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Heroes and Goats (or more properly given results)

Fake-Fat Sunny

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Goats- I'm reserving this for players who made mental errors that a brain transplant seems to be what they need to do to get better (ex. Bledsoe after he through away a pass on 4th down in the waning seconds of a game last year and then when he realized what he had done basically seemed to slap his head and say D'oh) or it was a nice try but they just aren't good enough to play their positions right now (ala Lawrence Smith in the redzone last year, he gets kudos and props because stepping off the PS of another squad to start for us is a lot, and really far more than anyone should expect or demand of a player. However. he simply was not there as a full service LG and needed to be replaced in order for us to perform adequately in the redzone. Fortunately we found the answer in Bannan and Adams in the redzone and ultimately in Tucker (pre injury) as our LG).


At any rate, when I am ready to give up on a player or near ready or he stunk up the joint so bad in a game it is worthy of note I will label them a goat and I am interested in what others think.


The good news is that though there is more than enough blame to go around, there is no Bill at this very early stag of the season that I would give up on as a starter or as a player for the team. Many watch qirstions were hatched by this debacle, but by far I think watching and judging is the thing for us fans to do.


Goats- None (YET!)




Its hard to believe but there were a few players who stepped up Sunday mostly because so many doubts had been issued about them by us finicky fans or because of injury or previous performance.


Despite the horrible results, these fellows should feel good about their individual potential to help the team though I hope everyone feels bad about how the team performed and plans and will do better against AT at home.


Josh Reed- He is still on the watch list as he has not produced theTDs or demanded he be sent on long routes by putting up the RAC numbers that demand greater use. However, the fact that he is leading the team in receptions after twp games (in part due to anemic JP use and performance which unfortnately is necessary for this young QB) is great. Reed so far seems to be slaying the dragon of the droppsies which derailed his second year and career by making catches in tight spots and building the rapport with JP we had hoped he would show with Evans.


Reed still needs to show some more before to make the case for exending him beyond his current contract to be rational at all, (and would need to show some serious RAC production to make us want to do anything but rush Parrish back as soon as possible) but so far so good for him and kudos to him (for the moment but next week is another game and he needs to prove it every week for now).


Rian Lindell- Who would have thunk it. His 6/6 performance so far has been outstanding and he has team with the coverage game to have our kickoff coverage look at least as good so far as last year. The jury remains out since oddly enough the game has not rested on his foot in the waning minutes all the time he has been here as we tend to win or lose in blow-out fashion, but his performance so far does not merit the nickname I am holding in reserve for him, but if he pulls this off then we will see. For now he is a great story for us and his limited role on Sunday of adding 1/1 to his first week 5/5 keeps the story going for now.


Vincent- His injury last year raised some doubts in my mind about this longtime vet. However his performance at safety late last year and his showing in the first game in terms of 2 INTs and some nice almost coverage in this game gives this watcher a lot of hope that he is the real deal at safety.


Milloy- once again it was an older player missing some starts due to injury which raised some questions about Milloy. Yet some hard hits from him and our lone sack Sunday on top of the INT in game 1 makes him one of our too few heros that we can be hopeful about after Sunday.


Watch List- This is both good and bad to be on as players should be watched if they may prove to be inadequate or players should be watched because they may step up. Most players are not to be watched but merely expected to keep on doing the jpbgs they are assigned.



Sam Aiken- some good ST play and seeming tackles leave me surprised he is not on the stat page for tackles.


Roscoe Parrish- power outage on the O is making me lust after having his speed on the field to warp D coverage.


Mike Gandy- pretty adequate game since the expectation was one of deep trouble at LT. Rice got 1 sack and Gandy and the rest if the OL did not open holes for WM but even this performance was better than the potential meltdown at LT most of us feared. He remains a watch but I am hopeful after 2 games


Jason Peters- Not much to day about him after Sunday as most of his duty was ST and occaisional back-up when Gandy needed a blow (Ithink I saw him takwethe field at LT at least once. However, his tackle eligible TD this year,his punt block TD last year and the raves about him from JMac put him on the watch list until he has a brain fart that take him off. This did not happen Sunday.


Bennie Anderson- Penalties this pre-season and one last week land him on the watch list. Not bad last week but everyone was inadequate this week


Duke Preston- on the watch list because except for his first play in the game last week i think this rookie belogs in the the NFL


Mike Williams- The amount he is injured needs tio be watched. Reports have him as all smiles after the game which is probably a good sign in terms of the diagnosed level of injury.


Greg Jerman- Filled in for an injured MW with no noticeable drop off. This probably say as much about MW not being a force as it does about Jerman being an adequate back-up.


QB J.P. Losman- He had the expected growing pain in his bad performance so his stinking does not phase me uf he responds well. Complaints about MM mishandling him by benching him seem misguided because:


1. If he is so fragile that he is going to lose confidence when he hgets benched even though he sucked he is probably not tough enough to make it anyway.


2. Complaints he should not have been put back in seem misguided because his performance improved.


I'm not sure what the whiners are on about because the theory he is going to be ruined does not seem to refelct the reality thaat he sucked so accountability is not bad and he improved so he responded to it properly.


Kelly Holcomb- The back-up QB did not provide the desired spark. So what who cares and I go out of my way to mention Holcomb is NOT on the watch list as there is 0 QB debate.


Daimon Shelton- The lack of productivity raises issues but folks who want to jettison him seem pre-mature in advocating this. There is additional lackluster play (JP's passes WM not running as well as last year) that making a change at FB may well produce the same result. Also if you cut or bench him people who advocate this need to make a convincing case that either Burns or Neufeld can do the job. As that case has not been made yet the idea of cutting or displacing Shelton seems little more than grasping at straws.



Willis McGahee- all things are fine with him but another lackluster outing from WM will put him on the watch list.


Williams- We better hope WM does not go down because Shaud has show little signs of productivity as a third down RB to raise faith in him.


Josh Reed has performed very well as the #3 WR and it is simply too bad that we have not gotten performance out of our #1 and #2. Reed will need to sit as soon as Parrish can warp D coverage with his speed potential unless he demands playing time by showing more RAC than he has shown, but his play far exceedsthe droppsies of his second year or injury riddled 3rd year performance. I'm impressed but show me more/




Chris Kelsay- impressed his first week but like the rest of the D pretty ninexistent Sunday.


Ryan Denney- He is beginning to log an impressive # of tackles for a backup and gas done his job so far.


Justin Bannan- it was good to see some nice work out of him as a backup DT when the heat forced forced the massive Sam to sit. His future appears to be in the DT rotation rather than as a G in the redzone


Ron Edwards- A few folks want to cut him and complain about his lack of penetration and too much lateral movement as an issue. However, i think this complaints may actually say more about the lack of understanding about how to judge DT play in the Gray zone blitz than it actually says about assessing Edwards as a player. The intelligent move would seem not to be to cut him but instead to use him mostly as a pass rusherwere he demonstrably excels and also to change our scheme up a bit with Sam doing more run stopping rather than benching Edwards. This is a defintie and high priority watch.


Tim Anderson- Also in for a blow because our starters at DT were ineffective ad also stopped by the hear. I'm psyched he got some snaps and hope his play demands more.


London Fletcher- we likely saw the big drop-off in quality when Fletcher went out for Angelo Crowell and also how much Spikes depends on Fletcher to attract attention in order for him to perform like Spikes. Fletcher needs to come back or Crowell needs to step it up. Before we get too weepy about Fketcher thoug, I felt like Caddillac started moving the ball while Fletcher was in. Didanyone note the difference in performance with/without Gletcher or what play he was injured oj because it would not surprise me if he actually played ineffectively for a while until he took the bench?


Terrence McGee- Interesting to me that TBD named him player of the week after we got killed for good after he got beat one-on-one up the seam on a pass that ended any faint hopes we had. Still he probab;y deserves this accolade because everyone else was so unproductive, he led the team in tackles (a signed that TD decided to pick on him actually) and he dd pull off some nice returns.


Brian Moorman - Its interesting that Lindell's resurgence and a failure to make the usual top notcn kicks by Moorman happeed at the same time. Perhaps new long snapper Scneck is hitting it off with Lindell but Moorman misses Dorenbos. Go figure and we'll see.


All in all too early to panic but there will be a lot to watch on Sunday (afterall we are tied for the division lead and NYJ loss is in the conference and MI has a loss in the division so it easily could be worse).


Sorry for the lack of cliffnotes but this is all thinking out loud about the state of the Billsand that pesky work thing is intruding on my Bills commiment.

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you had me at hello... :)


Goats- I'm reserving this for players who made mental errors that a brain transplant seems to be what they need to do to get better (ex. Bledsoe after he through away a pass on 4th down in the waning seconds of a game last year and then when he realized what he had done basically seemed to slap his head and say D'oh) or it was a nice try but they just aren't good enough to play their positions right now (ala Lawrence Smith in the redzone last year, he gets kudos and props because stepping off the PS of another squad to start for us is a lot, and really far more than anyone should expect or demand of a player.  However.  he simply was not there as a full service LG and needed to be replaced in order for us to perform adequately in the redzone. Fortunately we found the answer in Bannan and Adams in the redzone and ultimately in Tucker (pre injury) as our LG).


At any rate, when I am ready to give up on a player or near ready or he stunk up the joint so bad in a game it is worthy of note I will label them a goat and I am interested in what others think.


The good news is that though there is more than enough blame to go around, there is no Bill at this very early stag of the season that I would give up on as a starter or as a player for the team.  Many watch qirstions were hatched by this debacle, but by far I think watching and judging is the thing for us fans to do.


Goats- None (YET!)




Its hard to believe but there were a few players who stepped up Sunday mostly because so many doubts had been issued about them by us finicky fans or because of injury or previous performance.


Despite the horrible results, these fellows should feel good about their individual potential to help the team though I hope everyone feels bad about how the team performed and plans and will do better against AT at home.


Josh Reed-  He is still on the watch list as he has not produced theTDs or demanded he be sent on long routes by putting up the RAC numbers that demand greater use.  However, the fact that he is leading the team in receptions after twp games (in part due to anemic JP use and performance which unfortnately is necessary for this young QB)  is great.  Reed so far seems to be slaying the dragon of the droppsies which derailed his second year and career by making catches in tight spots and building the rapport with JP we had hoped he would show with Evans.


Reed still needs to show some more before to make the case for exending him beyond his current contract to be rational at all, (and would need to show some serious RAC production to make us want to do anything but rush Parrish back as soon as possible) but so far so good for him and kudos to him (for the moment but next week is another game and he needs to prove it every week for now).


Rian Lindell-  Who would have thunk it.  His 6/6 performance so far has been outstanding and he has team with the coverage game to have our kickoff coverage look at least as good so far as last year.  The jury remains out since oddly enough the game has not rested on his foot in the waning minutes all the time he has been here as we tend to win or lose in blow-out fashion, but his performance so far does not merit the nickname I am holding in reserve for him, but if he pulls this off then we will see.  For now he is a great story for us and his limited role on Sunday of adding 1/1 to his first week 5/5 keeps the story going for now.


Vincent- His injury last year raised some doubts in my mind about this longtime vet. However his performance at safety late last year and his showing in the first game in terms of 2 INTs and some nice almost coverage in this game gives this watcher a lot of hope that he is the real deal at safety.


Milloy- once again it was an older player missing some starts due to injury which raised some questions about Milloy. Yet some hard hits from him and our lone sack Sunday on top of the INT in game 1 makes him one of our too few heros that we can be hopeful about after Sunday.


Watch List- This is both good and bad to be on as players should be watched if they may prove to be inadequate or players should be watched because they may step up.  Most players are not to be watched but merely expected to keep on doing the jpbgs they are assigned.

Sam Aiken- some good ST play and seeming tackles leave me surprised he is not on the stat page for tackles. 


Roscoe Parrish- power outage on the O is making me lust after having his speed on the field to warp D coverage.   


Mike Gandy- pretty adequate game since the expectation was one of deep trouble at LT. Rice got 1 sack and Gandy and the rest if the OL did not open holes for WM but even this performance was better than the potential meltdown at LT most of us feared. He remains a watch but I am hopeful after 2 games


Jason Peters- Not much to day about him after Sunday as most of his duty was ST and occaisional back-up when Gandy needed a blow (Ithink I saw him takwethe field at LT at least once. However,  his tackle eligible TD this year,his punt block TD last year and the raves about him from JMac put him on the watch list until he has a brain fart that take him off. This did not happen Sunday.


Bennie Anderson- Penalties this pre-season and one last week land him on the watch list. Not bad last week but everyone was inadequate this week

Duke Preston- on the watch list because except for his first play in the game last week i think this rookie belogs in the the NFL


Mike Williams- The amount he is injured needs tio be watched. Reports have him as all smiles after the game which is probably a good sign in terms of the diagnosed level of injury.


Greg Jerman- Filled in for an injured MW with no noticeable drop off. This probably say as much about MW not being a force as it does about Jerman being an adequate back-up.


QB J.P. Losman- He had the expected growing pain in his bad performance so his stinking does not phase me uf he responds well.  Complaints about MM mishandling him by benching him seem misguided because:


1. If he is so fragile that he is going to lose confidence when he hgets benched even though he sucked he is probably not tough enough to make it anyway.


2. Complaints he should not have been put back in seem misguided because his performance improved.


I'm not sure what the whiners are on about because the theory he is going to be ruined does not seem to refelct the reality thaat he sucked so accountability is not bad and he improved so he responded to it properly.


Kelly Holcomb- The back-up QB did not provide the desired spark. So what who cares and I go out of my way to mention Holcomb is NOT on the watch list as there is 0 QB debate.


Daimon Shelton- The lack of productivity raises issues but folks who want to jettison him seem pre-mature in advocating this.  There is additional lackluster play (JP's passes WM not running as well as last year) that making a change at FB may well produce the same result. Also if you cut or bench him people who advocate this need to make a convincing case that either Burns or Neufeld can do the job.  As that case has not been made yet the idea of cutting or displacing Shelton seems little more than grasping at straws.

Willis McGahee- all things are fine with him but another lackluster outing from WM will put him on the watch list.


Williams- We better hope WM does not go down because Shaud has show little signs of productivity as a third down RB to raise faith in him.


Josh Reed has performed very well as the #3 WR and it is simply too bad that we have not gotten performance out of our #1 and #2.  Reed will need  to sit as soon as Parrish can warp D coverage with his speed potential unless he demands playing time by showing more RAC than he has shown, but his play far exceedsthe droppsies of his second year or injury riddled 3rd year performance.  I'm impressed but show me more/




Chris Kelsay- impressed his first week but like the rest of the D pretty ninexistent Sunday.


Ryan Denney- He is beginning to log an impressive # of tackles for a backup and gas done his job so far.


Justin Bannan- it was good to see some nice work out of him as a backup DT when the heat forced forced the massive Sam to sit. His future appears to be in the DT rotation rather than as a G in the redzone


Ron Edwards- A few folks want to cut him and complain about his lack of penetration and too much lateral movement as an issue. However, i think this complaints may actually say more about the lack of understanding about how to judge DT play in the Gray zone blitz than it actually says about assessing Edwards as a player. The intelligent move would seem not to be to cut him but instead to use him mostly as a pass rusherwere he demonstrably excels and also to change our scheme up a bit with Sam doing more run stopping rather than benching Edwards.  This is a defintie and high priority watch.


Tim Anderson- Also in for a blow because our starters at DT were ineffective ad also stopped by the hear. I'm psyched he got some snaps and hope his play demands more.


London Fletcher- we likely saw the big drop-off in quality when Fletcher went out for Angelo Crowell  and also how much Spikes depends on Fletcher to attract attention in order for him to perform like Spikes. Fletcher needs to come back or Crowell needs to step it up.  Before we get too weepy about Fketcher thoug, I felt like Caddillac started moving the ball while Fletcher was in. Didanyone note the difference in performance with/without Gletcher or what play he was injured oj because it would not surprise me if he actually played ineffectively for a while until he took the bench?


Terrence McGee- Interesting to me that  TBD named him player of the week after we got killed for good after he got beat one-on-one up the seam on a pass that ended any faint hopes we had. Still he probab;y deserves this accolade because everyone else was so unproductive, he led the team in tackles (a signed that TD decided to pick on him actually) and he dd pull off some nice returns.


Brian Moorman  - Its interesting that Lindell's resurgence and a failure to make the usual top notcn kicks by Moorman happeed at the same time. Perhaps new long snapper Scneck is hitting it off with Lindell but Moorman misses Dorenbos. Go figure and we'll see.


All in all too early to panic but there will be a lot to watch on Sunday (afterall we are tied for the division lead and NYJ loss is in the conference and MI has a loss in the division so it easily could be worse).


Sorry for the lack of cliffnotes but this is all thinking out loud about the state of the Billsand that pesky work thing is intruding on my Bills commiment.


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