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Throwbacks done for season?


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I think most fans anticipated a move towards a darker blue when the new uniforms were first announced.  Once we saw them, though, not many people were as crazy about the idea.


In other uniform news, the same guy designed the current LA Angels and Washington Nationals baseball uniforms.  He seems to be a new star in the world of uniform design.  The Blue Jays should've had him do their new uniforms a couple years back.


You mean, "the Jays"? What happened to the "Blue"!?!?!?!


I still wear the old '77 cap. :doh:

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we were only supposed to wear them on opening day. but when game 2 was in tampa, they wore white, making us wear darks.


and the throwbacks where the lightest dark unis we have.


we wont wear them again. but it was nice to see us win atleast once with them.

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The Bucs requested to wear their lighter colored road jerseys for the game.  Didn't the Bills have to agree to that, or was that between the Bucs and the NFL and the Bills had to just follow along?


I'm not saying it had much (if anything) to do with the outcome of the game, but if the Bills had no say, that seems blatently unfair.



It's tradition that teams wear dark at home and white on the road. But the home team has first choice of which color jersey they will wear, and sometimes they don't stick to that unwritten code. Hence, why the Cowboys wore white for just about every game in the '90s. The Bills had no say, but there's nothing really unfair about it.


As for not wearing the jerseys again this year, Ralph may elect to just have the team wear the throwbacks, and pay a league fine every game (I think it's the $10,000 variety). He seems to be the kind of guy who would do that just to make a point, especially to a league that encroaches so much on individual owners' ability to run their own franchises. It'd be nice to get the NFL to amend their sometime inane/needlessly strict uniform policies, but....

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It's tradition that teams wear dark at home and white on the road. But the home team has first choice of which color jersey they will wear, and sometimes they don't stick to that unwritten code. Hence, why the Cowboys wore white for just about every game in the '90s. The Bills had no say, but there's nothing really unfair about it.


As for not wearing the jerseys again this year, Ralph may elect to just have the team wear the throwbacks, and pay a league fine every game (I think it's the $10,000 variety). He seems to be the kind of guy who would do that just to make a point, especially to a league that encroaches so much on individual owners' ability to run their own franchises. It'd be nice to get the NFL to amend their sometime inane/needlessly strict uniform policies, but....


if you wear the unis all the time, then they are not "throwbacks". if you really dong like the unis you have, maybe you should change them, insted of always wearing the old ones.


and you are right about the home team can wear whatever color they want. thats why the road team usually brings 2 unis to the game. its another part of the home field advantage. i bet the bills wear dark unis at home in the snow.

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As for not wearing the jerseys again this year, Ralph may elect to just have the team wear the throwbacks, and pay a league fine every game (I think it's the $10,000 variety). He seems to be the kind of guy who would do that just to make a point, especially to a league that encroaches so much on individual owners' ability to run their own franchises. It'd be nice to get the NFL to amend their sometime inane/needlessly strict uniform policies, but....


I don't really see Ralph doing it jsut to prove a point, as I don't recall him making ay waves about this rule at any of the past owner's meetings.


I do, however, see Ralph paying up so the team can wear them again if he feels is worth it business-wise. The throwbacks must be selling well. If Ralph feels he can offset the fine by sell enough of them by having the team wear them again just before Christmas, then I think he would do it.


My guess is that the Bills break the top 10 in jersey sales after Raplh pays up and Bills come out on primetime in the throwbacks against Denver.

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