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Marus Williams gets Probation


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Ridiculous. I was arrested at a Notre Dame tailgate for underage drinking. I had to pay a $250 fine, do 50 hours of community service and was put on probation for 1 year.


He commits THREE counts of grand larceny and the only difference is more community service and 6 mos more probation??


The man robbed fellow students of $11,000 worth of merchandise and tried to sell it. Give me a break. And I loved this gem from his lawyer:


Britt noted that Williams' mother has moved to Connecticut from California to keep an eye on him. He also said that if Williams is allowed to return to the basketball court, he will face taunts and hostility on the road.


"The punishment is there, your honor. He's living it every day," he said.


woah taunts and hostility!! That is punishment enough. I'm shocked they bothered with the probation and service. Taunts and hostility is probably worse than jail! ;)


Why didn't I think of that defense when I was sitting before the judge? "But your honor, if I go home my family and friends will make fun of me for getting caught with beer! The punishment is there!"


jesus christ...

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