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Name your 5 favorite shows on TV


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Heres mine-

Going Tribal- has anyone seen this show? Its fascinating!

Globetrekker TV- awesome show!

No Reservations- Hilarious travel show hosted by Anthoney Bourdain

Curb Your Enthusiasm- Funniest show on TV IMO- better then Seinfeld

Reno 911-Second funniest show on TV. I am all for shows poking fun of cops

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Curb Your Enthusiasm

Family Guy

South Park

Six Feet Under (even though it just ended)

Law & Order (svu prob my favorite, criminal intent least favorite)


honorable mention:

Da Ali G Show (def one of my fav's but not enough episodes)


Oz (ended a while ago but it was great. nice having it on demand now)


And I know once I finally get with it and start watching enterouge consistently, it'll be up there.

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1) Curb Your Enthusiasm

2) Desperate Housewives

3) Lost

4) Deadwood

5) Boston Legal



1) Get Real (best show nobody ever saw)

2) Homicide, Life on the Streets

3) Paper Chase

4) Seinfeld

5) Mission Impossible


Honorable Mention (added when I edited a typo): Quantum Leap

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With your time you should have at least 20 shows. :P  :(  0:)






Too bad there aren't 20 shows worth watching. There aren't even five -- if you'll notice I had to go back to the '90s to fill out my list!



But I did have time to go to Myrtle Beach last weekend for golf and fun! :lol:

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nothing wrong with relaxing and enjoying some TV. I dont think our lives our empty because we can enjoy some television...



Didn't mean to imply anything. I simply don't have any "favorite" shows. Used to, but basically don't give a shidt now. I'll surf through what's on when I sit down on the couch. Usually something to watch, but I hardly ever look for anything in particular.

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Didn't mean to imply anything. I simply don't have any "favorite" shows.  Used to, but basically don't give a shidt now. I'll surf through what's on when I sit down on the couch. Usually something to watch, but I hardly ever look for anything in particular.



well, i'd recommend Lost, but you really need to see basically every one.


If you want some decent quality TV that you can watch sporadically, I'd really recommend HOUSE.

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