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LOST 02.01 Discussion Thread


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Saw there were 31 million viewers last Wed., which I believe is ~ 10 million more than the ratings had at any time last season.


Probably a big part of that is many people got the DVD and became hooked. At times last season, it was really difficult to follow the show's timeline as it jumped around with repeats for three weeks here, four weeks there.... Mostly to do w/ the production schedule and being behind b/c of having to wait to see how the Pilot did in ratings. They started shooting in July for this season, and we should all hope that the eps are shown in the set order.... especially as the storylines and mysteries become more convoluted.

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Couple of thoughts.


First off, I think LOST is the biggest reason I caved in and finally got a DVR. Now I love it. Football was incredible. Pause, go make a snack, come back and watch 45 mins commercial free!


Second, someone made a comment that maybe the island is really a space ship that crashed and started getting gorwth over the top of it. Any ides about this theory.


Third, I was thinking that the passion for Claire's baby was a decoy, and that they really always wanted Walt all along. But then I remembered the psychic, so there must be something about her baby. Another thought on that is that since Claire has given birth to the child, it can no longer be brought over to the "other's" side. Since that child is safe now, maybe they begin to focus on Walt?


Fourth, I'm stupid. I kept thinking that Desmond's accent was British, and had forgotten the Australian tie-in. Desmond does have a connection then, to the flight, or the island, or Claire? Do we know who the baby's father is?


Ok, I'm done.

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Second, someone made a comment that maybe the island is really a space ship that crashed and started getting gorwth over the top of it. Any ides about this theory.


Third, I was thinking that the passion for Claire's baby was a decoy, and that they really always wanted Walt all along. But then I remembered the psychic, so there must be something about her baby. Another thought on that is that since Claire has given birth to the child, it can no longer be brought over to the "other's" side. Since that child is safe now, maybe they begin to focus on Walt?


Fourth, I'm stupid. I kept thinking that Desmond's accent was British, and had forgotten the Australian tie-in. Desmond does have a connection then, to the flight, or the island, or Claire? Do we know who the baby's father is?



First, a space ship? That would be one big craft, with some pretty steep cliffs. Nevermind the pesky question of where the organic material, rocks, soil, etc. came from? It doesn't just rise out of the ocean floor.


I don't think it was a ruse. They wanted Claire for the baby and Ethan killed Steve(?) with the specific goal of getting her back, thinking that the survivors were spineless and would just give him one of their own. Six bullets to the chest amply showed he thought wrong. The Others and whoever else just want a child, any child. Claire's baby, Aaron, is not suddenly safe. The pyschic said that if anyone else raised him, there would be bad things; nothing that said everything was in the clear once he was born. The baby's father is the stooge who told Claire, 'Why not have a baby? We can do this' and that he would be there for her. Then when her stomach started getting bigger, he came home with a six-pack and was like, 'I can't do this.' At which point, Claire looked into adoption.

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Something I've been pondering is whether the island is some government experiment. With 'Quarantine" on the inside of the hatch, maybe the survivors will be subjected to some sort of testing, if they haven't been already.


Then maybe the operatives don't want children subject to these tests. That's why they tried to take Claire while she was pregnant. And that's why they took Walt.

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Something I've been pondering is whether the island is some government experiment.  With 'Quarantine" on the inside of the hatch, maybe the survivors will be subjected to some sort of testing, if they haven't been already.


Then maybe the operatives don't want children subject to these tests.  That's why they tried to take Claire while she was pregnant.  And that's why they took Walt.



B/c if this is all a vast gov't conspiracy, causing jet aircraft to break apart and fall out of the sky, sucking people out willy-nilly and killing numerous persons, they'll be bothered involving children by their sense of ethics?

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Saw there were 31 million viewers last Wed., which I believe is ~ 10 million more than the ratings had at any time last season.


Probably a big part of that is many people got the DVD and became hooked. At times last season, it was really difficult to follow the show's timeline as it jumped around with repeats for three weeks here, four weeks there.... Mostly to do w/ the production schedule and being behind b/c of having to wait to see how the Pilot did in ratings. They started shooting in July for this season, and we should all hope that the eps are shown in the set order.... especially as the storylines and mysteries become more convoluted.




I don't think the weeks of repeats have muh to do with the production schedules, as you see the same thing with other long established shows. It's more the fact that they don't make enough episodes to fill a full TV season anymore. Hence the reason the season doesn't start until the end of september now, and why they fill a lot of the non "ratings sweeps" periods with repeats.

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I don't think the weeks of repeats have muh to do with the production schedules, as you see the same thing with other long established shows. It's more the fact that they don't make enough episodes to fill a full TV season anymore. Hence the reason the season doesn't start until the end of september now, and why they fill a lot of the non "ratings sweeps" periods with repeats.



There are examples of producers not wanting to mess with viewers' minds too much when the going gets choppy and storylines get complicated and/or the specific timeline is something that needs or should be preserved. I'll throw out directly that "The West Wing" last season did this on the presidential campaign trail. There was not one repeat during the season b/c to break it all up with the Iowa primary one week, and then candidate deciding whether to run the next week in a repeat would be much too much too confusing. I think Lost is in very much the same situation. And if they have too much week in the season at the end of the episode, I'd prefer they skip weeks. I'll also add that they're making more $, and helping the viewers out a lot, by repeating the previous week's ep at 8. Don't know how long they'll keep doing that, and I don't object to airing repeats this way, but they're doing it this week.


And yes, it was at least partly to do with the production schedule. ABC, and any network really, didn't want to commit to a full run until they knew what the ratings were for the Pilot. Hence, they were actually filming episodes as those repeats were airing. The turnaround postproduction time is about two weeks.

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Something I've been pondering is whether the island is some government experiment.  With 'Quarantine" on the inside of the hatch, maybe the survivors will be subjected to some sort of testing, if they haven't been already.


Then maybe the operatives don't want children subject to these tests.  That's why they tried to take Claire while she was pregnant.  And that's why they took Walt.



Maybe it's not the government, but some private company that began hidden experiments for a vaccine or other drug that of course went terribly, terribly wrong....

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I just finished watching episodes 9 and 10 from season one (9 - Sayed visits Daniell; 10 - Clair has nightmares). These two episodes are critical in light of episode one of season two. Here is what I noticed and I infer:


1) Ethan is introduced to us by John Locke! Out of the blue Locke introduces Ethan to Hurly and it appears Locke has some kind of relationship with Ethan.


2) When Clair woke up screaming that someone attacked her and stuck a needle in her - maybe Ethan, who may have lived with Desmond in the "hatch" wanted to test Clair's baby to see if it was "infected."


3) It is clear that the "it" daniel refers to in her radio messege is an infection. She told sayed that she ahd to kill her husband and the other from her scientific party because "they were sick" and that she had no other choice. Therefore I infer that Desmond and Ethan are monitoring, or more scinically, breeding an infection. Maybe they are trying to learn how to contain it? Maybe it was an old military creation gone awry.


4) Notwithstanding point 2 above, I think Clair was begining to show signs of the infection causing halucinations. She even looked sick with red circles around her eyes (not there in previous episodes). Maybe Ethan took her to treat her in the "hatch" and provide a vaccination.


Again, just my thoughts.

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Maybe this has been mentioned before, maybe not, but this just came to me. Remember when they were beating the hell out of Ethan and he was one tough mother? Well the guy in the hatch seems to be working out regularly and if Ethan lived down there it would make sense that he did too. That would account for Ethan's strength. Nothing earth shattering, but I thought I'd throw it out there...

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this may be out of left field, but someone with the DVD's wanna look at last season's finale and see if desmond happend to be one of the people on the boat that took walt?



There was the guy who spoke, the blonde girl who apparently is Alex, and two goons, who were mostly hidden by the shadows. Their profiles and hair don't match.


Besides, Desmond is in the hatch/bunker working out at roughly the same time that Walt is being taken, and he had just woken up. The timeline disallows it. Not to say that he's not one of that group; just that he wasn't there. I don't know about that, tho. They seemed to be similarly supplied, tho Desmond did have new things (boots, uniform etc.) while the boat toughs were wearing rags.


I was a little put off by the beginning where they showed the close-up of Desmond's eye. They did that in pretty much every episode last season, as a means of establishing the POV and the centric (flashback) character for that ep. When it didn't really follow up on Desmond other than the short tourstadia scene with Jack, I was a little disappointed they didn't follow the POV; but I understand that they don't want to give too much away.

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Fourth, I'm stupid. I kept thinking that Desmond's accent was British, and had forgotten the Australian tie-in. Desmond does have a connection then, to the flight, or the island, or Claire? Do we know who the baby's father is?





First of all I think Desmond's accent is Scottish. Unless I was drunk while I was watching the first ep. Secondly unless I'm drunk right now and can't remember correctly they've already shown the father of Claire's baby.

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First of all I think Desmond's accent is Scottish.  Unless I was drunk while I was watching the first ep.  Secondly unless I'm drunk right now and can't remember correctly they've already shown the father of Claire's baby.



They have shown the father of Clair's baby in the episode I described above (episode 10 - psychic episode).

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