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Does anyone else here think that MM


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...after last weeks game he was caught laughing it up with the Buc players? I know if I were the head coach and I saw that on film I'd get more than a little ticked off. McGahee just got his lunch handed to him and he didn't seem to have a care in the world.



I don't think he called him out and actually I think this "contorversy" is for the most part a creation of the media which has been somewhat fueled by internet chatter.


My reasons for having my opinion on this are:


1. MM did not single WM out for disapproving comments after the game. he is on record saying that WM deservers fault but the OL deserved fault as well for the O performance. He had negative things to say specifically about other Bills performances such as Losman.


2. He also blamed himself and the coaches for doing a bad job with their play calls and taking blame himself for the poor production.


3. If MM took off on a player he benched JP. If you are looking for negativity by MM rather than focus on the at worse sticks and stones of words open to interpretation look instead to actions which clearly are a challenge.


4. MM's comments about WM were all in response to questions about WM's performance or the O's lack of running production as best as I can tell rather than MM going out of his way to target WM. The only PC MM called which seemed to be specific about this issue was actually in mid-week where he PRAISED WM's diligence and work in practice and remarked he was now hitting the creases hard rather than calling him out.


5. MM definitely leveled criticism on WM for not hitting the creases hard in games and dancing around behind the line looking for a more perfect opening. This actually seems to be to be fairly obvious from WM putrid production during the game and actuially pretty mild criticism. If MM had simply taken the Butler route and said everything is fine after this horrible performance he correctly would have been open to more criticism that he was ignoring reality and not offering any good HC work to the public on what was obviously a problem.


6. Why on earth would MM call JP out in any fundamental way when the real world results are that WM actually ran for almost 120 Yards way back when about a week ago. The good production in week 1 comes on top of a rookie year when he gained 1200 yards in 11 starts.


Add to that any fundamental problem pointed out about WM as a player would be in the context of him having started fewer than 16 games in total as a Bill.


yes, MM correctly pointed out a flaw in WMs approach to running on Sunday, but did so in response to questions along with pointing out other players and even questioning his own wrk.


He offered his reading of these flaws and said they could be fixed and were not issue central to WMs running style or personality and announced they were fixed after a says work.


I think that WM would have to be and fans are being incredibly thin skinned and weenies to feel MM called WM out.

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...after last weeks game he was caught laughing it up with the Buc players? I know if I were the head coach and I saw that on film I'd get more than a little ticked off. McGahee just got his lunch handed to him and he didn't seem to have a care in the world.





On this specific issue, every week after the game we see players finding their broterhs in arms in the NFL after the game and exchanging pleasantries.


I have no problem whatsoever with this behavior and it is actually something our society tries to instill in children at an early age. Anyone who has played sports has gone through the mandatory line-up at the end of a game and gone through it telling guys you don't know and may mever see again "Good game, Good game."


Many of the post-game gatherings are by players who were the best of friends in college and now live across the country from each other and it is only natural that they would take this opportunity to say hello, check-in and probably laugh about the good ol days.


I'm not a religious zealot at all, but one of the things which warms my heart is how Christian believing players from both teams often get together in a prayer huddle after the game and share their faith.


Football games are important (just ask any of us who spend too much time on TSW) but it simply pales in significance to real life. I want the players i root for to fight like banshees for 60 minutes (+ if the game goes into OT) but after the game I like it when I see smiles, sharing and hugs berween players wearing different uniforms. When the whistle blows and the game ends I prefer that they think about how they can use their position as NFL players to helps folks in New Orleans rather than they think only about helping their team win.

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On this specific issue, every week after the game we see players finding their broterhs in arms in the NFL after the game and exchanging pleasantries.



I guess I'm just old school on this one. It'd be hard to imagine Jim Kelly or Thurman Thomas yucking it up like that after one of the worst performances in recent memory. Shake hands say "hey, how ya doin", but for God sakes the ear to ear grin irks me after that kind of beat down.

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