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The gameplanning lost thi game for us and exposed


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...beat-up on weaker teams but aren’t smart enough to matchup with teams that stand up to us. That vanilla @$$ offense didn’t establish anything in the 1st half and it was mainly due to play calling. They left the D out to dry and didn’t give JP and the WR’s a fighting chance. I feel as though we still have bullets left in the chamber. Where are the rollouts, the playactions, and the taking advantage of JP’s mobility that we saw against the Texans? Now the Buccaneers are not the Texans so I don’t expect us to be as successful but who knows: THEY NEVER TRIED! How many times did we come out with one WR, 2 TE and 2 RB; we only have 2 healthy TE’s! At other times they came out in conventional offensive sets. If they were going to run, why not run more off tackle against Tampa’s smaller DE’s and war them down? And if Tampa was blitzing so much as some say then there blitz is PATHETIC for I think the O-line did a great job of pass protecting on the road. Simeon wasn’t even heard from until that 4th quarter sack AFTER they bought JP back in after the Holcomb series; the other was JP’s safety. He wasn’t really pressured that much. Since our pass protection was adequate the key to that game was to spread Tampa out with 3 WR as Reed was our leading receiver; with our TEs and RB being such a non factor in the passing game it is hard to have successful offense with this group if you are not commuted to running the ball. If you watched the game you’d see where Tampa just had 8 in the box on running downs and dared us to beat them deep as they sat on nearly every short pass; I was waiting all game for a double move or deep router to make them play honest and it never happened! That is what made the Texans play honest after Evans torched them. In that first game we were way less predictable.


Yesterday we played like the Bills have the past few years as we have no offensive identity. What are we: a smash mouth team or a passing team? We have no formation personnel group that is balanced to play both run and pass so teams know our tendencies when they see us line up. From what I have seen I think that the spread offense will keep defenses honest and give McGahee more room to run (whenever he stops dancing!) and allow JP to play where he seems the most comfortable. This is not college; the Bills like MOST teams in the NFL aren’t good enough to lineup week in and week out and just overpower every team. Scheming plays a lot and if you don’t put guys in position to make plays then you will be ineffective. Take Josh Reed: while he has been ineffective he did show an ability yesterday he is known for: run after the catch. In his years here I have never seen a coaching staff yet take advantage of his or Moulds abilities. I feel sorry for Moulds after watching TO get big numbers in a scheme tailored to getting him the ball and putting him in position to make plays and use his abilities play in vanilla schmes that have no plan of attack. Until we get a plan of attack we will just be the plain old Bills, BULLIES who beatup on teams they can over power or outrun but loose to teams that hit them in the mouth!

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You have to establish some form of running game before play actions work. 


The TE was stuck blocking with the LT to ensure Rice didn't destroy JP. 


And the FB was non-existant yesterday in any blocking assignments.


But we didn't even attempt to establish the run and when we did it was obvious based on personnell. When you combine it with the fact that Wills was dancing and not forcing his will and wearing down the D then all you have is a 3rd and long. My point is that we have to be balanced and less predictable in order to be effective. And play actions will work if the D has 8 in the box and expecting you to run.

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