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In order of priority, excluding sporting events. I can DVR/Tivo off two TVs so my list is long.


1. Lost

2. Boston Legal

3. Stargate SG-1

4. Stargate Atlantis

5. Prisonbreak

6. The 4400

7. Threshold

8. Battlestar Galatica

9. The Office

10. Arrested Development

11. Alias

12. Invasion*

13. Surface

14. My Name Is Earl*

15. Joey


* - Shows have yet to premiere.


I don't know where I'd be without my DVR.


Side Note: I don't have HBO, otherwise Curb would be one of my top shows.


Two TiVos and you only record 14 season passes? Rookie!


We have about 40-50 season passes. I'll try to write them down when I get home. :doh:


Of the ones you have listed, we have these in common:


1. Lost

5. Prisonbreak

6. The 4400

7. Threshold

8. Battlestar Galatica

12. Invasion*

13. Surface

14. My Name Is Earl*


We also have Veronica Mars, an AWESOME show. Can't remember most of hte others (lots of crime shows for my wife, like all three CSIs...)


Two TiVos and you only record 14 season passes?  Rookie!


We have about 40-50 season passes.  I'll try to write them down when I get home. :)





Damn, that's crazy. You have time to watch all them? I'm struggling now.

Damn, that's crazy. You have time to watch all them? I'm struggling now.



I find time eventually. For example, I had the entire first season (and part of the second season) of Battlestar Gallactica on the TiVo, but never had time to watch it until a couple of months ago. :lol:


We still have 8 or 9 episodes of Enterprise on the TiVo as well...


It helps when you hack the TiVo so it has 150 hours of recording. Then you don't worry about running out of space :)




My wife has a ton of shows on the tivo, only a few of which I like. The ones she tivo's that I also like are:

CSI shows (all of them)


Law & Order: Criminal Intent

Law & Order: Special Victims Unit

Prison Break (only saw 2 episodes, but looks good)

The Closer

Without A Trace



Here's shows that I tivo:

my A&E shows (City Confidential, American Justice, and Cold Case Files)

ESPN College Game Day

any Bills shows, of course

Late Show w/ David Letterman

I find time eventually.  For example, I had the entire first season (and part of the second season) of Battlestar Gallactica on the TiVo, but never had time to watch it until a couple of months ago. :)





My wife and I sat down over the weekend and just about got ourselves caught up, starting with Season 1, Ep. 5....Part of our problem was that we forgot to change the defaults when setting up the season pass and so when we got more than five weeks behind we were getting episodes deleted...couldn't watch season one until the summer re-runs (picked up the remainder during a marathon Sci-Fi ran). Finally had time to watch them...


I must have a hundred tapes waiting for me to find the time. NO, I won't stop - I try to catch up in the summer reruns. OH, crap the new season is here. Did Gilligan ever get off that island? Who shot J R.

I must have a hundred tapes waiting for me to find the time.  NO, I won't stop - I try to catch up in the summer reruns.  OH, crap the new season is here.  Did Gilligan ever get off that island?  Who shot J R.




As it so happens, Gilligan just recently 'got off the island'.


I didn't even know Jay Riemersma was shot. Do we need a silent thread for him?


My List in Priority Order(as best I can remember)



NFL Matchup







Almanac(history International)

Sopranos(not on their yet, hasn't been on since I got the HI DEF tivo)



All in the Family

Green Acres

Arthur(love having a six and 4 yr old)


I think thats it



Top Gear

Big Break IV

American Chopper

Arrested Development

Anthony Bourdain

NFL Countdown



The Simpsons

Family Guy

Iron Chef America

Conan O'Brian

This Old House

Ask This Old House



Top Gear

Big Break IV

American Chopper

Arrested Development

Anthony Bourdain

NFL Countdown



The Simpsons

Family Guy

Iron Chef America

Conan O'Brian

This Old House

Ask This Old House



Dam I forgot scrubs, and that is the only one I have on to record repeats. How could I do this?

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