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Is MM singling out McGahee

Fake-Fat Sunny

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Its bizarre to me that folks some how seem to have reached a conclusion that MM is singling out McGahee for criticism or making some special effort to call him out.


It's not what I've seen and read in interviews with MM since the game.


Yes, he definitely directly pointed out some faults in WM's running game in the TB game. Well as Gomer Pyle would say Surprise Surprise. The WM running production simply sucked on Sunday not only in comparison to his past lofty standards of past performance (way back last week) but even in comparison to even the most mediocre starting RBs in this league.


Quite frankly for MM to have a comment that merely tossed off the production as a bad week that he is sure will get better with dumb luck or if Willis just tried harder would actually give us real concerns about him as a coach, generate legitimately more media questions and controversy for such a simplistic response from MM, and simply not be believable and undercut NN credibility with the press and with the fans.


Is he singling him out?


No- Look at the fans ask MM section on the Bills website and in response to a question MM does say that WM is more tentative than before but clearly says the running problem are a little WM and a little of the O-line.


Somehow in at least one thread MM is described as coddling the OL and savaging WM.


Is MM descrbing some drastic downturn or change in MM's running style this year compared to last year?


No- I'm not sure where this stupidity is coming from but Hello Bueller, not onlt is it merely the second game and MM would be dumb to draw some parallel between the two years, but in the first game WM gaine 120+. I don't think MM can possibly be making any broad comparison and his comments are purely restricted to the TB game where WM did suck because a comparison would simply be stupid.


Is MM saying anything at all negative about any players except for WM?


Yes. he referred to Moorman's punting Sunday as not matching the previous consistency he has shown. As mentioned above he attributes fault to the OL with exactly the same phrases he uses to find fault with the OL. For gosh sakes who cares what he said he simply flat-out benched JP for a time.


This whole controversy seems to be a creature of the media and this board. Everytime I have seen MM comment in anyway negatively about WMs play Sunday it has been in response to a direct question about McGahee or the running game production. Unless he says something negative about a putridly negative performance something he would not be answering the question.


WM has also been pinned down with repetivie question after question and each remarked is parsed out to find and fuel some conroversy that are created in folks minds.


My sense is not that there will never be controversy or that MM may call a player out publicly, but when this happens I think we will know pretty clearly that it happened and the creative work all over MM calling folks out will not be necessary when there is a real fight going on.

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I especially agree with the part about MM not pulling out the Drew Bledsoe Bag of Sorry Quotes and Clichés. Several players in all aspects of the game didn't fulfil expectations and he called them on it -- looks like good leadership skills to me!

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Somehow in at least one thread MM is described as coddling the OL and savaging WM.





If you listen to Willis McGahees' pc on BBills.com, one of the clod reporters asks McGahee if he feels he is being singled out, and then asks him if the OL deserves as much of the blame for their lack of success. To his credit, McGahee just says he does what he does, he doesn't worry about blaming somebody else when it doesn't work. His only sort of thin skinned moment comes when he says something to the effect of "people who have never played running back can't really tell a running back how to run the ball". The reporters are very clearly trying to create a controversy.


In his PC, they ask JP if he feels comfortable getting in other players faces when they are not performing. He says yes, he can, and has, but that is not for publice knowledge. The reporter then asks him, "so whose case might you have gotten on in the past?" JP just laughs, and says "You're not going to get me on that, you guys ask such terrible qusetions". Everyone got a chuckle out of it. Losman handled it well.

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If you listen to Willis McGahees' pc on BBills.com, one of the clod reporters asks McGahee if he feels he is being singled out, and then asks him if the OL deserves as much of the blame for their lack of success.  To his credit, McGahee just says he does what he does, he doesn't worry about blaming somebody else when it doesn't work.  His only sort of thin skinned moment comes when he says something to the effect of "people who have never played running back can't really tell a running back how to run the ball".  The reporters are very clearly trying to create a controversy.


In his PC, they ask JP if he feels comfortable getting in other players faces when they are not performing.  He says yes, he can, and has, but that is not for publice knowledge.  The reporter then asks him, "so whose case might you have gotten on in the past?"  JP just laughs, and says "You're not going to get me on that, you guys ask such terrible qusetions".  Everyone got a chuckle out of it.  Losman handled it well.




This a great example of how the media does its work to accomplish its goals (sell ads rather than strive to give out correct info) and this goals is simply different from the goals of fans enjoy the game.


The players also have a different set of goals revolving around winning the game or getting good contracts.


I just wish the media would stop pretending that they are serving the fans iinterest.

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