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I realize that there is absolutely no excuse for a player throwing a chair up into the stands at a fan, regardless of the siutation, but am I the only one that wishes it was the HIS nose that was broken instead of his wife's, and that is sickened by the thought that he might recover money in civil damages?


I will never understand the "fan" who thinks just because he has ponied up some cash for tix that he is now entitled to behave like an assclown and heckle players to the point of rage. Even if he was't using profanity or even if the players were a bit too thin-skinned, once you see that you have a player that incensed (or anybody you might be insulting, teasing, ribbing taunting), you ought to just back off and apologize and let things calm down.


Obviously, this so-called fan figured he could continue to engage this player even while his teammates were using great force to restrain him. No doubt, he smugly assumed because he was a fan, because his teammates were restraining him, that he could continue to escalate things anyway and that there would be no repercussions.


The bottom line: while I believe the guy who threw the chair needs to be dealt with seriously by MLB and perhaps the state of California, if I am sitting on his jury in the civil trial he ain't gettin' dime one if I have anything to say about. I would hold him contributorily negligent for having continued to escalate matters when any reasonable person could see he had egged the one player into an angry rage and should have known that could lead to injury. And if the stadium security had been called by the players to handle this guy, and they had not taken appropriate steps to intervene, then they get a share of the laibility as well.


And while I'm sorry for the wife's injury (assuming that she had no role in this incident), if she wants compensation, perhaps she can sue her assclown of a husband.


The fan who started all the crap was on Sportscenter this early morning. Put on a nice act. It was his wife that suffered the broken nose and other injuries after he ducked the chair.


He must have yelled some pretty strong stuff for an entire bullpen to just snap. Of course, he said he didn't do anything to provoke the outburst......gotcha...


Doesn't justify what the players did whatsoever. But some of these fans go waaaaaaaaay over the edge at sporting events and situations like this occur.

  BillnutinHouston said:
Like doing the wave when the Bills have the ball...

Or constantly talking about it.

  Mark VI said:
The fan who started all the crap was on Sportscenter this early morning. Put on a nice act. It was his wife that suffered the broken nose and other injuries after he ducked the chair.


He must have yelled some pretty strong stuff for an entire bullpen to just snap. Of course, he said he didn't do anything to provoke the outburst......gotcha...


Doesn't justify what the players did whatsoever. But some of these fans go waaaaaaaaay over the edge at sporting events and situations like this occur.


I agree, players have to take the high rode. Unfortunately, these players are human and could be already in a fragile mood for some other reason in their personal life. Who knows what this guy said? But I agree, it wasn't just "who was going to win and who would take the loss and stuff like that." I wonder if there was anyone in the crowd nearby that was as annoyed as I would have been and heard what he said? I doubt that person or those people will make real good witnesses for the prosecution.


My problem primarily is with the fact that once he saw how irate Brocail had become, he could have backed off. But I am sure based on how bad Brocail wanted up in the stands that he didn't.


Similar to what Chris Rock said regarding the OJ murders: I'm not saying he should have thrown the chair, but I understand!


the real lesson to be learned here. He ducked the chair, his wife didn't.


Obviously, she should have been paying better attention.


Lesson learned. She got a broken nose, and will probably get several hundred thousand dollars because her husband was a drunk (speculating here) idiot.


Next time - if you see a chair coming at you - duck.


I'd say assclown. The victim was the wife, unless she had something to do with it, then she's an assclown too. This guy said he didn't say anything to provoke it. bull. He lied on tv and looked eerily similar to scott peterson while doing so. He's an assclown for whatever he said that was over the line. the bullpen are assclowns too. no matter what fans say, they get paid to not retaliate. I'll let someone retaliate if they were protecting themselves. throwing a chair into the stands because your skin is thin says a lot about the kind of person you are. I wouldn't want that guy in the game in the bottom of the 9th in the world series.


I think athletes are constantly forced exercise a tremendous amount of restraint. On the street, who would put up with the kind of verbal abuse that idiot fans direct towards players? Nobody. People get shot dead everyday in this country for saying stuff that is one tenth as offensive as what I've seen people direct at players. And yes, it is part of their job to ignore it, but there are times when they get pushed too far. I have zero sympathy for a fan who gets the stevestojan kicked out of them by athletes. His wife's nose got busted? That's too bad, but it's her husband's fault.


Definitely an Assclown! I can't stand it when fans act like that at a game. Obviously saying some stuff is fine but whatever this guy said must have been way over the line.


The player should never have even thought about throwing the chair unless he felt his life was threatened and I doubt if that was the case. They should have called security to get the guy thrown out. Players and coaches can also tell the umps to get involved and they will get security to toss the fan.


I hate when fans act like that and I am extremely embarassed when I'm at a Bills game and its our own fans doing that. I'd like to think that Buffalo fans have better class than that, but they don't. These few idiots are the ones that give sports fans a bad name. People like this shouldn't be at a baseball, football, or hockey game, they should be at a soccer game in Europe where the rest of the hooligans are. :lol:

  Fezmid said:
Whatever happened to "sticks and stones?"




Except we don't know what he said. If someone said something threatening about one of my family members (i.e. I'm going to rape your wife/daughter), I'd probably lose it too.


The loss of decorum in sports stadiums is really a sad commentary.


I asked a good friend of mine whos brother starts for the Rangers (Kevin Mench) to give me the dirt. He claims Kevin wouldnt say sh*t about it (not sure if he just doesnt want to say).


I think throwing the chair is over the line but I also think that if anyone (fans, players, ANYONE) runs their mouth then they deserve what they get. That lying piece of sh*t definitely said somethin that ignited the fire.





She gets nothing from me if I'm on the jury. It was all her husbands fault. Don't the ticket stubs say that you should always be aware of things flying in to the stands..... :lol:


Great post BuffaloBob. I hate this entitlement some fans feel just because they pay money for a ticket.


What I don't get is how and why ESPN and NFL, etc promote the crap. How many times to they "praise" the idiots in the stands at Raiders games? Does it surprise me that this happened in OAKLAND? F NO!


Go out, enjoy the game, cheer your team, boo the other team if you want, but come f'ing on.

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