team should have realized that the Falcon's defensive backfield were completedly outmatched with our receivers and had gone pass crazy. I don't care if it was JP or Holcomb, the obvious call was to get the ball to Moulds and Evans.



I agree but can our OL pass block? It didn't appear to me that JP had time to throw on most routes.

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Did anyone here JP go on this like 10 minute tirade about takeo at halftime and such?


That was pretty funny. You could tell that JP was trying to sound eloquent but completely lost himself in the middle of his thought. I'm surprised no one has commented on the question that led him to this. I believe it was something like "JP would you say this team is a huge disapointment or just very overrated?"

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I believe it was something like "JP would you say this team is a huge disapointment or just very overrated?"


I would hesitate to call that a question too.

Are those idiots allowed in the locker room? I'd expect they'd get the snot beat out of them more often. What an embarassing lack of both skill and professionalism.

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After THREE starts?


Obviously you haven't been a football fan for too long. Otherwise you would realize that the greats ALL started terribly (with the exception of Marino).


Elway blew his first year, and so did Favre. I'm not saying Losman is of that caliber, but come on man, at least give him a season and THEN start making judgements.




I woudn't say JP has lost me yet, but I have to say, he has played worse than I ever imagined he would...of course I am one who always thought letting Bledsoe go was a big mistake. Like most here, I wanted to believe all the hype I was reading about Losman all off season, being a great student of the game...I hate to say it though, he seems to be having a very difficult time reading defenses. I started to feel uneasy after JP's last two preseason games. Going into the season, I went from being sure that the Bills would win a playoff spot, to being very concerned if they will actually make it to 8-8. He did have time to set up in the pocket on a number of occaisions and scan the field, but he pretty consistantly used those opportunities to pass to the player who was most covered.


One thing that has been kind of bothering me about him, is that all off season, pre-season, and now the regular season, he, his coaches and his teammates talk about him needing to calm down a bit. I think there is something to that!


While it is true that Elway and Favre struggled their first season, lets' not forget our very own Jim Kelly, in his rookie season. The team overall sucked, but Kelly kept them in most of their games (from his first start, to the end of the season). It was obvious, from day 1, he was a player. We have yet to see anything on the field that indicates this about Losman. For me, I am kind of sick of all of this "he just has manage the game" crap. If we drafted him in the first round, because he offered us dimensions (ie: mobility), lets let him use it. We can all agree that Mike Vick is a bad pocket passer, but so the fug what! Vick has a pretty robust win-loss record, and is the biggest difference maker for his team. Why can't we put Losman in that position, or at least go with the guy that gives us the best chance to win right now...

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I woudn't say JP has lost me yet, but I have to say, he has played worse than I ever imagined he would...of course I am one who always thought letting Bledsoe go was a big mistake.  Like most here, I wanted to believe all the hype I was reading about Losman all off season, being a great student of the game...I hate to say it though, he seems to be having a very difficult time reading defenses.  I started to feel uneasy after JP's last two preseason games.  Going into the season, I went from being sure that the Bills would win a playoff spot, to being very concerned if they will actually make it to 8-8.  He did have time to set up in the pocket on a number of occaisions and scan the field, but he pretty consistantly used those opportunities to pass to the player who was most covered.


One thing that has been kind of bothering me about him, is that all off season, pre-season, and now the regular season, he, his coaches and his teammates talk about him needing to calm down a bit.  I think there is something to that! 


While it is true that Elway and Favre struggled their first season, lets' not forget our very own Jim Kelly, in his rookie season.  The team overall sucked, but Kelly kept them in most of their games (from his first start, to the end of the season). It was obvious, from day 1, he was a player.  We have yet to see anything on the field that indicates this about Losman.  For me, I am kind of sick of all of this "he just has manage the game" crap.  If we drafted him in the first round, because he offered us dimensions (ie: mobility), lets let him use it.  We can all agree that Mike Vick is a bad pocket passer, but so the fug what!  Vick has a pretty robust win-loss record, and is the biggest difference maker for his team.  Why can't we put Losman in that position, or at least go with the guy that gives us the best chance to win right now...







i wouldnt say that losman doesnt have the ability to do the job and i dont know if he does either, the problem is every QB will have those growing pains, its inevitable, roth was a fluke of nature

the problem is that everyone is trying to compare him to favre or kelly or whoever, every qb develops differently, it is one of the most difficult positions to master but it is the truth.

now basically we're 3 games into the season and everyone is going AWOL, i dont know why, i was pretty upset after the loss but i realized there is no perfect formula for success, whether it be passing more or running more or playing like this or that, there is no formula for success except having the right players for your system



Hopefully losman shuts out the media and thinks over these last 3 games, and the coaches have a talk with him because this is the perfect make or break time of the season, sit him down let him relax and go over what went wrong, and it will stick


and as fast as vick is he wont last through the whole season, he was very lucky today that our blitzing was off or he'd been going off in a cart not takeo


go bills

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Like I said, PAL...how do you reconcile the fact that Favre and Elway BLEW SHEEP their first years as starters?


Prescient and concise. Well said JSP - you don't just know appealing, nubile scantily clad young women, you may just know something about football too.


NOTE TO BILLS FANS: We knew, in JP, that we had a rookie QB. We also knew that having got him, we needed to play him or we could kiss the next 5 years goodbye. Not that we've kissed this year goodbye - but have some perspective.

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Favre and Manning had great first seasons (relative to what you would expect of a first year QB, of course), and I'd be thrilled if JP could match their production in those seasons. Some of you have broke memories if you think they actually sucked in their first year, because they moved the ball well and showed lots of promise. I distinctly remember especially that everyone was fawning over Manning and how he was able to throw 26 TD passes his rookie season.


Bottom line is that if JP sucks this year, and he has sucked out loud so far, there's a decent to good chance he will suck in the future. Let's hope he improves soon.

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While it is true that Elway and Favre struggled their first season, lets' not forget our very own Jim Kelly, in his rookie season.  The team overall sucked, but Kelly kept them in most of their games (from his first start, to the end of the season). It was obvious, from day 1, he was a player.  We have yet to see anything on the field that indicates this about Losman.  For me, I am kind of sick of all of this "he just has manage the game" crap.  If we drafted him in the first round, because he offered us dimensions (ie: mobility), lets let him use it.  We can all agree that Mike Vick is a bad pocket passer, but so the fug what!  Vick has a pretty robust win-loss record, and is the biggest difference maker for his team.  Why can't we put Losman in that position, or at least go with the guy that gives us the best chance to win right now...



Couple of points:


Jim Kelly played in the USFL before the NFL. That gave him a huge advantage.


If you "go with the guy who gives us the best chance to win now", you will have permanently hindered any chance of JP developing. He's not going to learn by sitting on the bench. He's only going to learn and get better if he PLAYS.


Give him a year. This defense sucks wind, anyway, so it's not like we were going to make the playoffs.

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Couple of points:


Jim Kelly played in the USFL before the NFL. That gave him a huge advantage.


If you "go with the guy who gives us the best chance to win now", you will have permanently hindered any chance of JP developing. He's not going to learn by sitting on the bench. He's only going to learn and get better if he PLAYS.


Give him a year. This defense sucks wind, anyway, so it's not like we were going to make the playoffs.



I guess my point was, is it fair to the other 52 guys on the roster, not to mention the fan base, to write off yet another season, trying to bring another QB along? I knew you would bring up the Kelly/USFL thing, but maybe that is the proof that some guys are just not ready right out of the gate. What would have been the harm, (or what would be the harm) in starting the vetran this year (Bledsoe or Holcomb) and just committed to giving JP a chance to play any time the opportunity was there? You can go on and on about how much Bledsoe sucked, or that Holcomb is not in his athletic class, but what does all of that mean in the end? Aren't teams supposed to go out and win games? Shouldn't that be the priority?


And despite what you say about Elway and Favre all sucking it up their first season, I think you need to go back and look at the facts. While it is true that they had their awful games, both showed flashes of what was to come on, pretty early on. If JP is supposed to be this great, mobile QB, why not let him play like one?

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Like I said, PAL...how do you reconcile the fact that Favre and Elway BLEW SHEEP their first years as starters?



I have been watching football long enough to know that Favre did anything but suck in his first season. But it sounds nice to say and helps support your arguement so keep saying it. :(


The facts however:


Favre in his first season threw for 3227 yds 18 TDS and 13 INTS with a 64% completion percentage.


Also Elway started as a rookie. Losman is in his second season. You are correct there though. Elway's rookie numbers look very similar to Losman's 2nd year numbers.

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Anyone happen to be listening to WGR55 for the post game press conferences?


JP sounded in denial, and was stumbling over anything he was trying to say. Sounded about as lost as he looked in today's game. He said he was his own worst critic, but didn't bother mentioning his awful accuracy today. He was going on and on about his hesitation and how he's got to correct that but at the same time giving the class a lesson about how to be a good quarterback. I was a pretty big JP fan at first, but he's starting to lose me.


Leo Roth asked a few questions that didn't make MM happy so he stormed out of his press conference. That's very unlike MM. Must've been pretty po'd. MM said something to the effect of "Well you know more than me so you tell me the answer to that", ok I dont know exactly what he said but something of that nature.


When he started to fumble was when he was asked if the team was, based on the last two games, overrated and rather than just say "no" and move on, he was trying to find an honest answer that didn't tick anyone off which was impossible given the question. So he ummed and awwwwed and errrrred for a few minutes trying to find the diplomatic answer. Also, I think he wanted to take the reporter out in the alley and beat the crap out of him.


I think JP is learning that the honeymoon is over and no matter how hard he has worked, no matter how respectful he is or how generous to the fans he is, the only thing that matters is wins. If he loses, the fans and media will rip him a new one and fast no matter how many trips to the children's hospital he makes during the week. That overrated question was one that he took personally, was JP Losman overrated. I can see why he could ony sputter out a response. That moment in the post game pc may have been the moment the truth about being a QB in the NFL dawned on him. It is a brutal, brutal business.

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I would hesitate to call that a question too.

Are those idiots allowed in the locker room? I'd expect they'd get the snot beat out of them more often. What an embarassing lack of both skill and professionalism.



That's a valid question if directed at the defense, who pre-season were saying they wanted to be compared to the 86' Bears defense or the Baltimore defense from '01. Unfortunately we know the answer to that question: Overrated.

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I have been watching football long enough to know that Favre did anything but suck in his first season. But it sounds nice to say and helps support your arguement so keep saying it. :(


The facts however:


Favre in his first season threw for 3227 yds 18 TDS and 13 INTS with a 64% completion percentage.


Also Elway started as a rookie. Losman is in his second season. You are correct there though. Elway's rookie numbers look very similar to Losman's 2nd year numbers.


Actually, in his first season Favre played in Atlanta and threw 4 passes, zero completions.


Favre did win his first game in his second year in the league after Don Majkowskin was injured. He won 17-3 against the Steelers and then rattled off three straight losses----24-10 to the Falcons; 17-6 to the Browns and 30-10 to the Bears. JP won his first start and has lost the next two soooo...in order for JP to play as well as Favre did, he needs to lose once more. I think the point is that if people judged Favre as quickly as they are JP, the Packers would have missed out on a heckuva QB. I have seen the footage from Atlanta when Favre was there including the pre-season games he played and he was just plain terrible. That is why the Falcons let him go.


We just have to sit tight and hope for the best with JP, its just too early to know what we have other than to say that he hasn't become an instant sensation.

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I have been watching football long enough to know that Favre did anything but suck in his first season. But it sounds nice to say and helps support your arguement so keep saying it. :(


The facts however:


Favre in his first season threw for 3227 yds 18 TDS and 13 INTS with a 64% completion percentage.


Also Elway started as a rookie. Losman is in his second season. You are correct there though. Elway's rookie numbers look very similar to Losman's 2nd year numbers.



Favre's rookie season was in ATLANTA.


Nice try, CCD. Check the stats again :)

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Favre's rookie season was in ATLANTA.


Nice try, CCD. Check the stats again :)


What he's saying is 1st starting season. Just as this is Jp's first starting season. Oh and just to check the facts, I sure hope Losman puts up the same second season numbers / first year starting. :(

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Favre's rookie season was in ATLANTA.


Nice try, CCD. Check the stats again :)



Much like JP, in Favre's rookie season he rode the pine and saw spot duty in 2 games and threw 4 passes. In his second year (just like JP) in the NFL he started 13 games and put up the stats. In my previous post I meant first year starting, sorry if I confused you. :(


3227 yds 18 TDS and 13 INTS with a 64% completion percentage.

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