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Is it time to archive Katrina?

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Dump it all into PPP, perhaps?  :)

Has been quiet here.



Where is that FYOU smilie?


If you are going to dump it to PPP, how about you merge all the posts together and close it first. We have enough Kartrina threads there for continued discussion, we do not need more.

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BIB's only asking so he can be relieved of his mod duties.



Which is cool because I didn't mod anything. I believe in freedom to express. Just thought it had run it's course, I thought archiving would work in case someone actually wanted to refer back to our drivel.

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Active today, you friggin' hobbit.  No one's touched any other thread here today.


Well then why don't we archive the whole !@#$ing board because other then 50-100 new threads on why JP is already HOF bound, Reed sucks, and Lindell sucks, oh and which friggen flavor of hot pocket is nabisco or whoever makes them is coming out soon there aren't any active ones.

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