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How's the Valerie Plame investigation going?


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Valerie Prime is a non-story, and that is not being partisan either. And, blow jobs can be a bigger deal.




Having Monika raving at the Whitehouse gate because she wasn't allowed in while President Clinton was meeting with a slim 30 something blonde? Her argument was she was dissed. She had to be physically removed.


That's the President? Of the United States?


I agree with the idea of the dignity of the office. I also know that a President has responability to a certain level.


I also don't think letting things get that far out of control sends a positive sign.

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Having Monika raving at the Whitehouse gate because she wasn't allowed in while President Clinton was meeting with a slim 30 something blonde? Her argument was she was dissed. She had to be physically removed.


Did that really happen? Sounds more like an episode of Jerry Springer....... :doh:

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Someone brought up Congressional investigations of "questionable behavior." The most notorious and dubious of these in recent years was the BJ report. If you were happy with how your boys spent your money investigating spermies, you got what you wanted.


But, having spent so much money and time investigating oral sex, I would really hope that Congress dedicated about 1000X that to a probing a allegations of a leak from within the White House that exposed a CIA operative.


But that's just because I have my priorities in order.


OK- back to your soundbytes now RK.



You throw out a "Flightsuit!" and then lecture ME about soundbytes?


Youve got nerve, boy.

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Yeah, I don't expect anyone to believe me.


It happened, more than once. Whatever.


I've always thought a certain dignity to the office of the President. Don't underestimate the impact and subtleties of that. Blowjobs don't count? Yes, they do. JFK knew how to keep crap quiet. Some of you want to speak of how we look across the world. Well, we have looked bad for a while. nobody really paid attention personally before Bill. Shot our credibility as to the office. Don't matter? We all have our opnion.

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Yeah, I don't expect anyone to believe me.


It happened, more than once. Whatever.


I've always thought a certain dignity to the office of the President. Don't underestimate the impact and subtleties of that. Blowjobs don't count? Yes, they do. JFK knew how to keep crap quiet. Some of you want to speak of how we look across the world. Well, we have looked bad for a while. nobody really paid attention personally before Bill. Shot our credibility as to the office. Don't matter? We all have our opnion.



Never said it was nothing. What he did, especially the perjury, was pretty low rent. Still not happy that the Repubs thought it necessary to spend tens of millions investigating it.

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Yeah, I don't expect anyone to believe me.


It happened, more than once. Whatever.


I've always thought a certain dignity to the office of the President. Don't underestimate the impact and subtleties of that. Blowjobs don't count? Yes, they do. JFK knew how to keep crap quiet. Some of you want to speak of how we look across the world. Well, we have looked bad for a while. nobody really paid attention personally before Bill. Shot our credibility as to the office. Don't matter? We all have our opnion.



Oh c'mon BiB - you of all people should know that had very little to do with discretion on the part of JFK. That's just the evolution of the media over the last half century. Hell, 70 years ago, the media was colluding to hide FDR's ailments. Kennedy's indiscretions were anything but discrete - just that the media at the time treated the presidency with more respect. Much of that mutual gladhanding, however, disappeared with the onset of Whitewater, and the bitter partisanship of the last 20 years.

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What a good wittle boy!



As usual, youre short on substance. Time to find another thread to steer off course, kid. Hey, I hear there's talk of people getting together for a dinner...you should jump in and start talking about breakfast!

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As usual, youre short on substance. Time to find another thread to steer off course, kid. Hey, I hear there's talk of people getting together for a dinner...you should jump in and start talking about breakfast!



Short on substance indeed.

JA loves to come here and talk down to us in an all knowing, paternal sort of way. Have you ever seen him post an original thought?

Hey, both parties suck. Never heard that one before! What a revelation! Don't you now feel enlightened?

It is no wonder that he has switched his screen name so many times.

I have never used it, but I am thinking that the ignore feature is the way to go.

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Yeah....THIS Administration.


Because PAST Administrations did such a bang-up job of investigating "questionable behavior" within its' ranks.


Give it up.........



BushBad! Flightsuit! Haliburton! Nosepick!

ClintonBad! Filegate! BuddistTemple! Blowjob!


its true, one man (or woman's 0:)) trash is another man (or woman's B-)) treasure

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Not to mention just how easy it is to use inside information like "I know you're cheating on your wife in the Oval Office, Mr. President, but I won't let the cat out of the bag if you approve my questionable legislation."



Or how about "Our spies have been able to gather many pictures of you in compromising positions, Mr President. If you would like to purchase the negatives, we expect certain difficult companies to be more forthcoming in the sharing of technologies. Perhaps you should even have your Commerce Dept handle the sale of sensitive military technology so that it will be easier for us to acquire. We'll send our man Johnny Trie around to help out."


Or maybe even..."Bill my friend we've known each other a long time. I've given you and your campaign lot's of money over the years. I've got a problem though, I have all this low sulfer coal I'm wanting to sell, but I hear that they are close to mining the same type of coal out in Utah. Couldn't you do something about that, maybe turn it into a national park or something? I'm sure you could do it, because we sure wouldn't want any pictures of you with cocaine and prostitutes being leaked to the press, would we?"


But really, all we were really concerned about was a blow job and a stained dress...




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Oh c'mon BiB - you of all people should know that had very little to do with discretion on the part of JFK.  That's just the evolution of the media over the last half century.  Hell, 70 years ago, the media was colluding to hide FDR's ailments.  Kennedy's indiscretions were anything but discrete - just that the media at the time treated the presidency with more respect.  Much of that mutual gladhanding, however, disappeared with the onset of Whitewater, and the bitter partisanship of the last 20 years.



That's a very good point. I actually think the gloves came off with Nixon, though.

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That's a very good point. I actually think the gloves came off with Nixon, though.



I agree. The press saw that they could single-handedly take down a president. Things have just evolved from there.


As far as the bitterness, things were bad under Clinton and it just got worse under Bush. It will continue to get worse as long as people continue to accept that type of behavior.

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Or how about "Our spies have been able to gather many pictures of you in compromising positions, Mr President. If you would like to purchase the negatives, we expect certain difficult companies to be more forthcoming in the sharing of technologies. Perhaps you should even have your Commerce Dept handle the sale of sensitive military technology so that it will be easier for us to acquire. We'll send our man Johnny Trie around to help out."


Or maybe even..."Bill my friend we've known each other a long time. I've given you and your campaign lot's of money over the years. I've got a problem though, I have all this low sulfer coal I'm wanting to sell, but I hear that they are close to mining the same type of coal out in Utah. Couldn't you do something about that, maybe turn it into a national park or something? I'm sure you could do it, because we sure wouldn't want any pictures of you with cocaine and prostitutes being leaked to the press, would we?"


But really, all we were really concerned about was a blow job and a stained dress...




Oh come on. Every president is susceptible to bribery of this sort, be it free BJs, or contracts to friends, or sleepovers in the White House, etc. The Republican concern was not one that Bill would launch the nukes for good head; it was to shed light on Bill's piccadillos and bring shame to a guy they resented.


Again, I don't care that they did this: it's the dirty politics of time immemorial. What irks me is that they spent my fugging money to do it amidst the bigger and more important (but wholly undrelated to the BJ) rubric of Whitewater. Politicians will always dig up dirt. I don't like it, but it's a fact. Just have the decncy not to do it on my dime.

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There's the superpower factor too. Many countries EXPECT their leaders to be perverts and hedonists, but the US is held to a different standard simply because it's the US.


There were some very questionable things going on in the background with the Clinton administration. I sometimes wonder if they let the Monica fiasco run full course knowing it didn't really MEAN anything other than appearances, to deflect attention from other issues (China, for example).

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