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MS Gulf Coast/New Orleans


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And if you grew up in Buffalo, you know who Bishop Head is.  My quote from the bible was the subject of a sermon that he did a lot.  It basically means you need to take care of yourself.  He was the Bishop during a lot of the close down and cut back, and too many people were becoming reliant on the government and unions to take care of them, and too many people would help others  but then go running to the church and government to help them. 


Well he basically said, look people get off your asses, bust your butt, enjoy some of the things life offer, help others, but only after you have paid your own rent, your utility bills, your food is bought, etc.... 


Well you need to learn that and other in the coastal region do as well.  They need to learn to take care of themselves, and stop looking for handouts. 


BTW, I am Catholic, Leviticus was more of a roadmap and prophecy to the coming of Jesus.  The Catholics and most Christian religions do not follows the old Torah laws.  You start spouting it, then I guess you follow all of the old laws yourself, no shell fish including lobster or shrip, no unclean animals like pig, sex only to procreate with a clean white sheet between you so you do not see and defile the mother of your children, you sacrific animals as approiate, etc...  BTW if you sacrific the animals let me know we'll send PETA and animal control your way.



You need to understand that we our working extremely hard. We're talking at least 8 hours a day. However, to do the work you have to have certain resources, and to get those resources you have to have money. Nothing is free, not even in a crisis situation, such as Hurricane Katrina. We're not asking people to come down here and do the work for us. If that was that was what you were thinking you were largely mistaken. We are working for ourselves. People are reconstructing their own houses. Certain businesses are charging 11,000 dollars for certain jobs, which can be done in a day. And you know what? My father and I did the job on our own. So, do not think we want outsiders to do our work. The Gulf Coast just needs money, in order to complete the jobs.


As for your comments on religion, please do not degrade any form of Christianity. Now, I do not actually follow the type of Chrisitianity you were describing. I, myself, am Methodist, which is the largest denomination in the United States. Do not think I am trying to say one is better than another, because I am not. My Mom's side of the family is Catholic, and it is a following I largely respect.

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You need to understand that we our working extremely hard. We're talking at least 8 hours a day. However, to do the work you have to have certain resources, and to get those resources you have to have money. Nothing is free, not even in a crisis situation, such as Hurricane Katrina. We're not asking people to come down here and do the work for us. If that was that was what you were thinking you were largely mistaken. We are working for ourselves. People are reconstructing their own houses. Certain businesses are charging 11,000 dollars for certain jobs, which can be done in a day. And you know what? My father and I did the job on our own. So, do not think we want outsiders to do our work. The Gulf Coast just needs money, in order to complete the jobs.


As for your comments on religion, please do not degrade any form of Christianity. Now, I do not actually follow the type of Chrisitianity you were describing. I, myself, am Methodist, which is the largest denomination in the United States. Do not think I am trying to say one is better than another, because I am not. My Mom's side of the family is Catholic, and it is a following I largely respect.


Wow, you work 8 hours a day. Good for you. I do that and more most days. :lol:


You are the one degrading a religion by throwing out Torah laws from Leviticus that do not apply to the Christian religions.


24% of the US is Catholic


only 6.8% of the US is Methodist/Wesleyan




So I guess your facts on religion are about as factual as the rest of your facts.

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I'm not really going to bother with replying to this post, but I would like you to take a look at a post I did earlier, which involves the Bible. There are a a lot of good points in it and I would really like you to take a look at it.


As for the Bills, I am a huge fan. I am originally from Buffalo for crying out loud! I've been through a number of ups and downs when cheering for that team. However, this board is for politically based discussions. So, let's stick to the political topics.


Yes that post was a bunch mularkey, #1 Im a stoner, loser, burnout,irish catholic ,patsy troll, who was raised in the ruin's of 70's boston.... And when getting pummeled going to school and back home cause of forced bussing you learn thing's.... #2, do not compare your philosphy, of the way thing's should be, amongst other's, when they have a different outlook, especially after you lit and thrown your molotive cocktail ...They will not respond nicely to ya cracker....Point is you posted about your differences and how you felt about them, politcally speaking. Then you get geographical,north/south,with taxes and money and blah blah blah.... Then you say the bill's aren't even worth watching due to your percieved outlook on the team.... At this point all you got is god, and since im a catholic ,I would tell ya to say alot of hailmary's, because ya going to get jumped, #3 next time ya going to tell me to find the bible, I did, king james, still read it, although I know longer attend church, what are you trying to say, I need your version to be a more compassionate human being ? My family donated to bush/clinton nola fund... And then you bring up the oil issue, I asked about that issue, around here... that's a hot potatoe, best left to the buisnessmen and the consumer to resolve the $3.oo a gallon and climbing.... At least I asked nicely, I only messed up with wording, ''gov't solution's '' and basically that is democratic solution and you will be taxed ,so in the end you pay, so that logic is illogical....That's why im a cat hunter, because I used to spend $60. a week to run my work truck, now $200. plus a week, heating oil used to pay $500 now $ 2ooo plus, except now I burn wood, and now hunt cat's to fuel my chevy....yeah I know that's barbaric, look at my screen name, you say it's spelled wrong, scroll up to #1....So you get $5.ooo, buy a airmattress, fishingear, and when the flood's come you can float and sleep, and go fishing for sailcat's...what's a sailcat you say, you will like this... A gift from the god's, huh you say, first good protein, second when thing;s look bad, lick the skin, it's a hallucigenic , that will alter your perception of sky and land, well it's better then 90 degree beer... then look at the bottom of the skull , there is a image of jesus with a sword....downsouth they call it a jesusfish, fish and game terminology''sailcatfish''.... I see a possible religious entreprenuial venture in the making, my vision is a southern wide tent revival babptist tour selling lick's of hullicigenic catfish, then make something of the skull, image of jesus, probally will end up on a shelf in walmart....Now your financial worries are over.....Dang my own bathtub hooch is top shelf, allhhhright flatlander godbless and goodluck, and goodnight, cuz my irish mellon is swelling and the liver is a quivering, zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

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Yes that post was a bunch mularkey, #1 Im a stoner, loser, burnout,irish catholic ,patsy troll, who was raised in the ruin's of 70's boston.... And  when getting pummeled  going to school and back home cause of forced bussing you learn thing's.... #2, do not compare your philosphy, of the way thing's should be, amongst other's, when they have a different outlook, especially after you lit and thrown your molotive cocktail ...They will not respond nicely to ya cracker....Point is you posted about your differences and how you felt about them, politcally speaking. Then you get geographical,north/south,with taxes and money and blah blah blah.... Then you say the bill's aren't even worth watching due to your percieved outlook on the team.... At this point all you got is god, and since im a catholic ,I would tell ya to say alot of hailmary's, because ya going to get jumped, #3 next time ya going to tell me to find the bible, I did, king james, still read it, although I know longer attend church, what are you trying to say, I need your version to be a more compassionate human being ? My family donated to bush/clinton nola fund... And then you bring up the oil issue, I asked about that issue, around here... that's a hot potatoe, best left to the buisnessmen and the consumer to resolve the $3.oo a gallon and climbing.... At least I asked nicely, I only messed up with wording,  ''gov't solution's '' and basically that is democratic solution and you will be taxed ,so in the end you pay, so that logic is illogical....That's why im a cat hunter, because I used to spend $60. a week to run my work truck, now $200. plus a week, heating oil used to pay $500 now $ 2ooo plus, except now I burn wood, and now hunt cat's to fuel my chevy....yeah I know that's barbaric, look at my screen name, you say it's spelled wrong, scroll up to #1....So you get $5.ooo, buy a airmattress,  fishingear, and when the flood's come you can float and sleep, and go fishing for sailcat's...what's a sailcat you say, you will like this... A gift from the god's, huh you say, first good protein, second when thing;s look bad, lick the skin, it's a hallucigenic , that will alter your perception of sky and land, well it's better then 90 degree beer... then look at the bottom of the skull , there is a image of jesus with a sword....downsouth they call it a jesusfish, fish and game terminology''sailcatfish''.... I see a possible religious entreprenuial venture in the making, my vision is a southern wide tent revival babptist tour selling lick's of hullicigenic catfish, then make something of the skull, image of jesus, probally will end up on a shelf in walmart....Now your financial worries are over.....Dang my own bathtub hooch is top shelf, allhhhright flatlander godbless and goodluck, and goodnight, cuz my irish mellon is swelling and the liver is a quivering, zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz





Have another Beer. :lol:

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First off, you would not be doing this single handley. This is something our country would do together. So, do not think it is up to your family, and only your family to help the people on the Gulf Coast.


Second, I can afford this area. I am teacher. My fiance' is a teacher. I am not asking for assistance for myself. I am asking for assistance for the GULF COAST. CAN YOU NOT GET THAT THROUGH YOUR HEAD. I have some friends who have not received any type of aid, due to the amount of money they make, which is middle class pay. It is people like this who need some type of aid. The majority of the coast cannot afford to pay 25% of their monthly income for flood insurance.


The coast is something our country needs. Have you ever heard of Ingals Ship Yard? If you havent, it is a place where a large portion of our military's ships are built. Do you not think our country needs this? The Gulf coast is also used as a major port. Do you not think this something our country needs? And I know I've already said this, but a good portion of our nations oil is refined down here. There are a number of things the Gulf Coast does for our country, but there is really no reason to continue with it.  Now, since the Gulf Coast is so important, aren't people a major part of it. I mean, people are obviously needed for all of this to operate right? However, they are not payed that well. So, you need to be a bit more thankful for what they do. Your life would not be as comfortable if it wasn't for all of this or all of these people.


You people need to be willing to support all those who have lost just about everything they have. They have done a lot for you, by providing you with a number of supplies, ships, etc... Just keep all of this in mind. Also, keep this in mind:


Leviticus 25:35

" 'If one of your countrymen becomes poor and is unable to support himself among you, help him as you would an alien or a temporary resident, so he can continue to live among you."



I hope that you are not an English teacher. :lol:


I'm not sure how our country is going to come up with the $200 billion that has already been promised to the Gulf Coast. But my advice to you is to take the $5,000, food stamps, government cheese, and whatever else is available to you and get on with your life.


The Gulf Coast has lovely beaches but anyone who decides to live there has to know that it is a hurricane prone area and every few years or so a major hurricane is going to level part of it. I am glad to help my fellow Americans as long as you don't expect me to buy you a new house on the beach every 10 years.

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You need to understand that we our working extremely hard. We're talking at least 8 hours a day. However, to do the work you have to have certain resources, and to get those resources you have to have money. Nothing is free, not even in a crisis situation, such as Hurricane Katrina. We're not asking people to come down here and do the work for us. If that was that was what you were thinking you were largely mistaken. We are working for ourselves. People are reconstructing their own houses. Certain businesses are charging 11,000 dollars for certain jobs, which can be done in a day. And you know what? My father and I did the job on our own. So, do not think we want outsiders to do our work. The Gulf Coast just needs money, in order to complete the jobs.


As for your comments on religion, please do not degrade any form of Christianity. Now, I do not actually follow the type of Chrisitianity you were describing. I, myself, am Methodist, which is the largest denomination in the United States. Do not think I am trying to say one is better than another, because I am not. My Mom's side of the family is Catholic, and it is a following I largely respect.


First let me apologize, for my immature post's...I am the type who enjoy's stupid humor, and some of the responce's you were recieving, I couldn't restrain myself, hell I heard the dog's of war, and joined the pack, although as a laughing hyena... I will say this if you lose everything, but are still alive,the bible will enlighten you to your predicament, and a new path to take...Hey man tobaco road is not that bad, just do not expect handout's, and be upset because, the offering is not big enough...You have to realize, your life may have to changed due to the storm and it's possible destruction of your home...I for instance have no health insurance, I do not go to the hospital for injuries I may be able to repair myself.... As you know people been walking the rock, for thousand's of year's and learned basic health remedies that work today....When I cut myself at work, I use super glue to seal the wound, before suture's, people used sap...Yes I could have went to the hospital and spent $500.00 easy...And added that to my budget, and further erode my chance's of qualifying for a loan, for anything I may need to survive, the way I coexist now....So brother if thing's go south in the south,and you lose every thing, I will say sorry to hear that, and at the same time welcome you to tobaco road, only thing you need is food, and the determination to carry on...What I am telling you brother, if your down and troubled and need a helping hand, be prepared to make do without the house,vehicle, and all the trapping's that go with it, because their gone, and the gov't ain't going to bring them back...So lie down in the backyard and watch the storm band's circleling counterclockwise, and take a pull of the bottle, and either, do a no more hurricane dam yankee southern dance, and did I ever tell ya I went to lot of dead shows and sometime's I think, Im still there...Anyway let me focus, and say dam man, life will will throw ya some knockout's once in awhile, so getup, and do not talk your kind of politic's on a political board that has a different political philosphy then you, and become defensive.... And realize I am just being a goofball and giving you some good advice, Is make do with what you have and cherish your family,and all that other stuff, is just stuff, it is just a illusion, to seperate you from your family, you do not need all that... So throw the dam computer out the window, and fill up the backpack, cuz it sound's like you are about to become a vagabond, enjoy the adventure....And I am packing up my truck and goin south, sound's like alot of work in the future, and it is starting to get slow up here....Im goin to be a dam yankee too, You said contractor's charging $11.000 for a one day job, dam, going get me some of that....Rekon I'll see ya soon, cuz I need the money to buy a lexus hybrid worktruck, inorder to bring down my fuel cost in these costly time's....

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I am sorry for that nonsence post. I should have refrained from adding all that garbage,and instead offered any helpfull information, and said you would be in my thought's and prayer's.... No matter your faith,political belief's, and other difference's.... Again my sincerest apologie's, goodluck and godbless....

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  • 2 weeks later...
I hope that you are not an English teacher.  :D


I'm not sure how our country is going to come up with the $200 billion that has already been promised to the Gulf Coast.  But my advice to you is to take the $5,000, food stamps, government cheese, and whatever else is available to you and get on with your life.


The Gulf Coast has lovely beaches but anyone who decides to live there has to know that it is a hurricane prone area and every few years or so a major hurricane is going to level part of it.  I am glad to help my fellow Americans as long as you don't expect me to buy you a new house on the beach every 10 years.



I'm not trying to write a term paper here. We are all here on a message board, and I doubt that any of us are checking our replies for grammatical errors.


The Gulf Coast of MS is hit by a hurricane once every 8 years, not 3. Most of those hurricanes have been at a category 2 or less, which does little or no damage. Do you realize how much wind power and how much storm surge it takes to actually cuase devastating damage? Based on your post, I would say you do not. It takes a hurricane 3 or higher to cause extensive damage, which means a lot. However, a hurricane 3 actually effects only a small portion of the area hit. Hurricanes like Katrina are rare. In fact, there have been only 3 devastating hurricanes to hit the atlantic portion of the United States in the last 36 years. So, the chances of your area being hit by a hurricane as strong as Katrina are very small. What were the odds that 2 out of the 3 worst hurricanes hit MS?


None of us are asking you to buy us a house. We are asking for assistance to get us back on our feet. And if you think 5,000 dollars is enough to get someone back on their feet you are crazy. And it also says you are not caring, and you have no heart. My family will do fine. Yes, we will end up in some type of debt, but we will still make out much better than a lot of other people on the coast. Those are the people I am worried about. The average income in Mississippi is only 25,000. How are people who are living on that much money supposed to recover? How are they supposed to get back to the lifestyle they once had. They need AMERICA's assistance, not yours alone. But, again, you will probably not understand any of this.

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I'm not trying to write a term paper here. We are all here on a message board, and I doubt that any of us are checking our replies for grammatical errors.

I do, but I'm not lazy.

What were the odds that 2 out of the 3 worst hurricanes hit MS?

I'd say the odds increase greatly because of the need to equalize the pressure due to Mississippi sucking so much.

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I'm not trying to write a term paper here. We are all here on a message board, and I doubt that any of us are checking our replies for grammatical errors.


The Gulf Coast of MS is hit by a hurricane once every 8 years, not 3. Most of those hurricanes have been at a category 2 or less, which does little or no damage. Do you realize how much wind power and how much storm surge it takes to actually cuase devastating damage? Based on your post, I would say you do not. It takes a hurricane 3 or higher to cause extensive damage, which means a lot. However, a hurricane 3 actually effects only a small portion of the area hit. Hurricanes like Katrina are rare. In fact, there have been only 3 devastating hurricanes to hit the atlantic portion of the United States in the last 36 years. So, the chances of your area being hit by a hurricane as strong as Katrina are very small. What were the odds that 2 out of the 3 worst hurricanes hit MS?


None of us are asking you to buy us a house. We are asking for assistance to get us back on our feet. And if you think 5,000 dollars is enough to get someone back on their feet you are crazy. And it also says you are not caring, and you have no heart. My family will do fine. Yes, we will end up in some type of debt, but we will still make out much better than a lot of other people on the coast. Those are the people I am worried about. The average income in Mississippi is only 25,000. How are people who are living on that much money supposed to recover? How are they supposed to get back to the lifestyle they once had. They need AMERICA's assistance, not yours alone. But, again, you will probably not understand any of this.



I don't mean to be mean-spirited. I have lived in the South and vacationed on the "Redneck Riviera". I think that the beaches are beautiful and I would consider it a great place to live if not for the frequency of hurricanes. MS only gets hit every 8 years on average, but it seems that the Gulf Coast gets hit somewhere every year with a hurricane that causes damage.


In my opinion, living there is a crap shoot and you had better be ready for the inevitable hurricane. It also doesn't help matters much that the coast is way overbuilt. If you choose to live there insurance would be more than a good idea. Unfortunately, a lot of people have to learn this lesson the hard way.

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I don't mean to be mean-spirited.  I have lived in the South and vacationed on the "Redneck Riviera".  I think that the beaches are beautiful and I would consider it a great place to live if not for the frequency of hurricanes.  MS only gets hit every 8 years on average, but it seems that the Gulf Coast gets hit somewhere every year with a hurricane that causes damage. 


In my opinion, living there is a crap shoot and you had better be ready for the inevitable hurricane.  It also doesn't help matters much that the coast is way overbuilt.  If you choose to live there insurance would be more than a good idea.  Unfortunately, a lot of people have to learn this lesson the hard way.



Anybody from Topsail Island or Cape Fear want to chime in? I love living on the water, I absolutely love the south, and I miss it - but Mother Nature should always be in your planning. She's not very forgiving and you aren't going to get a bye forever. I plan on eventually getting back to Savannah, and when I do, I plan on having my butt covered. My worthless take, but to me it's also common sense. I went through typhoons in Asia, Hurricane Iniki in Hawaii, and various episodes on the southeast coast. Have a plan.

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I don't mean to be mean-spirited.  I have lived in the South and vacationed on the "Redneck Riviera".  I think that the beaches are beautiful and I would consider it a great place to live if not for the frequency of hurricanes.  MS only gets hit every 8 years on average, but it seems that the Gulf Coast gets hit somewhere every year with a hurricane that causes damage. 


In my opinion, living there is a crap shoot and you had better be ready for the inevitable hurricane.  It also doesn't help matters much that the coast is way overbuilt.  If you choose to live there insurance would be more than a good idea.  Unfortunately, a lot of people have to learn this lesson the hard way.




Some times you have a choice in living where you want to, and other times you do not. My father, who was in the United States Air Force, got stationed at Keesler Air Force Base 10 years ago. So, my family had no choice of where we ended up. Also, the coast of MS is not overbuilt. However, you would probably not know this considering the fact you have probably never been here.


When an insurance company tells you insurance is not needed, due to the fact that you are not in a flood zone, what would do? Would you take the flood insurance, which cost over 500 a month, or would pass on it? They are telling you it is a pointless venture. You tell me what you would do. Also, the average income in MS is around 25,000. So, flood insurance would cost you around 6,000 dollars a year. If your making only 25,000 dollars, is it worth it to pay for flood insurance when your not in a flood zone? You tell me what you would do. And, I would also like to hear why other portions of our country are against the idea of providing assistance to areas hit by Katrina.

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Some times you have a choice in living where you want to, and other times you do not. My father, who was in the United States Air Force, got stationed at Keesler Air Force Base 10 years ago. So, my family had no choice of where we ended up. Also, the coast of MS is not overbuilt. However, you would probably not know this considering the fact you have probably never been here.


When an insurance company tells you insurance is not needed, due to the fact that you are not in a flood zone, what would do? Would you take the flood insurance, which cost over 500  a  month, or would pass on it? They are telling you it is a pointless venture. You tell me what you would do. Also, the average income in MS is around 25,000. So, flood insurance would cost you around 6,000 dollars a year. If your making only 25,000 dollars, is it worth it to pay for flood insurance when your not in a flood zone? You tell me what you would do. And, I would also like to hear why other portions of our country are against the idea of providing assistance to areas hit by Katrina.



Of course the rest of the country is providing assistance to the areas hit by Katrina. Donations to the Red Cross and Salvation Army have been coming in from all areas of the country. The Federal government is providing all kinds of help from housing to education to cash payments. Bush has pledged to spend $200 Billion to rebuild the areas hit. The amount of money donated and pledged by the Federal Government is unprecedented. All of these dollars are being spent to help people like yourself who do not have inurance to cover their losses.


I would recommend that you contact FEMA, Red Cross, Salvation Army, and other agencies that are distributing goods and money to your area. There is a ton of money available to help but it is still not enough to rebuild everyone's life the same as it was before the hurricanes. Hopefully, you will be able to get assistance and low-cost loans to get your life back together.


Good luck to you!

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I work with floodplains daily in my job. First off, if your community is a participant in the National Flood Insurance Program, and you don't live in a high-risk area (every zone is a flood zone, A and V zones being high risk, B, C, and X considered low risk), and the insurance company wants $500 a month, they need to be reported to the NFIP as they are trying to rip you off. The costs of flood insurance are strictly regulated. Biloxi and DiBerville are participants in the program (this information available on fema.gov). Most people in the low-risk zones pay under $300 a year. $500 a month is usually paid by someone whose house is not in compliance with the floodplain management regulations (which a community must have to participate in the program).


Any new construction within areas designated as part of the Coastal Barrier Resource System absolutely cannot get flood insurance (where is I live since 1990). Only houses built prior to the designation are eligible and only if they have had continuous coverage since before the designation.

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