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Some Monday afternoon humor


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Last week:


Buffalo is a legitimate playoff team and if Losman can learn the ropes quickly, they could make a run.


This week:


JP Losman is nowhere near ready to lead an NFL playoff team through a season and now McGahee is paying the price...Until Losman gets it going (see 2006), the Bills are going to struggle.


This guy's about as schizo as the rest of us.

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Last week:

This week:

This guy's about as schizo as the rest of us.


That's what makes these guys so funny to read. One week they are praising some guy and the next they are eating their words. They usually own up to their bad calls. They are just a bunch of armchair drunkards (like many here) with a football website.

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Last week:


Buffalo is a legitimate playoff team and if Losman can learn the ropes quickly, they could make a run.


This week:


JP Losman is nowhere near ready to lead an NFL playoff team through a season and now McGahee is paying the price...Until Losman gets it going (see 2006), the Bills are going to struggle.


This guy's about as schizo as the rest of us.


I like the part where he rips the Bills and then says it's a quality win for TB. How is beating a team that sucks a "quality" win?



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This guy's about as schizo as the rest of us.



We must face facts. Following the Bills is like being 17 and having a terminally-cute 16 year-old with a pert shape agree to a date on one Sunday and show up, and not show up for next Sunday's date to share an ice cream soda.


I don't know if the term "blue b*lls" has any meaning these days, but that's the idea... :doh:

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I don't know it the term "blue b*lls" has any meaning these days, but that's the idea... :doh:



I was over at my parents' not too long ago, and my mother used that term right in front of my wife and myself. Bear in mind Mom has never talked about sex, at least in my presence, before.


When we got into the car, I told Kim "If I ever hear my mother use the term 'blueb@!!$' again, it will be too soon." It has now become a running joke between the two of us.



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I was over at my parents' not too long ago, and my mother used that term right in front of my wife and myself.  Bear in mind Mom has never talked about sex, at least in my presence, before.


When we got into the car, I told Kim "If I ever hear my mother use the term 'blueb@!!$' again, it will be too soon."  It has now become a running joke between the two of us.






They definitely hurt...

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