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MS Gulf Coast/New Orleans


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Pretty broad statement...millions of dollars, billions have poured from the citizenry and the businesses of other States.


Plenty from Ohio, and from my Cincinnati area.  Plenty.


Plenty of firemen, power workers, people helping out traveled to affected areas.


And there is no lack of folks returning here with tales of ingratitude, rudeness, and demands about how folks there are "owed".


What your words shall accomplish is to harden people's hearts...


But he only cares about himself and getting his house rebuilt on our tax dollar, because he didn't get insurance. Yet we're selfish, because we don't want to spend thousands extra in taxes so he can save a couple thousand every year not insuring himself.



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Yes, there has been a great a deal aid provided by other states, and that is something we are all very thankful for. However, people from all of those states have been complaining about it too. Actually, a great amount of people from those states have been complaing. Firemen, and power worker's are not complaining because of one thing, and that is money. Now, the common citizen from states not hit are bickering. Bickering about how their money is being wasted. In my opinion, these people, who are complaining, are selfish, pathetic losers. If some type of disaster occurred in the North, I gurantee the South would do as much as possible to assist the areas affected. They would not be upset with how much aid the Federal Government is providing.



Another broad statement. Do you equate "Federal Government money" with manna from above? There has been a good deal of money provided by public citizens and private businesses - willingly.


Get it through your head - the Federal government, any government, is not your daddy.


I don't recall the good citizens of Mississippi raising hue and cry to personally pay for my medical bills here in Ohio to keep my old bones going. Not that it would - ever - occur to me to ask it of them in the first place, much less criticize the good citizens of Mississippi for feeling no obligation to fork it over under any circumstance.

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But he only cares about himself and getting his house rebuilt on our tax dollar, because he didn't get insurance. Yet we're selfish, because we don't want to spend thousands extra in taxes so he can save a couple thousand every year not insuring himself. 





Do you honestly think I only care about myself? That is one of the most idotic things I have heard you say yet. It is not my house I want rebuilt, it is the Gulf Coast that I want rebuilt. When the Federal Government says there is no need for insurance, what would you do? Think about it. With the previous record of storm surge being around 23 feet, 75% of the coast had nothing to worry about. That is why no one even thought about getting insurance. Katrina's storm surge was up around 30 feet! But, this is all probably a bit to complicated for you to understand. This is America. Americans help fellow Americans. That is what I cannot stand about people in the North. The majority of the people are selfish and unwillingly to support the idea of raising taxes.

Do you remember when Florida got hit by 4 hurricanes last year? Do you know a large amount of the people hit down there have yet to receive aid from our Government. It has been over a year! So, do not even think about calling me selfish. I care about the people down here, as do most of the people in the South. Learn to think about others, not yourself. If anyone is being selfish, it is you.

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Do you honestly think I only care about myself? That is one of the most idotic things I have heard you say yet. It is not my house I want rebuilt, it is the Gulf Coast that I want rebuilt. When the Federal Government says there is no need for insurance, what would you do? Think about it. With the previous record of storm surge being around 23 feet, 75% of the coast had nothing to worry about. That is why no one even thought about getting insurance. Katrina's storm surge was up around 30 feet! But, this is all probably a bit to complicated for you to understand. This is America. Americans help fellow Americans. That is what I cannot stand about people in the North. The majority of the people are selfish and unwillingly to support the idea of raising taxes.

Do you remember when Florida got hit by 4 hurricanes last year? Do you know a large amount of the people hit down there have yet to receive aid from our Government. It has been over a year! So, do not even think about calling me selfish. I care about the people down here, as do most of the people in the South. Learn to think about others, not yourself. If anyone is being selfish, it is you.


Um... reading seems to be lost on you. I do not live in a flood plain. I do not need flood insurance. I live a distance from the river, and it never floods in my area. But guess what. For the security of myself, my family and my finacial future, I have it. It covers more than floods. It protects against sewage backups, broken pipes that could destroy the foundation, etc.... The costs involved if any of those happen is a lot and is worth it for me to carry the insurance. Again, if you chose not to carry insurance, no matter the cost, then you gambled and lost.


Has nothing to do with North or South. As a matter of fact I live in Virginia, which last time I checked was the south, so not only are you selfish, noncomprehending, gambled the value of your house away,and generally geographically challenged. Seems to me if you want to find a mirror you might see you the idiot is.

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But he only cares about himself and getting his house rebuilt on our tax dollar, because he didn't get insurance. Yet we're selfish, because we don't want to spend thousands extra in taxes so he can save a couple thousand every year not insuring himself. 




ok, well lets do the math. the average household income in mississippi is around`25 thousand. Lets just say that the household is bringing home 2000 a month. ok flood insurance in areas that our govenment deems safe is over 500 a month. so you tell me can you afford to send a quater of your income on flood insurance when our government is deeming these areas safe. do you have flood insurace? do you have earthquake insurace? could you afford either if is was a quartere of your salary. the fact is everyone on the coast would love to have flood insurance but it is simply not feasable for that to happen. the choice to have flood insurance is not a a choice at all the rich can afford it and the working class, which by the way drives this county by building your suv or bmw, cannot afford the insurace. the choice is not a choice at all, it is simply something we pray doesnt come into play but unfortunatly it has. during nine eleven do you know the area that suffered the most. initially obviously the north and im not downplaying that, but the south is where most of the troops that now occupy the middle east came from. our nation asked the south and the national guardsmen here to respond and we didnt B word. we grabbed our guns and began to fight for our country. we didnt say that terrorism is a northern problem even though there has never been any threat in the south we simply said that terrorism is a national problem that we were happy to fight for. now your saying that natural disasters are a southern or coastling problem it is not it is a problem facing this nation and i believe that every american should dig deep and help the problem not sit here and B word about money. trust me we would rather give up money than our brothers sister husbands wives ancd childeren!

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ok,  well lets do the math.  the average household income in mississippi is around`25 thousand.  Lets just say that the household is bringing home 2000 a month.  ok flood insurance in areas that our govenment  deems safe is over 500 a month.  so you tell me can you afford to send a quater of your income on flood insurance when our government is deeming these areas safe.    do you have flood insurace?  do you have earthquake insurace?  could you afford either if is was a quartere of your salary.  the fact is everyone on the coast would love to have flood insurance but it is simply not feasable for that to happen.  the choice to have flood insurance is not a a choice at all the rich can afford it and the working class, which by the way drives this county by building your suv or bmw, cannot afford the insurace.  the choice is not a choice at all,  it is simply something we pray doesnt come into play but unfortunatly it has.  during nine eleven do you know the area that suffered the most.  initially obviously the north and im not downplaying that, but the south is where most of the troops that now occupy the middle east came from.  our nation asked the south and the national guardsmen here to respond and we didnt B word.  we grabbed our guns and began to fight for our country.  we didnt say that terrorism is a northern problem even though there has never been any threat in the south we simply said that terrorism is a national problem that we were happy to fight for.  now your saying that natural disasters are a southern or coastling problem it is not it is a problem facing this nation and i believe that every american should dig deep and help the problem not sit here and B word about money.  trust me we would rather give up money than our brothers sister husbands wives ancd childeren!


You're barking up the wrong tree here buddy. I served my country for a very long time. I give of my time and pocket at a fair rate. I also believe the bible when it says , "Charity begins at home". That means take care of yourself and your family first.


I pay my taxes, I have flood insurance, and I make car payments, etc... I don't have the money to also pay your mortage and flood insurance, because you chose to live in an area that you realistically could not afford.

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Do you honestly think I only care about myself? That is one of the most idotic things I have heard you say yet. It is not my house I want rebuilt, it is the Gulf Coast that I want rebuilt. When the Federal Government says there is no need for insurance, what would you do? Think about it. With the previous record of storm surge being around 23 feet, 75% of the coast had nothing to worry about. That is why no one even thought about getting insurance. Katrina's storm surge was up around 30 feet! But, this is all probably a bit to complicated for you to understand. This is America. Americans help fellow Americans. That is what I cannot stand about people in the North. The majority of the people are selfish and unwillingly to support the idea of raising taxes.

Do you remember when Florida got hit by 4 hurricanes last year? Do you know a large amount of the people hit down there have yet to receive aid from our Government. It has been over a year! So, do not even think about calling me selfish. I care about the people down here, as do most of the people in the South. Learn to think about others, not yourself. If anyone is being selfish, it is you.


Answer to question 1 - The previous posts you have made have provided a basis that yes your primary concerns are yourself.


Answer to question 2 - I would first ask myself why the govt. won't let me get affordable insurance as the federal govt. keeps most of the flood insurance premiums at submarket rates. As I posted earlier, I don't know much about the flood insurance program details; but what little I do know supports VABills' statements regarding it in that the only places that aren't supposed to get ridiculously affordable flood insurance are areas that the govt. doesn't want to be built upon.


Response to next statement - If you would like EVERYONE in the country to support you and GIVE YOU MONEY, you may want to stop making statements saying you can't stand the people in the north. When someone spits in my eye, I tend to not want to provide much help to that person. You don't help your cause by showing your disdain of the people you are asking to reach out to you.


Response to next statement - The northern states tend to have the highest tax rates in the country. Also, most of the people in the WNY area that I know have made PERSONAL donations to various relief efforts. Your comments are misguided at best, and unsubstantiated and ignorant at worst.


Answer to question 3 - Yes, I remember. Some friends of mine got caught in the path of 2 of them.


Response to next statement - How many people are you referring to? What details of these circumstances can you provide? Simply stating a lot of people have yet to receive aid, while sounding very interesting doesn't really say anything.


Response to final statement - I don't know what the federal government's actions or inactions have to do with whether you are selfish or not. Also, I find it rather interesting how an individual that was faced with a personal choice (buy insurance and cover the risk of water damage to house/ possessions or save money and hope the dice don't come up snake eyes; or taking it up one notch, if your contentions about the condition of insurance in the Biloxi area are correct (and VABills and others are wrong) then the choice is buy house you can't afford or rent and get renter's insurance) that ended up turning out bad is now chastising everyone on this board for being selfish because they don't necessarily want to have the risks of YOUR decision transferred to them after the fact.



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People aren't supposed to live in some places. Saraha desert, south pole, right on the coast that is hit with hurricanes.  You take your chances living there.  You rolled the dice and lost.



Comparing the Sahara Desert to the Gulf Coast is something I'm not even going to try and argue with. It is that stupid to actually put those two together. Do any of you realize the importance of the Gulf Coast? Have any of you heard of something called oil? Do not even try to say we're rolling dice by living down here. Do not even try to say we lost. This community will be rebuilt. This community will stand once again. Enough said.

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ok,  well lets do the math.  the average household income in mississippi is around`25 thousand.  Lets just say that the household is bringing home 2000 a month.  ok flood insurance in areas that our govenment  deems safe is over 500 a month.  so you tell me can you afford to send a quater of your income on flood insurance when our government is deeming these areas safe.    do you have flood insurace?  do you have earthquake insurace?  could you afford either if is was a quartere of your salary.  the fact is everyone on the coast would love to have flood insurance but it is simply not feasable for that to happen.  the choice to have flood insurance is not a a choice at all the rich can afford it and the working class, which by the way drives this county by building your suv or bmw, cannot afford the insurace.  the choice is not a choice at all,  it is simply something we pray doesnt come into play but unfortunatly it has.  during nine eleven do you know the area that suffered the most.  initially obviously the north and im not downplaying that, but the south is where most of the troops that now occupy the middle east came from.  our nation asked the south and the national guardsmen here to respond and we didnt B word.  we grabbed our guns and began to fight for our country.  we didnt say that terrorism is a northern problem even though there has never been any threat in the south we simply said that terrorism is a national problem that we were happy to fight for.  now your saying that natural disasters are a southern or coastling problem it is not it is a problem facing this nation and i believe that every american should dig deep and help the problem not sit here and B word about money.  trust me we would rather give up money than our brothers sister husbands wives ancd childeren!


I'd be very curious to see a flood insurance quote for $500 a month. Especially considering I pay a grand total of $650 a YEAR for my homeowner's insurance, which INCLUDES flood insurance (I also don't live on a flood plain). Perhaps you should try a different company.

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You're barking up the wrong tree here buddy.  I served my country for a very long time.  I give of my time and pocket at a fair rate.  I also believe the bible when it says , "Charity begins at home".  That means take care of yourself and your family first. 


I pay my taxes, I have flood insurance, and I make car payments, etc...  I don't have the money to also pay your mortage and flood insurance, because you chose to live in an area that you realistically could not afford.



First off, you would not be doing this single handley. This is something our country would do together. So, do not think it is up to your family, and only your family to help the people on the Gulf Coast.


Second, I can afford this area. I am teacher. My fiance' is a teacher. I am not asking for assistance for myself. I am asking for assistance for the GULF COAST. CAN YOU NOT GET THAT THROUGH YOUR HEAD. I have some friends who have not received any type of aid, due to the amount of money they make, which is middle class pay. It is people like this who need some type of aid. The majority of the coast cannot afford to pay 25% of their monthly income for flood insurance.


The coast is something our country needs. Have you ever heard of Ingals Ship Yard? If you havent, it is a place where a large portion of our military's ships are built. Do you not think our country needs this? The Gulf coast is also used as a major port. Do you not think this something our country needs? And I know I've already said this, but a good portion of our nations oil is refined down here. There are a number of things the Gulf Coast does for our country, but there is really no reason to continue with it. Now, since the Gulf Coast is so important, aren't people a major part of it. I mean, people are obviously needed for all of this to operate right? However, they are not payed that well. So, you need to be a bit more thankful for what they do. Your life would not be as comfortable if it wasn't for all of this or all of these people.


You people need to be willing to support all those who have lost just about everything they have. They have done a lot for you, by providing you with a number of supplies, ships, etc... Just keep all of this in mind. Also, keep this in mind:


Leviticus 25:35

" 'If one of your countrymen becomes poor and is unable to support himself among you, help him as you would an alien or a temporary resident, so he can continue to live among you."

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Comparing the Sahara Desert to the Gulf Coast is something I'm not even going to try and argue with. It is that stupid to actually put those two together. Do any of you realize the importance of the Gulf Coast? Have any of you heard of something called oil? Do not even try to say we're rolling dice by living down here. Do not even try to say we lost. This community will be rebuilt. This community will stand once again. Enough said.


Your post was interesting, goodluck to you and the rest of the people in the path of the storm....Let me ask ya something, you ever walk into a neighborhood at night and say oh oh,dam I am way in over my head, outnumbered, wrong skin color,and all eye's on ya... that's what this remind's of....Now the advice, I will offer based upon me growing up in a city segragated upon ethinicity, and highly flamable, do not light a match that will show the color of your skin, and your only escape is your two feat and your lung's to power them... So drop the match and run forest run....Hey man, seriously goodluck, keep your chin up, and remember if you get flooded out ,do not swim with a chum bag, you attract the shark's...And ya I heard of oil, so what ya saying price going up, that story is has been ongoing now for awhile, I pay $ 3.oo a gallon... What your situation going to up it, big deal, I have been kiling cat's after my day job, and throwing em in the cat bio diesel resevior I constructed in the back yard.. I have a bait pile, and a cast nest... Free bait behind the supermarket.... I scouted the area, and set up a blind... been harvesting 10 a day. 10 squeezed cat's yield's 3 gallon's cat bio diesel, so far I have a 250 gallon tank filled. Im prepared so bring the higher gas price's...Lookit this way, no power for a couple a week's, hence lower electricity bill, more money in your pocket, put that toward's flood insurance, new mortgage,or the new south, goin to do it again campaign..You moved south, now your a dam yankee, then you jaw your up some help, federal gov't help, sounding like a dixiecrat, on a , let's say nom democratic, basically yankee, bill's dominated message board, and you do not even give the bill's any respect.... You sure sound ripe, to be a suicide bomber........

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Your post was interesting, goodluck to you and the rest of the people in the path of the storm....Let me ask ya something, you ever walk into a neighborhood at night and say oh oh,dam I am way in over my head, outnumbered, wrong skin color,and all eye's on ya... that's what this remind's of....Now the advice, I will offer based upon me growing up in a city segragated upon ethinicity, and highly flamable, do not light a match that will show the color of your skin, and your only escape is your two feat and your lung's to power them... So drop the match and run forest run....Hey man, seriously goodluck, keep your chin up, and remember if you get flooded out ,do not swim with a chum bag, you attract the shark's...And ya I heard of oil, so what ya saying price going up, that story is has been ongoing now for awhile, I pay $ 3.oo a gallon... What your situation going to up it, big deal, I have been kiling cat's after my day job, and throwing em in the cat bio diesel resevior I constructed in the back yard.. I have a bait pile, and a cast nest... Free bait behind the supermarket.... I scouted the area, and set up a blind... been harvesting  10 a day. 10 squeezed cat's yield's 3 gallon's cat bio diesel, so far I have a 250 gallon tank filled. Im prepared so bring the higher gas price's...Lookit this way, no power for a couple a week's, hence lower electricity bill, more money in your pocket, put that toward's flood insurance, new mortgage,or the new south, goin to do it again campaign..You moved south, now your a dam yankee, then you jaw your up some help, federal gov't help, sounding like a dixiecrat, on a , let's say nom democratic, basically yankee, bill's dominated message board, and you do not even give the bill's any respect.... You sure sound ripe, to be a suicide bomber........



Did you hear that...............banjo music. :lol:

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Your post was interesting, goodluck to you and the rest of the people in the path of the storm....Let me ask ya something, you ever walk into a neighborhood at night and say oh oh,dam I am way in over my head, outnumbered, wrong skin color,and all eye's on ya... that's what this remind's of....Now the advice, I will offer based upon me growing up in a city segragated upon ethinicity, and highly flamable, do not light a match that will show the color of your skin, and your only escape is your two feat and your lung's to power them... So drop the match and run forest run....Hey man, seriously goodluck, keep your chin up, and remember if you get flooded out ,do not swim with a chum bag, you attract the shark's...And ya I heard of oil, so what ya saying price going up, that story is has been ongoing now for awhile, I pay $ 3.oo a gallon... What your situation going to up it, big deal, I have been kiling cat's after my day job, and throwing em in the cat bio diesel resevior I constructed in the back yard.. I have a bait pile, and a cast nest... Free bait behind the supermarket.... I scouted the area, and set up a blind... been harvesting  10 a day. 10 squeezed cat's yield's 3 gallon's cat bio diesel, so far I have a 250 gallon tank filled. Im prepared so bring the higher gas price's...Lookit this way, no power for a couple a week's, hence lower electricity bill, more money in your pocket, put that toward's flood insurance, new mortgage,or the new south, goin to do it again campaign..You moved south, now your a dam yankee, then you jaw your up some help, federal gov't help, sounding like a dixiecrat, on a , let's say nom democratic, basically yankee, bill's dominated message board, and you do not even give the bill's any respect.... You sure sound ripe, to be a suicide bomber........




I'm not really going to bother with replying to this post, but I would like you to take a look at a post I did earlier, which involves the Bible. There are a a lot of good points in it and I would really like you to take a look at it.


As for the Bills, I am a huge fan. I am originally from Buffalo for crying out loud! I've been through a number of ups and downs when cheering for that team. However, this board is for politically based discussions. So, let's stick to the political topics.

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I'm not really going to bother with replying to this post, but I would like you to take a look at a post I did earlier, which involves the Bible. There are a a lot of good points in it and I would really like you to take a look at it.


As for the Bills, I am a huge fan. I am originally from Buffalo for crying out loud! I've been through a number of ups and downs when cheering for that team. However, this board is for politically based discussions. So, let's stick to the political topics.


And if you grew up in Buffalo, you know who Bishop Head is. My quote from the bible was the subject of a sermon that he did a lot. It basically means you need to take care of yourself. He was the Bishop during a lot of the close down and cut back, and too many people were becoming reliant on the government and unions to take care of them, and too many people would help others but then go running to the church and government to help them.


Well he basically said, look people get off your asses, bust your butt, enjoy some of the things life offer, help others, but only after you have paid your own rent, your utility bills, your food is bought, etc....


Well you need to learn that and other in the coastal region do as well. They need to learn to take care of themselves, and stop looking for handouts.


BTW, I am Catholic, Leviticus was more of a roadmap and prophecy to the coming of Jesus. The Catholics and most Christian religions do not follows the old Torah laws. You start spouting it, then I guess you follow all of the old laws yourself, no shell fish including lobster or shrip, no unclean animals like pig, sex only to procreate with a clean white sheet between you so you do not see and defile the mother of your children, you sacrific animals as approiate, etc... BTW if you sacrific the animals let me know we'll send PETA and animal control your way.

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